600字范文 > 英语四级选词填空习题解析


时间:2023-06-08 14:20:58





Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. Thereader puts questions, as it were, to the text and gets answers. In the light of these he puts__1__ questions, and so on.

For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness. Attimes, however, we become __2__ of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties,when mismatch is occurring between __3__ and meaning. When successful matching is beingexperienced, our question of the text continues at the unconscious level.

Different people __4__ with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on thepage, others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing andexamining. The former represents a kind of comprehension which is __5__ in the text. Thelatter represents __6__ levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important,especially for advanced readers.

There is another conversation which from our point of view is __7__ important, and thatis to do not with what is read but with how it is read. We call this a “process” conversation as__8__ to a “content” conversation. It is concerned not with meaning but with the __9__ weemploy in reading. If we are an advanced reader our ability to hold a process conversationwith a text is usually pretty well __10__. Not so our ability to hold a content conversation.


A)opposed B)converse C)equally D)written

E)developed F)strategies G)compared H)awake

I)higher J)expectations K)deal L)absolutely

M)aware N)better O)further


1. 选 O )。 很明显此处应填形容词。可选项有 higher 和 further ,原文为“根据答案反复提出。。。问题“,但 higher 一般强调的是层次上的高低,因此不能用来修饰 question ,故只有 further “更进一步的”符合题意。

2. 选 M )。 此处应填形容词且能与 of 构成固定搭配。可选项有 awake 和 aware ,由前一句中 belowthe level of consciousness (即 unconsciousness )和此句中 however 转折可以推出,此处应填与consciousness 意思相近的形容词,故排除 awake “警觉的”,而选 aware 。

3. 选 J )。 由空格后的 and meaning 可知,此处应填名词,与 meaning 构成并列结构。原文为“我们会意识到沟通的存在,通常是在我们遇到难题或 …… 与文章意思不符的时候”,故只有 expectations “所猜测的意思”符合题意。

4. 选 B )。 很明显此处应填动词且能与 with 搭配。可选项有 converse 和 deal ,从句意来理解,不同的人 …… 文章不同,但由于文章主要说明的是读者与文章之间的沟通方式,故排除 deal “处理”而选converse “谈话。

5. 选 D )。 因关系代词 which 指代的是 comprehension ,可知此处应填动词的被动形式。但由 Theformer 和 the words on he page 可推出前一种人是从文中的字词去理解文章,而字词只能是被写在文中,因此只有 written 符合题意。

6. 选 I )。 此处应填形容词。由 The former 和 The latter 可知,此处是将两种人的对话方式进行比较,故可选项有 higher 和 better ,但由前面提到的后一种人对文章所做的 interpreting , criticizing ,analyzing and examining 可知,这些都属于对文章更高层次的理解,因此选 higher 。

7. 选 C )。 显然此处应填副词。可选项有 equally 和 absolutely ,但由 another 可推出,文章是在分别说明两种对话方式,而没有突出哪个更重要,故排除 absolutely 而选 equally 。

8. 选 A ) 。此处是将“ process ” conversation 与“ content ” conversation 形成对比,故可选项有 opposed 和 compared ,但 as opposed to 是固定搭配,因此排除 compared 。

9. 选 F )。 从句子结构来看,此处缺的是 employ 的宾语,再从选项中看,能与 employ 形成动宾搭配且符合题意的只有 strategies ,故选 strategies 。

10. 选 E )。 此处应填动词的被动形式。选项中有 developed “提高,加强”和 compared “比较”能与ability 构成动宾搭配,但从句意理解,通常高级读者与文章进行“程序对话”的能力 …… ,故只有 developed符合题意。
