600字范文 > MBA在职英语模拟试题一


时间:2022-06-17 14:09:11



Part One

Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes,10 points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.

16. It is difficult for us to explain phenomena that we have little or ___ direct knowledge.

A. not any B. no

C. none D. nothing

17. Most of ___ archaeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material remains.

A. which B. what

C. that D. those

18. I am sorry. I __ finished it by last Monday, but I have been too busy

A. must have B. may have

C. ought to have D. might have

19. The original building was erected in 1710, but this structure has been largely transformed and extended, the present hotel ___ in 1910.

A. was completed B. to have been completed

C. having been completed D. completed

20. A little learning is a dangerous thing, for you might as well not know a thing___ know it only imperfectly.

A. that B. as

C. than D. but

21. Being a bad-tempered man, he would not tolerate ___ his lectures interrupted as if he were some obscure candidate making an election speech.

A. to have B. having

C. to have had D. having had

22. It is not within the scope of this article to present test procedures in detail, but rather ___ a brief outline of each and the significance of the results.

A. giving B. to give

C. given D. gives

23. He speaks English with strong American accent, so he ___ brought up in the United States or Canada.

A. must have been B. must be

C. may have been D. cant have been

24. If the population of the Earth goes on increasing at its present rate, by the middle of the 21st century, we __ all the oil that drives our cars.

A. will use up B. will have used up

C. have used up D. will have been using up

25. Sometimes an Englishman is__ enthusiastic, emotional, excited, etc. than any other nationality, but tends to display his feelings far less.

A. no more B. not much

C. no less D. much less

26. It is very difficult for him to ___ between blue and green.

A. contrast B. distinguish

C. separate D. compare

27. Leading cadres launch rectification campaigns at regular __ to hear the masses views

A. interaction B. intervals

C. interruptions D. interpretation

28. ___the traffic jam, we would have caught our train.

A. But for B. Because of

C. By means of D. Due to

29. From his demeanor (举止 ) on entering the room I __ that the interview had not gone well for him.

A. informed B. implied

C. indicated D. inferred

30. Vitamins do not provide energy, nor do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed for __ foods into energy and body maintenance

A. transforming B. transferring

C. altering D. shifting

31. I ___this first edition of Paradise Lost in a secondhand bookstore in London

A. came to B. came in

C. came across D. came down

32. There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I only caught a ___ of him.

A. glance B. glimpse

C. look D. sight

33. These last 22 years have really been amazing, every prediction weve made about improvements have all ___.

A. come over B. come down

C. come along D. come true

34. The doctor ___ me that if I took this medicine twice a day, I would be well soon.

A. assured B. ensured

C. confessed D. confirm

35. Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave ___.

A. at the spot B. on the spot

C. for the spot D. in the spot

Part Two

Reading Comprehension (55 minutes, 40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Researchers said it was clear that the worlds oceans play a major role in queuing up rapid climate changes, but that thus far the mechanics (机制,结构) of such changes were poorly understood.

Its like being blindfolded and walking toward the edge of a cliff, said Wallace Brocker, a professor of environmental sciences at Columbia University. We dont understand (the factors) so we dont really know what to look for.”

Using ice cores drilled from glaciers and other ice sheets, the researchers have developed a model showing world temperatures rising and falling with unsettling frequency over the past 110 000 years.

While some of the changes have been slow and steady, such as the end of the last Ice Age some 12 000 years ago, others have been swift and unexpected, such as the rapid warming of the North Atlantic from 1920 to 1930 and the Dust Bowl drought of the 1930s.

The most drastic temperature changes--believed to be as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit over the space of just a few years--exceed any recorded in human history, they said. This was not intended to alarm the public, but that they hoped it would stimulate policy makers to prepare for the possibility of rapid temperature flux.

