600字范文 > 六级考试英语选词填空习题及答案


时间:2024-01-16 13:48:02





What is itabout Americans and food? We love to eat, but we feel 1 about itafterward. We say we want only the best, but we strangely enjoy junk food.We’re 2 with health and weight loss but face an unprecedented epidemicof obesity(肥胖). Perhapsthe 3 to this ambivalence(矛盾情结) lies in our history. The first Europeans came to this continentsearching for new spices but went in vain. The first cash crop(经济作物) wasn’t eaten but smoked. Thenthere was Prohibition, intended to prohibit drinking but actually encouragingmore 4 ways of doing it.

Theimmigrant experience, too, has been one of inharmony. Do as Romans do meanseating what “real Americans” eat, but our nation’s food has come to be 5 byimports—pizza, say, or hot dogs. And some of the country’s most treasuredcooking comes from people who arrived here in shackles.

Perhaps itshould come as no surprise then that food has been a medium for the nation’sdefining struggles, whether at the Boston Tea Party or the sit?ins at southernlunch counters. It is integral to our concepts of health and even moralitywhether one refrains from alcohol for religious reasons or evades meat forpolitical 6

But strongopinions have not brought 7 . Americans are ambivalent about what theyput in their mouths. We have become 8 of our foods, especially as welearn more about what they contain.

The 9 infood is still prosperous in the American consciousness. It’s no coincidence,then, that the first Thanksgiving holds the American imagination in suchbondage(束缚). It’s whatwe eat—and how we 10 it with friends, family, and strangers—that helpdefine America as a community today.

A. answer

B. result

C. share

D. guilty

E. constant

F. defined

G. vanish

H. adapted

I. creative

J. belief

K. suspicious

L. certainty

M. obsessed

N. identify

O. ideals


1. D feel是一个系动词,可以判断此处应填入一个形容词,通过上下文意思,以及后面介词about, 可以确定选项为D项guilty, 短语feel guilty about sth. “对……感到有愧”。全句的意思为“我们很爱吃,但是往往在吃完之后又有负罪感”。

2.M beobsessed with 为固定搭配,原意为“被……附上/缠住/迷住心窍”,放在本句表示“十分重视”。全句的意思为“我们很关心健康和减肥,但肥胖却又空前地在蔓延”。

3. A 本句缺一个名词作主语,并且根据和介词to的搭配,可以推断出正确选项answer.

4. I本句根据more和ways可以判断出需要填入一个形容词构成比较级,根据上下文,表示“旨在禁止酗酒的禁酒令,却激发了更多新奇的方法来酗酒”,可以确定I为正确选项。

5. F 本题较难。根据be 和by 确定应填入一个过去分词。再根据上下文,上文表示“应该吃典型的美国人吃的食物”,下文通过 but 转折,表示实际上“美国的食物已经被诸如比萨和热狗这样的舶来品所诠释了”,因此可以确定F为正确选项。

6.B政治结果,可根据宗教原因religious reasons来推断此处填政治结果。

7. L由于横线后面没有宾语,可以确定不是形成bring的短语,这样本句所缺的为一名词,做bring的宾语。根据下文解释,“美国人对他们所吃的食物的态度是矛盾的”,可以推出本句意义为“坚定的观点也不是确定不变的”。因此可以确定L为正确选项。

8. K系动词become后应填入一个形容词,和后面介词of形成短语be/become suspicious of “对……感到怀疑”。

9. J本句缺一个名词作主语,并且根据和介词in的搭配,可以推断出正确选项belief,(have)belief in sth.“ 相信……”。

10. C本句是一般现在时,缺一个动词,且和with 搭配,确定选项为share, share sth. with sb.,“与某人分享某事”。


ALTHOUGH he is still (1) things up at Dell, an ailing computer-maker, Carl Icahn has found time to tilt at another tech titan. On August 13th the veteran shareholder activist (2) that he had built up a stake in Apple, though he stayed mum about exactly how many shares he had bought. Mr Icahn’s intentions, however, are crystal clear: he wants the consumer-electronics behemoth to expand plans to return some of its whopping $147 billion of cash and marketable securities to shareholders.

Mr Icahn is also after more money at Dell, where he has been lobbying with allies against a (3) buy-out plan put forward by Michael Dell, the firm’s founder, and Silver Lake, a private-equity firm. His pressing has already forced the buy-out group to raise its initial offer by over $350m, to $24.8 billion and he has taken his (4) to the courts in a bid to extract an even higher price.

Other tech firms have been attracting the attention of activist investors too. Earlier this year ValueAct Capital, an investment fund, said it had built up a $2 billion stake in Microsoft. Jaguar Financial, a Canadian bank, has been (5) fresh thinking at troubled BlackBerry, which announced on August 12th that it is exploring various (6) options, including alliances and a possible sale. And Elliott Management, a hedge fund, has been lobbying for change at NetApp, a data-storage firm that it thinks could do more to improve returns to (7).

One reason tech firms have found themselves in activists’ crosshairs is that, like Apple, some built up big cash piles during the economic downturn and have been slow to use the money. Financiers hope to get them to loosen their purse-strings faster and to pocket some of the cash. Mr Icahn wants Apple to increase and (8) a share buy-back programme that is currently set to return $60 billion to shareholders by the end of .

Another reason that tech firms make tempting targets for shareholder activists is that swift changes in technologies can trip up even the mightiest. Witness the case of Microsoft, which ruled the roost during the personal-computer era but has struggled to adapt to a world in which tablets and smartphones are all the rage. Investors hope to mint money by pushing companies to change more rapidly in response to such upheavals in their markets.

The rewards can be substantial. Egged on by Third Point, an activist hedge fund, Yahoo (9) Marissa Mayer as its new chief executive in July . By the time she celebrated a year in the job last month, the troubled web giant’s share price had risen by over 70%. In July the hedge fund sold a big chunk of shares back to Yahoo. Mr Icahn thinks Apple’s share price, which closed at $499 on August 14th, could soar too if the firm follows his advice on buy-backs. He tweeted this week that he had had a “nice (10)” with Tim Cook, Apple’s boss, about his idea, though he did not say what Mr Cook thought of it. If Apple drags its feet, expect things to turn nasty.

A) shareholders

B) strategic

C) communication

D) battle

E) conversation

F) encouraging

G) exciting

H) stirring

I) appointed

J) race

K) revealed

L) method

M) accelerate

N) proposed


A) shareholders

B) strategic

C) communication

D) battle

E) conversation

F) encouraging

G) exciting

H) stirring

I) appointed

J) race

K) revealed

L) method

M) accelerate

N) proposed
