600字范文 > 内部运输结构 internal transportation structure英语短句 例句大全

内部运输结构 internal transportation structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-04 06:17:18


内部运输结构 internal transportation structure英语短句 例句大全

内部运输结构,internal transportation structure

1)internal transportation structure内部运输结构

1.According to relevant theories, the role divided into: functions oninternal transportation structure and external economic zone.根据大通道的相关理论,将这一作用分成:高速铁路对大通道客运体系内部运输结构的作用和高速铁路对外部通道经济带的作用,并对这两种不同作用设置不同的指标,采用DEA方法进行评价,进而论证高速铁路不仅能够优化大通道客运体系的内部运输结构,还能提高大通道推动通道经济带发展的有效性。

2)inner transport plan内部运输

3)transport structure运输结构

1.Analysis of regionaltransport structure and dominant mileage for Jiangsu Province;江苏省交通运输结构及优势里程分析

2.Jigang automobile transport corporation separated from iron and steel subject is based on practice,adjusts and optimizestransport structure and takes vigorous action to expand internal transport existence space around the characters of industry,and explores to build good mechanism in motion between mother and son corporations,thus promoting the development of enterprise.济钢汽运公司与钢铁主体分离后 ,立足实际 ,围绕行业特点 ,调整优化运输结构 ,积极拓展内运生存空间 ,探索建立良好的母子公司运行机制 ,促进了企业的发展。

3.In the viewpoint of development, this paper has analysed the general trend in the evolution oftransport structure, on the basis of which we have brought to light the internal factors of evolution abouttransport structure.本文以动态和发展的观点,首先分析运输结构演变的一般趋势,在此基础上,揭示了运输结构演变的内在动因,最后研究了一定条件下运输结构合理化的基准。


1.Reasonable Readjusting Transport Structure,Improving Link Abilities of Loading and Transport;合理调整运输结构 提升装运环节能力

2.Research on the Change and Forecast of Transportation Structure of Jiangsu;江苏省交通运输结构变化分析和预测

3.Some Consideration about Road Transportation Structure Adjustment in Our Country;对我国道路运输结构调整的几点认识

4.Analysis of regional transport structure and dominant mileage for Jiangsu Province;江苏省交通运输结构及优势里程分析

5.Study of Transportation Structure Adjustment Between Lines Jing-Jiu and Jing-Guang;京广、京九铁路运输结构的调整研究

6.Establishing New Enterprise Structure for Railway Transport By "Separating Infrastructure Management From Transport Operation;建立“网运分离”的铁路运输企业结构

7.Group of Experts on the Transport Infrastructure for Land-locked Developing Countries发展中内陆国家运输基础结构专家组

8.Structure Design Methodology for the Railway Intelligent Transportation Systems;铁路智能运输系统结构设计方法研究

9.Investigation of the Electronic Structure and Transport Properties for the Carbon Nanotubes;碳纳米管电子结构及输运特性的研究

10.Research the Adjust of Civil Railway Transportation s Organization and Compositon;中国铁路运输行业组织结构调整研究

11.Research on the Structural Adjustment of Road Goods Transportation in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古公路货物运输业结构调整研究

12.The Study of Electrical Transport Properties and Structural Transition in CaB_6 under High Pressure;CaB_6高压下的电输运性质及结构相变

13.Analysis of structure model of the overloading in road transport;超限超载货物运输系统结构模型分析

14.Study on the Economic Mechanism of Transport System Structure Optimization交通运输系统结构优化经济机制研究

15.Research on the Measurement Technology for Large Scale Transport Jigs大型结构件运输夹具的检测技术研究

16.Research on the Design Methodology of the Large Scale Transport Jig大型结构件运输夹具的设计方法研究

17.Magnetic and Electrical Transport Properties of Ni/CN_x HeterostructuresNi/CN_x异质结构的磁性和电输运特性

18.The primary structure design and analysis of the ITER transfer caskITER遥控运输车结构初步设计及分析


inner transport plan内部运输

3)transport structure运输结构

1.Analysis of regionaltransport structure and dominant mileage for Jiangsu Province;江苏省交通运输结构及优势里程分析

