600字范文 > 精品酒店 boutique hotel英语短句 例句大全

精品酒店 boutique hotel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-26 18:02:36


精品酒店 boutique hotel英语短句 例句大全

精品酒店,boutique hotel

1)boutique hotel精品酒店

1.On spacial form ofboutique hotels;浅谈精品酒店的空间形态

2.Analysis on the Feasibility and Countermeasures of the Development of Boutique Hotel in China;中国发展精品酒店的可行性分析及对策探讨

3.Theboutique hotel holds a little share in the whole hotel market,but they take huge profit advantages in the notel competition because of the precise market oritation,the special culture,the individual service method and the suitable marketing management.精品酒店虽然在整个饭店市场中只占极小份额,但其精准的市场定位、独特的文化内涵、极富个性化的服务方式和到位的营销管理,使其在酒店业竞争中占据着巨大的高利润优势。


1.Analysis on the Feasibility and Countermeasures of the Development of Boutique Hotel in China;中国发展精品酒店的可行性分析及对策探讨

2.The Resort boasts of specially recruited senior chef to offer you a huge collection of European, US and Asian delicacies.汇集欧美、洲菜式之精华,特聘国际品牌酒店高级厨师长亲临烹调。

3.The new theatre would provide souvenirs shop, library, chat room, restaurant and hotel.戏院将向高空发展,内建精品店、书馆、天室、助餐厅及等酒店房间供影迷留宿。

4.a licensed victualler,ie a public house keeper who sells food,spirits,beer,etc to be consumed on the premises领有执照的酒店店主(出售食品、烈酒、啤酒等供顾客在店堂内享用).


6.These stores do not permit sales of alcoholic beverages.这些商店不准出售含酒精饮料。

7.National Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research国家酒精和药品研究所

8.consumption of alcoholic drinks.大量地消费酒精制品。

9.A study on the construction of the differential brand in China s economical-type hotels;中国经济型酒店品牌差异化建设思考

ment on Standardization and Personalization of Hotel Product and Service;论酒店产品和服务的标准化与个性化

11.Analysis on the Choice of Staff s Behavior in Decline Phase of Hotel Products Quality;酒店产品衰退期员工行为的选择解析

12.A restaurant serving alcoholic beverages, especially beer, as well as food.啤酒店提供酒精饮料,尤指啤酒,同时也提供餐饮的餐馆

13.To ensure maximum sales for in-house facilities and cross sell other Regent destinations by continuously promoting them upon inquiry.确保最大限度地促销本酒店以及连锁酒店的产品。

14.Alcoholic Fermentation of Cassava of Different Varieties不同品种木薯酒精发酵的出酒率比较

15.The law forbids shops to sell alcohol to minors.法律禁止商店向未成年者出售含酒精的饮料。

16.People under the age of18 are only allowed to drink soft drinks in pubs in Britain.在英国的酒店,未满18岁的人只允许喝不含酒精的饮料。

17.He went to a store across the street from the thrift shop. He bought a bottle of nonalcoholic sparkling apple cider, to celebrate.他穿过街面走进一家商店,买了一瓶无酒精的苹果酒作为庆祝。

18.Our shops select only the very best quality produce.我们商店都是精选的质量最高的产品.


rural boutique hotel乡村精品酒店

1.At the same time,focusing on the sustainability and effectiveness will contribute to the development ofrural boutique hotels.随着世界豪华旅游市场对中国的关注,乡村精品酒店开始在我国慢慢萌芽发展。

3)corner grocery食品店, 酒店

4)hotel products酒店产品

1.The paper puts forward some suggestions to develop the features ofhotel products.本文拟通过对酒店产品特色构建缺失的原因,构建的意义等方面分析的基础上,提出了酒店产品特色构建的思路。

2.This article puts forward several suggestions and ideas onhotel products marketing,timely adjusting marketing plans and improving marketing mix strategies to obtain higher market share,and exploring new marketing modes such as deepening relationship marketing,services marketing,branding and.北京奥运会为我国酒店业带来了巨大的商机,针对在奥运期间,如何做好酒店产品的营销,如何及时调整营销计划、改进营销组合策略,获得更高的市场占有份额,以及开创新的营销模式,如关系营销的深化,服务营销,品牌与文化营销,网络营销等,提出若干建议和想法。

5)Hotel Brands酒店品牌

6)Super fines(/choice quantity; up-market)store精品商店


