600字范文 > 12月大学英语四级听力高频词汇


时间:2022-06-22 05:31:25





freeze to death 冻死

be sensitive to weather changes 对天气变化敏感

weather forecast 天气预报

turn cold all of a sudden 突然变冷

foggy / dense / heavy fog 雾天/浓雾

snowstorm 暴风雪

warm up 转暖

become / get worse (天气)变糟

sunny / clear up 晴天/变晴

mild / agreeable 温和

shower / downpour 阵雨/大雨

the unreliable weather forecast不可信的气象预测


feel better in one’s life某人身体非常好

enjoy the best medical care享受最好的医疗

receive free / timely medical treatment接受免费 / 及时治疗

a possible cure for (heart disease / cancer)一种(心脏病 / 癌症)的可能的疗法

lower high body temperature effectively有效降低高体温

reduce the chance of death减少死亡的几率

speed up one’s recovery after surgery加快某人外科手术后的恢复

adjust one’s blood pressure调节血压

take medicine in large doses大剂量地服药

seal the birth records of sb.密封某人的出生记录

suffer from (mental) illness遭受(精神)病

commit suicide自杀

mental disorder神经错乱

a permanent limp永久性跛

suffer a nervous breakdown遭受神经失常

be wrongly diagnosed被误诊

be seriously injured 遭重伤

develop a(strange) disease患(奇怪的)病

out of the blue晴天霹雳地,突然,出乎意料地

undergo therapy正接受治疗

receive physical therapy接受理疗

gain (some) weight增肥

lose weight减肥

be out of shape体形走样

sleep deficiency睡眠缺乏

declining health 越来越糟的健康状况

be in good / poor health 健康状况好/差

major breakthrough in… 在……方面有重大突破

beyond cure 无法治愈

get treatment 获得治疗

high blood pressure 高血压

twist one’s ankle 扭伤脚踝

hurt / injury / wound 受伤

mental hospital 精神病医院

surgeon 外科医生

dentist 牙医

have / catch a cold 感冒

catch a disease染病

have a sore throat 嗓子痛

have a headache 头痛

give a prescription 开药方

have an operation 做手术

tablet 药片

injection 注射

capsule 胶囊

take an X-ray 拍X光片

stay in hospital 住院

aspirin 阿司匹林

preventive injection 预防针

cold cure 感冒药

case history 病历

take one’s temperature 量体温

send for a doctor 请医生

take one’s blood pressure 量血压

have a toothache 牙痛

feel chilly 觉得发冷

throw up 呕吐

have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通

fall off a step 摔下楼梯


one-way ticket 单程票

round-trip ticket 往返票

layover / stopover 中途停留

timetable 时刻表

fare (车、船、飞机等)票价

toll 通行费

non-stop flight 直达航班

connecting-flight 转接班机

first class 头等舱

business class 商务舱

economy class 经济舱

duty-free shop 免税店

excess charge 超重费

vacant seat 空座

destination 目的地

extra charge / surcharge 附加费

seat arrangement / assignment 订座

flight/ airport/ air ticket 航班、飞机场、飞机票

aisle seat, window seat 过道座位、靠窗座位

take off / land 起飞/着陆

transfer 转机

departure / arrival time 起飞/到达时间

check-in 登机处

outer mechanical problems 外部机械故障

delay / cancel 延迟/取消

(undergo) security checks(通过)安检
