600字范文 > 缝针 Sewing needle英语短句 例句大全

缝针 Sewing needle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-30 10:43:21


缝针 Sewing needle英语短句 例句大全

缝针,Sewing needle

1)Sewing needle缝针

1.Sewing needle, stitching density and seam allowance are main manufacturing factors among those.丝绸服装由于面料本身的特点,较之其他服装更容易产生纰裂,因此纰裂成为制约丝绸服装质量的重要因素,缝针、线迹密度、缝份是影响丝绸服装纰裂的主要加工因素。

2.The influences of the sewing needle and stitching parameters on the permeability were studied.用径向技术测量了缝合预制件的渗透率,研究了缝针型号、缝合参数对渗透率的影响。


1.bodkin of iron or steel大针眼缝针,钢或铁制

2.A stitch made in this manner.包缝针迹用这种针法缝的边儿

3.Medium needles are used for permanent hand stitching.中号针用来缝制永久性的手缝针迹。

4.upholstery needle for use in the hand of stee家具装饰缝针,手用,钢制

5.Hand Sewing Needles: sized from coarse to very fine.手缝针:由粗到细编号。

6.To sew with a buttonhole stitch.用锁眼针缝用缝纽扣眼的针来缝韧

7.An overcast stitch or seam.包边缝纫的针脚或线缝

8.An overhand stitch or seam.平式缝接的针脚或缝口

9.A stitch in time saves nine. --Reade及时缝上一针可免将来缝九针。——雷德

10.To sew loosely with large running stitches so as to hold together temporarily.假缝,疏缝用大的长针脚疏缝,以使之暂时缝合

11.Through the eye of needle, the needlework embroiders the appearance of youth.穿越梦的针眼,针针缝绣着青春的容颜。

12.a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point.一种有尖端的长缝衣针。

13.single-needle cylinder-bed machine单针圆筒台式缝纫机

14.The dressmaker plies her needle.这位裁缝使用他的针。

15.fully automatic seamless glove knitting machine全自动无缝手套针织机

16.a stitch passing over an edge diagonally.成对角缝在边上的针脚。

17.hand-made cotton crochet sewing machine cover手工棉线钩针缝纫机罩

18.He had twelve stitches on his face.他脸上缝了十二针。


needle scarf缝针针槽

3)sewing needle size缝纫针号

1.Prediction model ofsewing needle size based on grey relevant analysis;基于灰色关联分析的缝纫针号预测

4)sewing holes缝纫针洞

1.A probe to the formation ofsewing holes on cotton knits and its solution;棉针织物缝纫针洞的形成及解决途径探讨

5)iris suture needle虹膜缝针

1.Objective To evaluate the effect of a newiris suture needle and the suture of shoe-sewing-style to iridial and ciliary body injuries reconstruction.目的探讨自行设计的虹膜缝针对虹膜、睫状体损伤行上鞋式缝合修复的手术效果。

6)Fineness of sewing needle缝针粗细


