600字范文 > 父亲节英语作文:父爱幽香


时间:2020-04-23 23:21:34



When it comes to love, people tend to mind first glimpses of motherly love. Mother kindly smile, caring and attentive care of nagging always moves us, so that we never forget. Silent father is easy to overlook. Because it is not maternal love, as my father often left in hard back and a straight face, at which we can see the surface of things, it can easily be hidden in dark places we ignore, made a refreshing breath of something - -Love.

One day, a middle-aged man leaning on his elderly father to walk in the park. Dance with the birds in the park. Father pointing to a bird and asked: "What is it?" Middle-aged man replied:. "Is thrush" Father asked: "What is it?" Is a middle-aged man replied:. "Thrush" This the father asked: "What is it?" Middle-aged men think it might be the father of the older ears so bad, there Tao "is thrush." may be forever, the father asked the same question ...... so anti repeatedly, to which the first 10 times, middle-aged man impatient, shouted "yes thrush. Do not ask her!" father was extraordinarily calm, not a bit sons gas mean that with the love with preaching tone: "thirty years ago, when you"re four years old, I take naughty you come here because it is very curious and excited and asking "What is it?" a full 25 times. every time I patiently answered: "thrush" because you want a small, curious thing, "then suddenly threw himself to the son of his father who cried tears, like a child!.

We often see in life, children will leave home TV screen go to work when parting. Mother whispered crying, one a line be told, but my father always last just say, "Well, go now." So plain, who knows this short sentence containing the words how much pain and love? How he would also cry, but he did not. His love bloom in silence, only a fragrant smell.



