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伦理制度 ethical institution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-31 20:21:21


伦理制度 ethical institution英语短句 例句大全

伦理制度,ethical institution

1)ethical institution伦理制度

1.The interpretation to institutional ethics andethical institution;制度伦理与伦理制度解析

2.Modern scientific ethics has three research characteristics: As a type of practical ethics, it mainly focus on the research of the ethical value foundation behind the institution maintained by the social activities and the strategic decision social group making, or theethical institution of the social activities process maintained by rules and procedures.真正现代意义上的科技伦理学有以下三个特色:在研究内容上,作为实践伦理学,侧重于研究社会群体进行决策选择和由社会活动所维系的制度后面的伦理价值基础,研究通过一定的规则和程序维持社会活动过程的伦理制度,并在伦理制度中确定个体的道德规范或责任行为;在研究对象和表现形式上,作为全球性型态的伦理学,以科学技术飞速发展导致社会生活急剧变动所引发的以地域性或民族性体现出来的全球性道德问题为研究对象;在研究方法和学科性质上,作为边缘性、综合性、应用性学科,具有价值多元性、开放性和创造性的特点。


1.Systematic ethics, with regard to its connotation, is a dialectic unity of ethicalization of systems and systemization of the ethics.制度伦理就其内涵而言是制度伦理化和伦理制度化的辩证统一。

2.Limits and Means of Systematization of Administrative Ethics;浅议行政伦理制度化的限度及其方式

3.System ethics is not the highest form of ethic construction.制度伦理不是伦理建设的最高形式。

4.Ethical Support of a Harmonious Society--the Ethics of Institutional Operation;制度运行伦理:和谐社会的伦理支撑

5.Ethic of System:"Systematization" Medium of Transformation of Ethic Resources;制度伦理:伦理资源转化的“组织化”中介

6.System Ethics:Ethics Perspective of Building Harmonious Society;制度伦理:构建和谐社会的伦理之维

7.The Ethics of Institutional Operation: An Important Aspect of the Institutional Ethics;制度运行伦理:制度伦理的一个重要方面

8.Institutional Ethics: The Ethical Support of Constructing the Harmonious Society--Talking about the ethical ecology between the institutional ethics and the harmonious society;制度伦理:建构和谐社会的伦理支撑——论制度伦理与和谐社会伦理生态之共契

9.The Combination of Virtue Ethics and Institution Ethics in University Moral Education;制度伦理与德性伦理在大学德育中的契合

10.The Institutional Ethics Is the Core of the Ethics System of the Market Economy;市场经济伦理体系建构:以制度伦理建设为核心

11.Transcend the Logic of "Individual Ethical Politics" and "Systematical Ethical Politics";超越“个体伦理政治”与“制度伦理政治”的逻辑

12.The End of Conflict Between Bioethics and Policy Ethics --Ethical view about "SARS;生命伦理与制度伦理冲突的终结——“非典”事件的伦理学审读

13.The Non-System Factors in the Enterprise Structual Reform and Enterprise Ethics;企业改制中的非制度因素与企业伦理

14.A Study on the Institutional Ethic of Teacher Management of Modern University in China;我国现代大学教师管理制度伦理研究

15.A Study of High School Moral Education from the Perspective of Institutional Ethics制度伦理视角下的中学德育管理研究

16.Discretion of Penalty: "Go-Playing" of the Dimension Between System & Ethics刑罚自由裁量:制度维度与伦理维度的博弈

17.On the Moral Implications of the System and the Value Orientation of System Ethics;论制度的道德意蕴以及制度伦理的价值取向

18.The System Ethics Dimension for Keeping the Public Authority from Dissimilating and Corrupting;遏制公权力异化与腐败的制度伦理向度


ethical system伦理制度

1.To establishethical system,it is necessary for people,especially those engaged in study of ethics and construction of spiritual civilization,to change their ideas,broaden their vision and strengthen the execution and evaluation mechanism of moral construction.伦理制度是当代中国道德建设的社会保障机制。

2.This thesis tries to use the theory ofethical system to study the concept of rite of Xun Zi,who is a pre-Qin Dynasty Confucian.本文尝试运用伦理学领域关于伦理制度的最近研究成果来审视先秦儒家荀子的礼论,以说明荀子在两千多年前就从学理上构建了带有那个时代特色的伦理制度思想。

3)moral system伦理制度

1.From the economic moral thoughts of Adam Smith it is very important to establish themoral system in order to harmonize people .在当前市场经济活动中,为了协调主体效率追求与道德追求之间的冲突,确保主体经济行为的道德性,伦理制度设置及其建设是十分重要的。

4)institutional ethics制度伦理

1.The Institutional Ethics Is the Core of the Ethics System of the Market Economy;市场经济伦理体系建构:以制度伦理建设为核心

2.The interpretation toinstitutional ethics and ethical institution;制度伦理与伦理制度解析

5)Institution Ethics制度伦理

1.The institution ethics prior to individual virtue has been the topic for western moral philosophy.制度伦理优先于个人德性伦理是西方道德哲学探讨的主题,古典亚里士多德主义在德性伦理的基础上对其作了论证,近代的启蒙思想家也从社会契约论的角度对其作出了证明。

2.Virtue ethics and institution ethics have respective function and localization.制度伦理和德性伦理有各自的功能和局限,它们在大学德育教育中都发挥着重要的作用。

3.At present,the status of inferior colony is caused by defect of institution ethics.当前,弱势群体的弱势地位主要是由制度伦理缺陷造成的。

6)system ethics制度伦理

1.System Ethics: Moral Foundation of the Harmonious Social Construction;制度伦理:和谐社会构建的道德基础

2.Analysis on value orientation of Marxistsystem ethics马克思主义制度伦理价值取向分析

3.Thesystem ethics construction is the various countries one kind of common phenomenon,is also a various countries moral reconstruction steps to success,it can urge the members of different social classes "to do good deeds,if the nature however",causes certai.制度伦理是指对存在于社会基本结构中并保证结构规范合理化的基本制度的伦理考量和实现伦理道德的一系列制度化安排的辩证统一的过程或状态。