Greenhouse gases, emitted by fossil fuels such as oil and coal, have been linked by many researchers to a rise in global temperatures. A 1997 Kyoto treaty on global warming sought to cut emissions of such gasses by developed nations, but the Bush administration this year spurned (轻蔑或傲慢地拒绝) the treaty, saying pollution controls would be too costly for the U.S. economy.

The NAS panel called for research to identify what it described as no-regrets measures that would cost relatively little and would be good policies regardless of the extent of environmental change.

Such measures could include regulations to reduce damage to water, air and land, or slow climate change, or helping societies cope with abrupt climate change by developing new financial instruments such as weather derivatives (衍生证券) and catastrophe bonds to reflect the risks.

Societies have faced both gradual and abrupt climate changes for millennial and have learned to adapt through various mechanisms, such as moving indoors, developing irrigation for crops, and migrating away from inhospitable (不适宜居住的) regions. It is important not to be fatalistic (宿命论的) about the threats posed by abrupt climate change.]

36. The passage cites Its like being blindfolded and walking toward the edge of a cliff, (Para. 2) in order to show that

A.so far we are still almost ignorant of the mechanics of rapid climate changes

B.now we are still causing serious damages to the environment

C.we are still not sure whether ocean plays a role in causing rapid climate changes

D.so far we are still unaware o~ the possibility of rapid climate changes

37. According to the passage, over the past 110 000 years, world temperature

A. has been keeping rising

B. has risen and fallen at regular intervals

C. has experienced no rapid and sudden changes

D. has experienced both smooth and abrupt changes

38. The Bush administration spurned the 1997 Kyoto treaty on global warming because

A. the U.S. has already minimized its emissions of greenhouse gases

B. the U.S. economy was depressing and couldnt afford the costs of pollution controls

C. the U.S. government didnt want to invest in pollution controls

D. the U.S. thought the problems of emissions only existed in developing countries

39. According to the passage, developing new financial instruments such as weather derivatives could

A. help societies cope with abrupt climate changes

B. reflect the risks of abrupt climate changes

C. help prevent slow climate changes

D. Both A and B

40.According to the author, confronted with abrupt climate changes, people should

A. move indoors

B. move away from inhospitable regions

C. develop irrigation for crops

D. take active measures to cope with the threats posed by it

passage Two

Cars account for half the oil consumed in the U. S,, about half the urban pollution and one fourth tie greenhouse gases. They take a similar toll (损耗) of resources in other industrial nations and in the cities of the developing world. As vehicle use continues to increase in the coming decade, the U.S. and other countries will have to deal with these issues or else face unacceptable economic, health-related and political costs. It is unlikely that oil prices will remain at their current low level or that other nations will accept a large and growing U. S. contribution to global climatic change.

Policymakers and industry have four options: reduce vehicle use, increase the efficiency and reduce the emissions of conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, switch to less harmful fuels, or find less polluting driving systems. The last of these--in particular, the introduction of vehicles powered by electricity--is ultimately the only sustainable (可持续的) option. The other alternatives are attractive in theory but in practice are either impractical or offer only marginal improvements. For example, reduced vehicle use could solve traffic problems and a host of social and environmental problems, but evidence from around the world suggests that it is very difficult to make people give up their cars to any significant extent. In the U. S. , mass-transit ridership and carpooling (合伙用车) have declined since World War II . Even in western Europe, with fuel prices averaging more tharr $1 a liter (about $ 4 a gallon) and with easily accessible mass transit and dense populations, cars still account for 80 percent of all passenger travel.

Improved energy efficiency is also appealing, but automotive fuel economy has barely made any progress in 10 years. Alternative fuels such as natural gas, burned in internal-combustion engines, could be introduced at relatively low cost, but they would lead to only marginal (边缘的,最低限度的) reductions in pollution and greenhouse emissions (especially because oil companies are already spending billions of dollars every year to develop less polluting types of gasoline).

