600字范文 > 来水 rainfall英语短句 例句大全

来水 rainfall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-10 18:13:36


来水 rainfall英语短句 例句大全



1.Simulation of lake water environment trends in Tangxun lake of Wuhan underrainfall uncertainty武汉汤逊湖未来水环境演变趋势的模拟


1.This fountain - pen does not yield up its contents in a proper flow.这支自来水笔出水不畅。

2.Is the water / electricity on yet?自来水/电通了吗?

3.When does the running water go on?自来水什么时候来?

4.Drind tap or filtered water, not bottled.饮用自来水或过滤水,不要喝瓶装水。

5.It is derived from five sources,- rains, rivers, surface-water or shallow wells, deep wells, and springs.其来源有五:雨水、水、表水(浅井水)深井水和泉水。

6.The cistern is running.贮水糟里的水溢出来了。

7.Water dribbled from the leaky faucet.水从漏水的龙头滴下来

8.The hot water in the shower does not work .喷水头的热水出不来。

9.Some soda water and mineral water.来点苏打水和矿泉水。

10.The water sprayed from the hose.水从水管里喷洒出来。

11.Water is supplied from the mains.水的供应来自总水管。

12.Water sluiced through the pipe.水从水管中流出来。

13.The river was swollen with flood water.洪水到来後河水上涨了.

14.The water is deep enough to dive in.这水用来跳水足够深。

15.Don"t cast out the foul water till you Bring in the clean清水未来,莫泼赃水

16."Cherchez la femme," came Shang Chung-li"s voice.“本来女人是祸水。

17.Horley Sedgley water-finder霍来-舍特来测水仪

18.The last drop made the cup run over.最后一滴水使水杯里的水溢了出来。


runoff and sediment load来水来沙

1.Response of the bank-full discharge torunoff and sediment load in the Lower Weihe River;渭河下游平滩流量变化对来水来沙的响应

2.Based on two phases(1987?2002)vector data about wetland in lower Yellow River basin andrunoff and sediment load data,we reconstructed the former landscape structure and elucidated the changes in landscape patterns during the last 20 years,and discussed the feedback to therunoff and sediment load.利用黄河下游利津、泺口和花园口1950-水沙数据、1987年和2002年两期下游滩地、河流和坑塘湿地数据,运用景观生态学基本理论,分析黄河下游湿地景观格局的演变,讨论湿地时空变化对来水来沙的反馈效应。

3)water & sediment load来水来沙

1.This article studies the characteristics of thewater & sediment load from 1960 to 1997 and the longitudinal & transversal bed profile from 1977 to 2002 by employing statistic analysis.近年来,黄河下游来水来沙出现一些新的特点,水沙的变化必然影响下游河床纵剖面和横断面的调整变化。

4)water and sediment inflow来水来沙

1.There are different sources for water flow and sediment in the upper Yellow River with uneven distribution ofwater and sediment inflows.黄河上游来水来沙地区分布不均匀,水沙异源。

5)incoming water and sediment来水来沙

1.There are main factors effecting on elevation in Tongguan reach, such as the conditions ofincoming water and sediment, the scouring and depositing condition in the upper and lower reaches and the operation water level before dam, among them, the conditions ofincoming water and sediment as dominant one.影响潼关高程的主要因素有来水来沙条件、上下游河段冲淤状况和坝前运用水位,其中来水来沙条件起着主导作用。

6)Tap water自来水

1.Analysis on organic pollutants of tap water in Kunming city;自来水有机污染物检测分析

2.Simultaneous Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Tap Water after Pre-Concentration Using Quartz Sub-Boiling Distiller by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;石英亚沸蒸馏器蒸馏浓缩富集FAAS法同时测定自来水中的铅和镉

3.Measurement and evaluation of organic pollutants in tap water;自来水中有机污染物的检测及评价


