600字范文 > 私用产权 private property in use英语短句 例句大全

私用产权 private property in use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-18 05:20:21


私用产权 private property in use英语短句 例句大全

私用产权,private property in use

1)private property in use私用产权

2)private property rights私有产权

1.The concept of the restriction ofprivate property rights has not been explainded clearly,so this article try to explain it clearly.私有产权的限制可从两个层次看:一是立宪层次上的限制,它是私有财产所有者被动接受的限制,包括禁止侵害他物权的限制和保护公共利益与实现政治需求的限制;二是法律上的私有产权界定后,私有产权所有者主动选择的限制,包括行使权利成本的限制和设立他物权的限制。


1.Public Property Right and Private Property Right in the Modern Market Economy;现代市场经济中的公有产权与私有产权

2.Labor Scarcity and Origin of Private Ownership in the Zhou Dynasty;劳动的稀缺性与周代私有产权的起源

3.The Converse Vicissitude of Chinese Economy System and Private Property Right;中国经济制度与私有产权的逆向变迁

4.Private Property Rights,Inalienability Rules and Transferring of Rural Residence Land Usufruct;私有产权、不可转让性与宅基地使用权流转

5.The Pretence of the Private Property in the Conflict of the Public Power and the Private Right;公权力与私权利冲突下的私有财产权的保护

6.On Nature and Significance of Property;私有财产权的人权底蕴——论私有财产权的性质与意义

7.To Return the Ownership of Property to the Basic System of a Civilian s Rights;私有财产权应回归公民基本权利体系

8.Opposite-Unity Between Private Property Right and Public Property Right;私有财产权与公有财产权的对立与统一

9.On the Unfairly Pocketing of Partial Public Property Rights in China;我国局部性公有产权私有化问题刍议

10.Constitutionalized Private Property Right:the Constitutional Protection for Citizen s Property Right;从私有财产权入宪看公民财产权利的宪法保护

11.Rules: no title card" illegitimate child" of the Housing will accommodate?法规:没有产权证的"私生子"房谁来照应?

12.The Protection of Private Property in China Current Constitution;论我国现行宪法对私有财产权的保护

13.On the Constitutional Value of Protecting the Ownership of Citizen Private Property;公民的私有财产权保障及其宪政价值

14.Property rights protection public goods or private goods?;产权保护:公共物品? 私有物品?

15.Protection of Private Property:From Constitutional Principle to the Era of Real Right;私有财产保护:从宪法原则到“物权”时代

16.The Influence of the Reform and Opening up on the Right of Private Property;论改革开放政策对私有财产权的影响

17.An Inquiry into the Causes of the Privatization Reform of the World Banking Property Right Structure;全球银行业产权结构私有化变革探因

18.Study on the constitution status and value of private property right of citizens;论公民私有财产权之宪法地位与价值


private property rights私有产权

1.The concept of the restriction ofprivate property rights has not been explainded clearly,so this article try to explain it clearly.私有产权的限制可从两个层次看:一是立宪层次上的限制,它是私有财产所有者被动接受的限制,包括禁止侵害他物权的限制和保护公共利益与实现政治需求的限制;二是法律上的私有产权界定后,私有产权所有者主动选择的限制,包括行使权利成本的限制和设立他物权的限制。

3)private property right私人产权

1.The concurrent and mutually compatible public property right andprivate property right in the organizations of socialist public ownership together make up the property right basis of the socialist market economy.社会主义公有制组织里的公有产权是和私人产权同时并存、相互兼容的,它们共同构成了社会主义市场经济的产权基础。

4)Private Property Right私有产权

1.Abstract:The private property right is the foundation of the market economy.私有产权是市场经济的基础,只有保护好私有产权,才能更好地发展市场经济。

2.This paper attempts to discuss the conception of "property rights" presenting the land problem in feudal society,the key factor of the land property right and the condition of private property right of Chinese feudal society.本文试就"产权"概念在中国封建社会土地问题上的移用,判断土地产权归属的决定因素,以及对中国封建社会中的私有产权的状况作一论述。

3.The common force of private property right system and the market operating mechanism,under the direction of the western mainstream economic theories, promoted the form of western countries economy systems.西方国家的经济制度是在西方主流经济学理论的指导下 ,由私有产权制度和市场运行机制共同推动形成的。

5)private property rights私人财产权

1.On the Impendency of Law Protection of Private Property Rights;论立法保护私人财产权的迫切性

6)the privately owned proprietary私有财产权

1.Protection ofthe privately owned proprietary of non-governmental economy;论民营企业私有财产权的保护

2.The privately owned proprietary occupies the i mp ortant position in the constitutions of various countries, the constitutions of various countries regard proprietary question as one of the foundation stones of its constitutional governement.私有财产权在各国宪法中占有重要的地位 ,各国宪法都把财产权问题作为其宪政的基石之一。

3.Meanwhile , still await further enhancement and perfection to the protection ofthe privately owned proprietary at present.同时,目前对私有财产权的保护仍有待于进一步的加强和完善。