41. From the passage we know that the increased use of cars will

A. consume half of the oil produced in the world

B. have serious consequences for the well-being of all nations

C. widen the gap between the developed and developing countries

D. impose an intolerable economic burden on residents of large cities

42. The U.S. has to deal with the problems arising from vehicle use because

A. most Americans are reluctant to switch to public transportation system

B. the present level of oil prices is considered unacceptable

C. other countries will protest its increasing greenhouse emissions

D. it should take a lead in conserving natural resources

43. Which of the following is the best, solution to the problems mentioned in the passage?

A. The designing of highly efficient car engines

B. A reduction of vehicle use in cities.

C. The development of electric cars.

D. The use of less polluting fuels.

44. Which of the following is practical hut only makes a marginal contribution to solving the problem of greenhouse emissions?

A. The use of fuels other than gasoline.

B. Improved energy efficiency.

C. The introduction of less polluting driving systems.

D. Reducing car use by carpooling.

45. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The decline of public transportation accounts for increased car use in western Europe.

B. Cars are popular in western Europe even though fuel prices are fairly high.

C The reduction of vehicle use is the only sustainable option in densely populated western Europe

D. Western European oil companies cannot sustain the cost of developing new-type fuels.

Passage 3

The number of new cancer cases worldwide is expected to increase by 50% by the year . But a new report suggests that as many as a third of new cancers could be avoided by adopting healthier lifestyles and through public health action.

The World Cancer Report, released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, part of the World Health Organization), shows that cancer has now emerged as a major public health threat in developing countries as well as affluent ones.

Overall, cancer was responsible for 12% of all heaths in 2000. But in many countries more than a quarter of all deaths are caused by cancer.

The report shows that 10 million new cancers were diagnosed globally in 2000, and that number is expected to rise to 15 million by . Researchers say most of that increase will mainly be due to steadily aging populations in both developed and developing countries and current trends in smoking and other unhealthy habits.

“Cancer has emerged as a major public health problem in developing countries for the first time, matching its effect in industrialized countries,” says researcher Paul Kleihues, MD, director of IARA, in a news release. “Once considered a ‘Western’ disease, the Report highlights that more than 50 percent of the world’s cancer burden, in terms of both numbers of cases and deaths, already occurs in developing countries.”

The risk of being diagnosed with cancer in developed countries is double that in less-developed ones. However, the risk of dying from cancer is much higher in developing countries, where 80% of cancer patients already have late-stage incurable tumors at the time of diagnosis.

Researchers say cancer rates have traditionally been higher in developed countries due to greater exposure to tobacco, occupational carcinogens, and an unhealthy Western diet and lifestyle. As less-developed countries become industrialized and more prosperous, they tend to adopt the high-fat diet and low physical activity levels typically seen in the West, which increase cancer rates.

46.According to a new report, healthier lifestyles and public health action could help reduce about

A.50% of new cancers.

B.33% of new cancers.

C.12% of new cancers.

D.80% of new cancers.

47.Which of the following statements in NOT correct?

a)There were 10 million cancer patients worldwide in 2000.

b)Cancer accounted for 12% of all deaths in 2000.

c)Cancer is the cause of over 25% of all deaths in many countries.

d)Global cancer rates are expected to rise 50% by .

48.According to the passage, cancer was once considered

a)an incurable disease.

b)a mysterious disease.

c)a “western” disease.

d)a world disease.

49.The risk of dying from cancer in developed countries is

a)double that in developing countries.

b)much higher than that in developing countries.

c)the same as that in developing countries.

d)much lower than that in developing countries.

50.All the following factors may increase cancer rates EXCEPT

a)occupational carcinogens.

b)lack of access to tobacco.

c) unhealthy habits.

d)aging populations.

Passage 4

The first Buick model off the line was just the beginning of General Motors’ long march into the Chinese market. A total of 23,000 cars rolled out of the factory in 1999. This year, Shanghai GM Buick aims to produce 50,000 cars.

