600字范文 > 纪念抗战胜利70周年英语作文:最为骄傲的篇章


时间:2023-10-01 04:25:19




The history of Chinese children, there is a period of blood and tears, but also a section of the humiliation of the past. Even if there are more humiliating, shed more blood and tears, we have to face. Because, that is still the most proud chapter in our history of Chinese people.

July 7, 1937, the Lugou Bridge incident will be the end of the Sino Japanese war. Japanese invaders try to attack China, inspired by Chinese soldiers in the pool of blood, in the Marco Polo Bridge on numerous mountain lion the glare, stride forward, rushed to the city of Beijing. The people of North China are struggling to fight, we are not defeated, because we have no fear. After the Japanese invasion of China launched the first aggression, the people issued a "to defend the homeland and bleed!" "to defend the the Yellow River, to defend the North China, to defend the whole China!". The raging of the invaders, completely lit the anger of Chinese children. But the war is always cruel, how many mothers are looking forward to the return of his son every day, how many wives day and night in the arrival of her husband. But I still can"t expect them to come back...... No one knows, how many families are scattered in the war, how many civilizations in the war quietly disappeared.

In order to defend their homes are not infringed; protect the survival of our homeland, people at all costs, and defend against the invaders. Finally, after a year in August 15, 1945, the Japanese finally fight a bloody battle, announced the unconditional surrender. The Chinese people stood up, the relentless invaders out of the country, the end of the brutal bloody war. Eight years of war, numerous revolutionary martyrs sacrificed their lives, for our glory and brilliance. So we cherish the happiness of today life, cherish the martyrs as we create the conditions, do a good job in the duty of a student, learning martyrs dauntless quality, overcome all difficulties, success.



