600字范文 > 补考 makeup英语短句 例句大全

补考 makeup英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-25 21:27:50


补考 makeup英语短句 例句大全



1.The application in designing a software of managingmakeup with VFP6.0开发补考管理软件,将补考管理中涉及到的工作通过项目管理器分类设计管理,减少了补考工作量,工作效率大大提高,运行维护较方便。

2.The paper analyzes the main reasons for the phenomenon that many students have to takemakeups.该文对高校存在大量补考现象的原因进行了一些分析,指出该现象由学生素质和教学管理制度等方面因素引起。


1.candidates for the September resit参加九月份补考的考生.

2.Then you must arrange with the professor to make them up,那么教授会安排你补考。

3.John was conditioned in chemistry.约翰被允许补考化学。

4.I failed my exam, and my only crumb of comfort is that I can take it again.我没考及格, 唯一可宽慰的是还能补考.

5.Those student who fail the exam will have to take it again.考试不及格的学生需补考。

6.Those students who failed the exam will have to take it again.考试不及格的学生需补考.

7.Anyone who fails in this exam will do it again in two weeks.考试不及格者将在两星期内补考。

8.To take(an examination or a course)again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure.补考,补课因为以前缺席或不及格在一段时间后再考或再上课

9.If I should fail, am I entitled to a makeup exam?假如我万一考砸了,我是否还有资格补考一次?

10.An unsatisfactory grade given to a student, serving notice that deficiencies can be made up by the completion of additional work.需补考的成绩学生不及格的成绩,用来提醒学生通过补考还能补上功课的通知单

11.Please notify your instructor promptly( in order) that a makeup examination may be scheduled.( 请立刻通知你的讲师以便安排补考。

12.The make-up exam will Be at the Beginning of the next term.补考将在下学期开学初举行。

13.The Supplementary Investigation That Daishijingkao is Dai Zhen s Maoshibuzhuan;《戴氏经考》为戴震《毛诗补传》的补充考证

14.The Study of the Complement Structure with "得" and Error Analysis of Complement Structure with "得" by Foreign Students;“得”字补语句考察及留学生“得”字补语句偏误分析

15.Distinguishing and Clearing up the Interpretation of the Word of "纳";绣织还是补缀,粗缝还是密缝——“纳”“衲”之缝补义考辨

16.Explanations of Words in Ancient Books《经籍籑诂姓氏·分纂》和《补遗姓氏·补纂》训诂文献考

17.Overall consideration, reasonable subsidy: reflecting on the problems of the subsidies given to the public organization全面兼顾 合理补助——对“补供方”有关问题的思考

18.In the 20th century, literary source criticism has been supplemented by form criticism.在20世纪,文学的出处考据补充进了形式考据。


make-up examination补考

1.Through applying the methods of questionnaire and interview, the thesis made an investigation and analysis on the students who had PEmake-up examination in some institutes of higher education in Zhejiang province.主要运用问卷与访谈方法对浙江省部分高校体育补考生进行调查,结果表明:体育补考已丧失了考核应有的功能,严重影响了教学质量的提高。

2.Based on the cause ofmake-up examination of the course of The Current Situation and Policies of Grade 2000, the paper points out the teaching reform proposals.本文根据2000级《形势与政策》课学生补考的原因,提出了教学改革的建议。

3)examination and addendum of the writing time系年考补

4)Second Addendum续考补

5)addenda and philological studies补遗考释

6)reference beam compensation参考光补偿


补考1.因故未参加考试或考试不及格的人,另行考试。 2.补充考证。余嘉锡有《书册制度补考》。
