600字范文 > 常压 atmospheric pressure英语短句 例句大全

常压 atmospheric pressure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-14 07:02:32


常压 atmospheric pressure英语短句 例句大全

常压,atmospheric pressure

1)atmospheric pressure常压

1.Decarbonization disposal of organic industrial exhaust gas byatmospheric pressure microwave plasma jet;常压微波等离子射流脱碳处理有机工业废气

2.Theoretical analysis of heat transfer of adsorption fluidization freeze-drying atatmospheric pressure;常压吸附流化冷冻干燥过程的理论分析

3.Nylon dyeing usingatmospheric pressure plasma technology;常压等离子体在尼龙染色中的应用


1.constant pressure hydraulic power steering gear常压式液压动力转向器

2.atmospheric roller milk常压滚筒干燥的奶粉

3.Adjustment of Superheating Steam Tubes of Convection Chamber in Atmospheric Pressure Furnace of Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Unit常减压装置常压炉对流室过热蒸汽炉管的调整

4.normal pressure and temperature额定压力及温度正常压力和温度

5.To put(gas or liquid) under a greater than normal pressure.用大于正常压力对(气体或液体)施压

6.Being operated in normal pressure and decompression,It especiall is more marked.特别是在常压减压操作时更为显著。

7.Below normal pressure.低压的低于正常血压的

8.Low pressure often brings rain.低气压常常引起下雨。

9.Having normal blood pressure;not hypertensive or hypotensive.血压正常的有正常血压的;不是高血压或低血压的

10.subnormal formation pressure低于正常的地层压力

11.constant flow hydraulic power steering gear常流式液压动力转向器

12.hydraulic constant flow type power steering液压常流式动力转向

13.His arthritis gets the best of him from time to time.关节炎时常把他压倒。

14.A depression usually brings bad weather.低气压通常带来坏天气。

15.an air mass of higher than normal pressure.气压比正常值高的气团。

16.Women are often oppressed by men.女人经常受男人压迫.

17.active/monitor regulator常用及后备双重调压器

18.He admired my blood-pressure greatly.他非常称赞我的血压。


normal pressure常压

1.Study on synthesis NH_3 atnormal pressure by the strong electric field discharge;强电场放电常压合成NH_3研究

2.Low temperaturenormal pressure storage of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG);液化石油气的低温常压储存

3.Cleaning technology for sulfate scale in normal temperature andnormal pressure;硫酸盐水垢的常温常压清洗技术

3)ambient pressure常压

1.The plasma synthesis ammonia has been studied in nitrogen-hydrogen plasma using a strong ionization discharge atambient pressure.利用介质阻挡强电离放电的物理方法,在常压窄间隙中获得折合场强大于300Td、电子平均能量大于8eV的强电场。

2.Silica aerogel thin films were prepared atambient pressure by sol gel technique.采用溶胶—凝胶工艺在常压下制备了SiO2气凝胶薄膜,并用傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、椭偏光谱仪等表征了薄膜的结构和性能。

3.27 have been prepared atambient pressure by a sol-gel technique.以正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)为有机醇盐前驱体,采用溶胶-凝胶技术,通过酸/碱二步法控制实验条件,结合低表面张力溶剂替换以及甲基非活性基团置换修饰、超声振荡等,在常压下成功地制备出折射率在1。


1.Study of spectrometric determination of COD by microwaveatmospheric digestion;常压微波消解分光光度法测定COD的研究

2.Anatmospheric evaluation device for sulfur tolerant shift O2 scavenger was set up to study O2 scavenging performances of the scavenger.介绍耐硫变换脱氧剂常压评价装置的建立,用自建评价装置对耐硫变换脱氧剂进行脱氧性能研究。

3.The CF2Cl2 (CFC-l2) vapor wasatmospherically degraded in non-equilibrium plasma engendered by dielectric barrier discharge.利用介质阻挡放电(DBD)在常压下产生非平衡态等离子体,实现了气态CF2Cl2(氟利昂-12)的常压降解。

5)atmosphere pressure常压

1.Function of methyl methacrylate to polyester dyeing underatmosphere pressure and its mechanism;甲基丙烯酸甲酯在涤纶常压染色中的作用及其机理

2.Pd-Fe/SiO2catalyst was prepared and used to catalysis the hydrogenation of 3-fluoro-4-nitrophenol atatmosphere pressure,which yields 3-fluoro-4-aminophenol.以自制的Pd-Fe/SiO2为催化剂,对3-氟-4-硝基苯酚常压催化加氢得到3-氟-4-氨基苯酚,用熔点、元素分析I、R和1H NMR对其结构进行了表征,并确认为目标产物。

6)ordinary pressure常压

1.The Study on“Li Xin Chong Jili” in prolonging the survival time of hypoxic mice underordinary pressure;“利心冲剂”常压下延长缺氧小白鼠存活时间的研究


