600字范文 > 春节英语作文带翻译:过新年


时间:2024-01-01 21:28:37



Looking forward, looking forward to the New Year has finally arrived. Morning noise of firecrackers woke me from sleep, I rubbed sleep Meng Meng eyes, put my mother to buy me new clothes, and my heart indescribably happy. Get up, I saw the sun would come out early, I immediately ran to toilet, eating a few dumplings, the family set off to grandma. To the grandmother, the grandmother saw early in the busy kitchen, watching grandmother smiling eyes, I am excited to run to ask: "? What are you busy grandmother it" Grandma smiled and said: "I"m doing you and brother favorite cooking circle. "" Really? "I am pleased to dance. "Wow! Great, great, there is a round cooking to eat." My voice faded, aunt and brother also went to them, also I boast about it, said my new dress is so beautiful, and that I tall, long handsome. Soon grandmother and round table ready to cook a tasty dish. Looked so much food, I am full of joy, many of which were my favorite. I immediately picked up the chopsticks gobbled up, Aunt them talking and laughing, looking at me like beggars, all laughing, everyone you look at me, I see you happy. Oh, the New Year is so happy, because it not only add interest, also on behalf of the arrival of the new year.

盼望着,盼望着,新年终于到了。 早上,鞭炮的喧闹声把我从睡梦中吵醒了,我揉揉睡朦朦的眼睛,穿上妈妈给我买的新衣服,心里别提有多高兴了。一起床,就看见太阳公公早就出来了,我马上跑去漱洗,又吃了几个饺子,一家人就出发去外婆家。 到了外婆家,只见外婆早就在厨房间忙了,看着外婆笑眯眯的眼睛,我兴奋地跑去问:“外婆您在忙什么呢?”外婆笑着说:“我在做你和哥哥最爱吃的炊圆。”“是吗?”我高兴地手舞足蹈。“哇!太好了,太好了,有炊圆吃了。”我的话音刚落,阿姨和哥哥他们也到了,还把我夸了一番,说我的新衣服真漂亮,还说我长高了,长帅了。不一会儿外婆就做好了炊圆和一桌香喷喷的菜。看着这么多的菜,我满心欢喜,好多都是我最爱吃的。我立刻拿起筷子狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,阿姨他们有说有笑,看着我饥不择食的样子,都哈哈大笑,大家你看我,我看你,其乐融融。 哦,原来新年是这么的快乐,因为它不仅增添情趣,还代表新一年的到来。