2.Jigang automobile transport corporation separated from iron and steel subject is based on practice,adjusts and optimizestransport structure and takes vigorous action to expand internal transport existence space around the characters of industry,and explores to build good mechanism in motion between mother and son corporations,thus promoting the development of enterprise.济钢汽运公司与钢铁主体分离后 ,立足实际 ,围绕行业特点 ,调整优化运输结构 ,积极拓展内运生存空间 ,探索建立良好的母子公司运行机制 ,促进了企业的发展。

3.In the viewpoint of development, this paper has analysed the general trend in the evolution oftransport structure, on the basis of which we have brought to light the internal factors of evolution abouttransport structure.本文以动态和发展的观点,首先分析运输结构演变的一般趋势,在此基础上,揭示了运输结构演变的内在动因,最后研究了一定条件下运输结构合理化的基准。

4)transportation structure运输结构

1.Paying attention to a problem about sustainable development and changes oftransportation structure;可持续发展与运输结构变动——一个矛盾的揭示

2.This paper analyzes the influence oftransportation structure s variety on transportation supply,the relationship between national economy and railway freight transportation demand,the relation between supply and demand of the railway freight transportation.分析运输结构变化对铁路货运供给的影响、铁路货运需求与国民经济发展的关系以及铁路货运供需关系。

3.In the light of the existing problems of roadtransportation structure in our country at present, this paper analyzes historic significance and occasion of roadtransportation structure adjustment, puts forwards the effective measures to accelerate adjustment of organizational and management structure.针对目前我国道路运输结构存在的问题,就道路运输结构调整的历史性和时机性进行了分析,并提出了加快组织结构调整和经营结构调整的有效措施。

5)inner structure内部结构

1.A Grand Theoretical Mansion —— on theinner structure of the scientific system of Deng Xiaoping Theory;一座宏伟的理论大厦——论邓小平理论科学体系的内部结构

2.The effect of cryogenic treatment on theinner structure of Nitrocellulose(NC) in its dilute acetone solution is studied by differential scanning calorimetric measurement.硝酸纤维素(NC)的丙酮稀溶液经过循环冷冻融化处理后,对其内部结构运用热分析方法进行了初步研究,并通过放热速率方程法对NC样品热分解过程的动力学机理进行了探索。

3.Theinner structure change of pellets under the weak reductive condition was investigated.在慢速升温和快速升温下,采用热重法及间隙法取样检测研究了磁铁精矿冷固球团在还原前期升温过程中的还原,对弱还原气氛下球团内部结构变化规律进行了探索性研究。

6)internal structure内部结构

1.Three-dimensional microscopic imaging ofinternal structures of biological specimens;生物体内部结构三维显微成像技术研究

2.Research on the relativity betweeninternal structure of steamed bread and sensory evaluation indexes;馒头内部结构与感官指标相关性研究

3.Approached distributive rule of geochemical block in the space,the author through study itsinternal structure and put to use parallel of metallogenic rate,proceeded prediction of resource amount and divided prospect region,there is directive value of total provincial exploration glod de.探讨了主要金地球化学块体的分布特征,通过内部结构剖析,利用成矿率类比,进行资源预测,圈定成矿远景区,确定巨型金矿床找矿靶区。


内部内部interior囚都t加挽幻份;皿yT那二ocT‘J拓扑空间X的子集A的满足下列条件的所有点x的集合:存在X中的开集U:,使x任U:CA.集合A的内部通常记为IntA,且表示含于A内的X中的最大开集.等式IntA=x\「X\A」成立,这里〔X}表示X的闭包.拓扑空间X中集合的内部是正则开(化孚血r open)集或典范集(。口训jCalset).其典范开集构成拓扑基(b朋e)的空间称为半正则的(~一记gu~lar).所有正则空间都是半正则的.内部有时也称为集合的开核(open ken祀1 of the set). B .H,floH咖apeB撰【补注1亦见集合的内部(泊忱由r of a set).白苏华、胡师度译
