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惠施 Hui Shi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-28 03:32:09


惠施 Hui Shi英语短句 例句大全

惠施,Hui Shi

1)Hui Shi惠施

1.Philosophy of Language inHui Shi s "Ten Paradoxical Propositions";惠施“历物十事”的语言哲学新探

2.In ancient China ,there existed the debate over scepticism and knowability, Though Zhuang Zi andHui Shi were not the representatives of these two philosophical schools, this demonstrated that ancient Chinese epistemology had reached a remarkable releration, both in its participants eloquence and the logical meticulousness.庄子和惠施虽然不是两方代表,但二人在他心问题上的争论确也深刻反映了我国古代的认识论思想所达到的高度。

3.This paper challenges Feng Youlan s viewpoint that there exists within the School of Logicians an opposition betweenHui Shi s "Unity of Similarity and Difference" and Gongsun Long s "Separateness of Hardness and Whiteness", which has gained widespread acceptance in academic circles.冯友兰先生认为 ,名家内部存在着以惠施为代表的“合同异”派、以公孙龙为代表的“离坚白”派。


1.Zhuang Zi responded : "You are not me.惠施问:“你不是鱼,怎么知鱼之乐?”

2.The Natural Philosophy Foundation of Mr.Huishi s “Liwu-Differentiating Materials” Name-Doctrine Thought;惠施“历物”名学思想的自然哲学基础

3.One Who Lost His Way--Huishi Picture In the View of Chuang-Tzu;迷途之人:《庄子》视野中的惠施形象

4.They heaped favours upon us.他们施给我们种种恩惠。

5.We heap the man with favours.我们施给此人种种恩惠。

6.He often condescended to help his friend with his homework.他常常以施惠的态度帮助朋友做功课。

7.To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner.施惠于人以怀着优越感态度对待人

8.He always condescends to his inferiors.他对下属总是摆出施惠于人的态度。

9.An act of grace, ie freely given, not taken as a right恩惠(迳自施予的,并非受者有此权利)

10.They were so prone to oblige their neighbours.他们动辄施点儿小恩小惠给邻居们。

11.Fairyoung Company Business Development Planning and Implementation of Research Projects;惠扬公司商业项目规划与实施的研究

12.Favor Act and Concerned Liability;“好意施惠”行为及相关的责任承担

13.The Application of Shield Tunneling Method in No. 5 Tunnel of Luohui Canal;谈洛惠渠五洞工程手掘式盾构法施工

14.Preferential Treatment in GATS and Measures Our Country should Take;GATS中的优惠安排及我国的应对措施

15.Are you familiar with the facilities and privileges of our ShengFeng Executive Club Floor?.阁下是否熟识本酒店行政楼层设施及专有优惠?

16.I don"t like being condescended to.我不喜欢别人对我摆出施惠于我的态度。

17.Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it.大自然的施惠不减,而人的努力更是使其倍增。

18.Limitations and Outlets of Attracting Foreign Funds by Favorable Measures论优惠措施吸引外资的局限性及其出路



1.Huishi is famous for his oration and has produced many orators.惠施以善辩为名,善于培养论辩人才。

2."The debate on Hao-liang" between Chuangzi andHuishi to explore the possibility,basis and method of knowing,reveals the various approaches of thinking.庄子、惠施展开"濠梁之辩",探寻知的可能性、根据及知的方式,隐现出不同的思维进路。

3.The words and thoughts ofHuishi can be found in the book of "ZhuangZi","XunZi","HanFeiZi", "HuaiNanZi","LvShiChunQiu" and "ZhanGuoCe".关于惠施其人其言,据《汉书·艺文志》载,惠施著有《惠子》一篇,亡佚。

3)favorable measures优惠措施

1.From the point of view of a legal researcher, there are some problems more important, the local government s power and its efficiency, the protection of the private rights, thefavorable measures for the investment and the coordinated development of the society and the nature.促进欠发达地区经济发展是一个系统工程,从法律角度看主要有:地方立法分权的宪法问题,政府工作效率的行政法问题,私权保护的民法问题,市场主体建设和投资优惠措施的经济法问题,科教文卫的社会事业问题,人与自然和谐发展的生态环境问题,前三者由于其法律部门的刚性和普遍性,立法上变通有其局限性;而后三者由于具有很强的区域性,立法上的作为可以极大的促进经济的发展,本文的主要内容集中于此。

4)favor measures化惠措施


1.On Settlement of the Disputes Induced byGefalligkeitsverhaltnis;论好意施惠引发纠纷的处理



