600字范文 > 普适性 Universality英语短句 例句大全

普适性 Universality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-05 22:06:29


普适性 Universality英语短句 例句大全



1.Recent development and universality evaluation of ET_0 calculation formulas;ET_0计算公式的最新进展与普适性评估

2.Since particle swarm optimization algorithm has such characteristics as universality,robustness,global search,it signifies its advantage absolutely in solving complicate problems.由于微粒群算法的普适性、鲁棒性、全局搜索性等特点,在求解复杂问题中能够较好地体现其优越性。

3.It is indicated that the Gaussian systems on Sierpinski gaskets with l=2 and l=3 are not belong to the same universality class.说明其普适性除了决定于系统的空间维数外,还与分形维数有关。


1.For PAX"s universality , this idea could be suitable in designing other parallel system .该思想因PAX广泛适应而具有普适性

2.Adaptability Research for “Combination of Universal and Vocational Education" in Village Schools;农村中小学“普教与职教结合”普适性探讨

3.The message of "never give up" applies to a multitude and to the whole planet永远不要放弃”的普适性涵盖整个地球。

4.The Harmonious Sound Deep in One s Heart--A Discussion on the Universality and Appropriateness of Human Harmony;心灵深处的谐音——论人类和谐的普适性

5.Karl·Poppe held that any law had the traits of universality, repetitiveness and predictability.卡尔·波普认为 ,规律应满足普适性、重复性和可预测性的特点。

6.Study on Universal Design of Small-sized Urban Dwelling in Our Country;对我国城市小户型住宅普适性与可变性的研究

7.The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation.科学家为普适性的因果关系而感悟得痴迷。

8.The universality of the law of conservation of energy was not generally accepted until 1847.能量守恒定律的普适性直到1847年才得到公认。

9.Albert Einstein: The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation ...科学家为普适性的因果关系而感悟得痴迷。。。

10.Equality from Constitutional Perspective--Concurrently Discuss the Establishment of a Commonly-applied Standard of Equality;平等的宪法之维——兼论平等普适性标准的确立

11.Marx and Engels’Methodology of Feudal Doctrine and Its Universal Adaptability;马克思恩格斯封建学说方法论与普适性

12.On Establishing Theoretical Universalism of Present-day Chinese Marxism;建构当代中国马克思主义理论的科学普适性

13.The Universality of the Undetermined Coefficient Method Handling a Step Partial Derivative;待定系数方法处理一阶偏导数的普适性

14.The Nonuniversal Characteristics of Enterprise Institution and the Enterprise Institution of China;企业制度的非普适性与中国特色的企业制度

15.the quality of being general or widespread or having general applicability.普通的或一般的或广泛分布的性质,普遍适用性。

16.Universality and Relativity of the Adaptability in All Living Things;试论生物界中适应的普遍性和相对性

17.Research of Heterogeneity of Pervasive Computing and Personal Smart Environment;普适计算多相性及个人智能环境研究

18.A Study on Sanming-Middle-School Students Adaptation to Learning;三明市普通中学学生学习适应性研究



1.The article from the sides of origin andpopularity of the economical ethic expatiate the necessity and importance of the marketing economy and explains the important role in the Chinese marketing economy from the two sides of economical ethical system and economical individual ethic.本文试从经济伦理的缘起及其普适性等角度出发,阐述经济伦理对于市场经济的必要性和重要性,并从经济制度伦理和经济个体伦理两方面入手,解读经济伦理对我国市场经济健康运行所起的重要作用,提出市场经济的健康发展除了需要法律的规范以外,还要有完善的经济伦理的规约和支撑。

2.This thesis begins with the exploration of the inwardness of the Constitutionalism, including its requirement on system and its worthiness, and then pumps itspopularity on the background of the Modernity.本文始以探究立宪主义的内在规定性 ,包括其规范要求及价值内核 ,并以现代性为背景 ,追问立宪主义的普适性。

3)Feigenbaum universalityFeigenbaum普适性

1.The numerical analysis of superFeigenbaum universality in Lorenz map system;Lorenz映射中超Feigenbaum普适性的数值分析


1.A conjecture ofsuper-universality of the dynamical critical exponent Z is presented.提出了一个关于临界动力学指数Z的超普适性猜想。


1.Since the corporate governance model roots from the heterogeneity of various institutional environment, it presents the nature ofnon-universality.由于公司治理模式的主要根源在于各国制度环境的异质性,因此公司治理模式具有非普适性。

6)universality class普适性类


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