It is interesting to review the long negotiations with the Chinese government to set up Shanghai GM Buick. The biggest issue was who would supply the car parts and how the parts would get from the factory to the Buick plant.

A car is made up of more than 30,000 parts. Parts manufacturers in China don’t have the technological know-how to make all the necessary parts. Therefore, at the beginning, about half the necessary parts will be shipped to Shanghai from North America. These parts are made at GM’s Tillsonburg, Ontario facility. The trains carry the parts over 3,000 miles to the Port of Vancouver. From Vancouver, the parts are shipped to Shanghai. All told, the door-to –door delivery time is 17 days. But there may be a 42-day delay between steel plates leaving the steel works in America and arriving in Shanghai. To prevent the long-distance shipping and delay, Shanghai GM Buick has asked Shanghai Baoshan steelworks to produce plates of similar quality.

“Imported car parts are our biggest headache,” says Jay Hunt, “local suppliers are very responsive.” To our surprise, however, the cost of localized production is much higher than buying from overseas. The reason is that although labor costs are low in China, wages comprise only 20%of the cost of producing car parts. Small-scale production in China makes production costs very high. The deputy general manager, Laurence Zahner said, “ Only if the price of domestic parts drops 30% shall we be able to qualify for the international market.”

Thankfully, a solution has appeared. Foreign car parts makers are coming to the Yangtze River Delta to set up joint ventures. Shanghai GM Buick will depend on those parts makers for car parts. Perhaps the Buick plant will not worry about the agreement with the Chinese partner any longer. The agreement says that in the first year of production, the Buick plant must have 42% of locally made parts, and in the second year, the locally made parts rise to 60%, and in the third year, 80%.


negotiation谈判 Buick 别克牌轿车 issue 问题,争端

General Motors(GM)通用汽车公司steelworks 钢厂

know-how 专门技术,实际知识 deputy副的

responsive 有响应的,有回应的localize当地化,国产化

joint联合的,共同的 venture企业


51.What was the biggest issue in the negotiation between the Chinese government and General Motors?

A)Annual production of cars.

B)The location of Shanghai GM Buick.

C)Car parts and their shipment.

D)The price of domestic car parts.

52.How many car parts is a car made up of ?





53.Who was the first supplier of the car parts to Shanghai Buick?

A)Baosteel steelworks

B)Joint ventures in China.

c)GM’s Tillsonburg

D)The Buick plant in the Yangtze River Delta

54.How does Shanghai GM Buick feel about the agreement on localization with Chinese partner?





55.With foreign car parts makers coming to the Yangtze River Delta, how does Shanghai GM Buick feel about the localized production of car parts?

A)The production cost is too high.

B)To carry out the agreement on localized production is impossible.

C)The quality of localized car parts must be improved.

D)The localization agreement can be carried out without any problem.

Part Three Cloze Test (15 minutes, 5 points)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

It may be necessary, in order that future __56__ can enjoy clean air, that more of the __57__ is borne by long-term central government fund. As air pollution varies enormously from place to place and can, indeed, be very local, it may also be necessary for the central government to __58__ money so that local authorities can __59__ special local problems. That these can be significant was shown by the report made in 1970. __60__ behalf of the London Boroughs Association. This __61__ that in central London since 1958 smoke concentrations have decreased by 80 percent, whereas sunshine has increased by 70 percent and winter visibility has __62__ threefold. There have been __63__ in mortality and hospital admissions __64__ with air pollution and in the response to it of bronchitis, as well as clear if less documented increases in plant types and bird __65__ in the cities.

