600字范文 > 高考英语语法典型习题:定语从句及其关系代词与副词


时间:2024-06-09 06:00:43




Jane came to settle down in New York in 1995, ________, some time later, she became a middle school teacher.

A) where B) when C) at which D) that

I still remember/will never forget the days ________ we studied/lived together//worked day and night to support the whole family.

A) which B) in which C) on that D) on which E) in that

I still remember/will never forget the days ________ we spent together.

A) which B) in which C) on that D) on which E) in that

I still remember/will never forget the day ________ I first came to the college.

A) which B) in which C) on that D) on which E) in that

I still remember the day ________ we first met on.

A) which B) in which C) on that D) on which E) in that

The mother kissed her baby, ________ was in her arms.

A) which B) that C) who D) whom

It is far better for one to drink milk, ________ one gets healthful nutrients, than to drink coffee, ________ contains harmful substances.

A) what, what B) where, which C) from which, which D) in which, what

They are teachers and don"t realize the basic/primary rules and principles _____ to start and run a company.

A) in which B) for whom C) with which D) of whom
