600字范文 > 有关冬天的英语作文:冬天景色


时间:2022-02-03 23:41:54



There are four seasons in a year, each season has different views, and I like the beautiful scenery of winter when it is snowing. Winter, snow people seem to come to a elegant and tranquil realm, came to a glistening thoroughly tick the fairy tale world. The scent of pine, the ice snow sweet, give a person a kind of cool Yingying comfort. Everything is filtering, everything is sublimation, even my soul is also in purification, become pure and beautiful.

Morning river lying on a layer of thin ice, like a land grant to the bed of the river, and like my hometown people crystal mirror, reflected the hometown people faces Hanhou kind face. In the sun for a long time, this thin layer of ice is slowly opened, revealing a new silver belt. Shining in the sun, like a silver with a delicate flower, like the sea, a small spray, with a hazy and beautiful dream. In the high point of the place, watching a little girl dancing, in the jump set. Like a twinkling in the sky, a feel fresh. The seat of a small bridge stand in the golden chain, from afar, the river there is a bridge, the river also a bridge, the synthesis of a round, like the moon in the 15 night, bright beautiful. In the breeze, the river section is Dangqi ripples, like women in the hands of the silk, shiny. Look at the dazzling place, the original is not melting ice. Faint of snow, deep earnest, if there are countless emotions like and like the sea general turbulent, to drown all, there is a trace of opened faceless like bare. Snowflakes form thousands of translucent crystal, like the battle the soldier, dressed in silver armor, and like a piece of white sails in the war...... The snow scenery magnificent, between heaven and earth the same color, only to see a piece of silver, as if the whole world is decorated with silver. After the snow, the endless snow decorated with the, the Royal posterity, powder loading jade puzzle, Hao natural color, is really a Ruixue harvest gratifying scene. Million hectares of pine completely into the snow. Near the house, fence...... All dressed in white, soft and elegant clothes; the branches of the trees, some long in different poses and with different expressions. Cashmere Huhu, like baby fat arms; some studded with large and small pompon seems to shout at you a sound, they will "trickle down" rolled down. The whole world is white, serene, like a huge crystal, kiwi spectacular art treasures. After a few heavy snow falling, the earth is a silvery world. Mountains, rivers, fields, houses are rising sun shine, close your eyes. Standing in the wilderness, Mengxi a few mouthfuls of coolish, sweetish air, then slowly spit out, you will feel the viscera is fresh. Field put on an oasis in the carpet, trees such as jade flower bloom roof such as coated with white paint, road such as moonlight, hanging on the tree ice cream, out of the sun and Hongzhuang Suguo, snow covered landscape, especially enchanting. Every morning when I open the door, the biting cold wind blows, and from time to time. And, the occasional naughty little snowflakes drifting profusely and disorderly fall down, like dancing. Every kind of hexagonal snowflakes: some like needles, some like leaves, as well as the scraps of paper... Evil spirit. Fall on the ground, as if to the earth shop thick blankets; fall in the tree, like wearing snow; fall in the car, like the just released fresh cream cake. This beautiful snow makes people immersed in the fresh air. Full of snow, beautiful.

However, most people at home can be the first to feel the breath of winter ice on the windows, some like a forest, full of mystery; some like streams, as if in the quietly flowing; some like Santa Claus, as to give people gifts... Winter girl is really have clever hands and good sense!

The club is very lively, huge crowds of people. People are wearing a thick coat, like a bag of cotton like. He (she) are accompanied by beautiful music, exercise.

Artificial lake knot on a thick layer of ice, some naughty students in Lake slapstick, from the lake from time to time to bursts of laughter.

Winter, very cold. To tell the truth, I don"t want it to come, but when it comes, I feel the same. Can you know that there is no snow for the land heat preservation, the spring sowing will be successful? There is no winter freeze, spring soil will be wet? Without the harsh winter, spring girl"s footsteps will be so healthy and firm? Winter is spring"s mother, this is true. So, not only I want to pirate Shelley his old man"s words: no winter arrival, there is no spring beautiful approaching. Winter is a great mother.

Spring is gorgeous, summer really warm, autumn is indeed full, most people think they are the same, pure, sunshine, steady. But I do not like winter, I pretend not alternative, not pretending to personality, I really love the winter the calm, the selfless, the tolerance. By my personality, I am likely to be a future generations, the kind of professional dedication, I like it, like I like winter. I will make all-out efforts, although I do not scenery; I will sureness, although I am not dazzling. Because I think: as a "winter", more attractive.


早晨的小河上卧着一层薄薄的冰,像是大地赐给小河的被子,又像是家乡人们的水晶镜子,映出了家乡人们一张张憨厚慈祥的脸。在阳光下时间久了,这层薄冰慢慢化开了,露出了一条跃动的银带。在阳光照耀下闪闪发光,像是银带上点缀着的精致的小花,又像大海里一朵朵小小的浪花,有着一个朦胧而美丽的梦。在高点集中的地方,看去像一个个跳舞的小姑娘,在跳集体操。又像一片闪烁的天空,令人心旷神怡。一座座小桥立在这黄金链上,远远望去,河上有一座桥,河中也有一座桥,合成了一个圆,犹如十五夜的月亮,皎洁美丽。在微风的吹拂下,河水荡起条条波纹,像是妇女手中的丝线,闪闪发亮。再看那块耀眼的地方,原来是还没融化的冰。昏的雪,深切切的,好象有千丝万缕的情绪似的,又像海水一般汹涌,能够淹没一切,还有一丝揭开藏头露尾般的裸露感。雪花形态万千、晶莹透亮,好象出征的战士,披着银色的盔甲,又像是一片片白色的战帆在远航…… 雪中的景色壮丽无比,天地之间浑然一色,只能看见一片银色,好象整个世界都是用银子来装饰而成的。 雪后,那绵绵的白雪装饰着世界,琼枝玉叶,粉装玉砌,皓然一色,真是一派瑞雪丰年的喜人景象。万顷青松完全融入皑皑白雪之中。近处的房屋、栅栏……都穿上了柔软、洁白又得体的棉衣;树木的枝条,千姿百态.有的长长的。绒乎乎的,像娃娃胖胖的手臂;有的缀满大大小小的绒球,似乎你大喊一声,它们就会“扑簌簌”滚落下来。整个天地间是洁白、雅静的,犹如一件巨大晶莹、奇伟壮观的艺术珍品。几场大雪飘落之后,大地就是一个银色的世界。山脉、河流、田野、房屋被升腾的太阳映得熠熠生辉,直逼你的眼。站在旷野上,猛吸几口凉丝丝、甜津津的空气,再徐徐地吐出去,你会感到五脏六腑都是清新的。 田野披上一望无垠的地毯,树上如玉花绽放,屋顶如涂了白漆,道路如月光洒落,树上冰凌霜挂,太阳出来,红装素裹,粉妆玉砌,分外妖娆。每天早晨推开门出去时,刺骨的寒风呼呼地吹着,不时地向我袭来。并且,偶尔会有顽皮的小雪花纷纷扬扬地落下来,就像跳舞一样。六角形的雪花各式各样:有的像银针,有的像落叶,还有的像碎纸片…煞是好看。落在地上,仿佛给大地铺上了厚厚的毛毯;落在树上,像穿上了银装;落在汽车上,就像刚刚出炉的新鲜奶油蛋糕。这美丽的雪景使人们沉浸在清新的空气里。到处银装素裹,美不胜收。





