600字范文 > 湖泊水质 lake water quality英语短句 例句大全

湖泊水质 lake water quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-23 12:51:52


湖泊水质 lake water quality英语短句 例句大全

湖泊水质,lake water quality

1)lake water quality湖泊水质

1.Impact of land use pattern onlake water quality in urban region城市土地利用异质性对湖泊水质的影响

2.A stepwise regression model was used for finding the relationship betweenlake water quality and urban land use types,and rural residential,urban residential,commercial land and bottomland were determined as the main sources of non-point source pollution(NPS).以武汉市汉阳区为例,利用逐步回归模型分析了城市土地利用类型与流域湖泊水质之间的相关关系,发现农村居民地、城市居民地、商业用地和滩地等用地类型是城市湖泊非点源污染的主要来源。

3.Monitoring oflake water quality is a very essential but time-consumed work.湖泊水质监测是一项十分必要且繁复的工作。


1.Simulation of water quality of shallow lakes in cities: the example of Kuncheng Lake城市浅水湖泊水质模拟研究——以昆承湖为例

2.Analysis of lake water quality risk based on stochastic method基于随机方法的湖泊水质风险性分析

3.Impact of land use pattern on lake water quality in urban region城市土地利用异质性对湖泊水质的影响

4.Study on Effects of Cold Discharge of Lake Water Source Heat Pump Systems on Lake Water Quality湖水源热泵系统冷排水对湖泊水质的影响试验研究

5.SUBJECT The Application of Grey Systems Theory on the Modelling of Forecasting on lake Water Quality灰色系统理论在湖泊水质预测建模中的应用


7.Application of Sub-pixel Mapping in Water Quality Mapping for Lakes子像元定位方法在湖泊水质制图中的应用研究

8.Application of Mean Divagation in Optimization of Lake Monitoring Points“均值偏差法”在湖泊水质监测点位优化中的应用

9.Applying PAC-SOM Combined Model to Assess Lake Water QualityPCA-SOM耦合模型在湖泊水质评价中的应用

10.the water quality of Dongting Lake, Jingpo Lake and Hong Lake attains standards of Grade IV;洞庭湖、镜泊湖和洪泽湖水质达到Ⅳ类标准;

11." Water quality--Guidance on sampling techniques from lakes,natural and man-made"GB/T14581-1993水质湖泊和水库采样技术指导

12.Analysis on the Change of Water Level and Quality in Wulungu Lake乌伦古湖泊水位及水质变化原因分析

13.Applied Research of 2-Demension Water Quantity and Water Quality Coupled Model of Shallow Lake in the City;城市浅水湖泊二维水量、水质耦合模型应用研究

14.Burden and contribution to lake eutrophication of sediment total phosphorus(TP) in Hongfeng and Baihua lake reservoirs红枫湖、百花湖水库底质总磷负荷及其对湖泊富营养化贡献

15.Ultra-wind Induced Matter-transfer between Sediments and Overlying Water in Lakes;极端风情下湖泊沉积物—上覆水之间的物质交换

munity Structure of Metazoan Zooplankton in Jingpo Lake and Assessment of Water Quality镜泊湖后生浮游动物群落结构研究与水质评价

17.Lake Eutrophication Assessment:Comprehen-sive Water Quality Identification Index湖泊营养状态的综合水质标识指数评价及检验

18.Phytoplankton Diversity in Jingpo Lake and Water Quality Evaluation镜泊湖浮游植物多样性分析及水质评价


hydrological and water quality of lake湖泊水文水质

3)water quality mapping湖泊水质制图

4)lake surface sediments湖泊底质

1.Residues of PCBs in thelake surface sediments of Yangtze headstream were investigated.选择地处长江源头典型湖泊之一的红枫湖为试区,对该水域的14个典型采样点表层沉积物中多氯联苯(PCBs)残留量进行了调研,以揭示长江源头典型湖泊中PCBs的残留现状,以及各种同系物在湖泊底质中的分布特征。

5)water quality model of lake and reservoir湖泊水库水质模型

6)lake water湖泊水

1.To understand the status of the microbiological pollution from the different water body in Jiaxing city by detecting the counts of bacterial, total coliforms, pathogen, fungi and yeasts in water samples collected from riverway water, canal water,lake water and water supply under different circumstance of temperature.检测嘉兴市市内河道水、运河水、湖泊水、自来水中细菌总数、大肠菌群、致 病菌、霉菌和酵母菌在不同环境温度下的分布,了解嘉兴市城市不同水体微生物污染状况。

2.Solar radiation has cooperation with biodegradation of the organic pollutants in thelake water.论述了太阳光对湖泊水体中有机污染物降解作用的研究 ,就其降解机理、动力学特征、作用对象及降解产物等作了逐一介绍。

3.Survey of potassium,sodium ions inlake water by atomic absorption spectrometry(AAS) was studied in this paper,negative high voltage,lamp current and other instrument settings were optimized.采用火焰原子吸收/发射光谱法测定湖泊水中的钾、钠离子含量。


地下水水质测定(见水质测验)地下水水质测定(见水质测验)dixiashui shulzhi eeding地下水水质测定见水质测验。