56. A. habitats B. inhabitants C. inhabitant D. inhabit

57. A. fee B. tuition C. cost D. charge

58. A. allocate B. assign C. amass D. attract

59. A. see B. watch C. meet D. look

60. A. in B. at C. on D. to

61. A. reviewed B. revolved C. revealed D. regained

62. A. improved B. shared C. added D. proved

63. A. abduction B. deduction C. conduction D. reductions

64. A. associated B. concerned C. tied up D. involved

65. A. spacious B. spades C. species D. spices

part four Translation (30 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

In addition to the need for food, man also has need for some kind of protection from heat and cold and from wind and rain. The first homes of man were very simple. The size and kind of buildings where he built were limited by his technical knowledge and also by the kind of building materials which were available to him. climate also had an important influence. In some places, man’s home would be nothing more than a cave in the side of a hill, with a fire at the entrance to give him light and warmth and to keep dangerous wild animals away. In warmer areas primitive man could use branches to make a framework which he then covered with leaves.

Part Five (30 minutes, 15 points)

For this part, you are asked to write a composition on the topic On Owning a Private Car, you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.






Part One

Vocabulary and Structure(20 minutes,10 points)

16. B. 空格处需要形容词结构,因此只有A和B合适,而连词or在这里是“也就是说。。;准确地说”,所以空格处的词应该是对前面的little(almost no)解释说明,因此选择no,而且no修饰名词结构是起强调的作用。

17. B。 空格处需要宾语从句结构,同时选择的选项应该在从句从充当宾语,因此判断B合适。

18. C。ought to have (done)具有虚拟含义,表示“本应该做。。而实际上并没有做”.

19. C. 从标点符号看,逗号后面的内容只是句子的一个成分,而不是一个独立的句子,因为没有连接次/因此,应该选择非谓语分词结构。而句子中已经有时间状语1910(表示发生在过去),所以用完成事态表示complete这个动作已经完成。

20. B。Might as well..as “与其说。。到不如。。” ,该句句意“对知识一知半解是万万要不得,因为不能清楚的知道一件事倒不如干脆不知”

21. B。tolerate需要跟动名词结构作其宾语。

22. B。to give 和to present这两个不定式并列平行,其他选项在形式上不正确。该句大意为“本文并不提供详细的实验方法,本文只是对每个实验以及实验结果的意义给予简要的说明。”

23. A。

24. B。到将来某一时刻为止已经发生的动作要用将来完成时态。通常当句子中有by引导的时间状语,谓语部分的事态就应该用完成时态。

25. C。no less..than..不次于。。/与。。一样。。

26. B。

27. B。该题考察固定搭配。At regular intervals“每隔一定时间”; interaction“交互作用”; interruption“打扰,中断”; interpretation“解释,阐明”

28. A。该句是一个虚拟语气句,能够引导虚拟语气的只有but for“要不是”

29. D。

30. A。 句意是指“把一物变成另一物”。

31. C。come to“苏醒过来;总计为。。”;come in“进来”;come across“偶然发现”;come down“坍塌,崩溃,(物价,气温等)低落,下降”

32. B。glance“一瞥,匆匆一看”,其通常的搭配是 cast a glance at/ take a glance at; glimpse“一瞥,瞥见” ,其通常的搭配是 catch a glimpse of/get a glimpse of;look泛指“看”,其通常的表达为 have a look at; sight是“视野”, 其通常的搭配是 catch sight of;

33. D。 come over是“从远处来”,“改变立场或意见”; come down是“坍塌,倒下,下降” ;come along是“出现,到达,进步”, come true是“实现”

34. A。

35. B。在所提供的四个选项中只有B是固定搭配词组,构成“在现场”,“当场”。

Part Two

Passage one

36. A。根据文章开头,我们很清楚海洋在引起气候快速变化中起着很重要的作用,但我们仍不太了解这些变化的原因,因此我们就不知道该采取什么措施。因此,这就象蒙上双眼走向悬崖一样。所以A是正确答案。

37. D。第3段中提到,研究员利用从冰山钻取的冰芯研究出一个模型,表明世界气候在过去的11万年间有升有降,而且频度不固定,所以A和B都与之不符合。在第4段中又讲到有些变化是缓慢的,平稳的,而且有些变化是突然的,急剧的,并用例子说明,所以C不符合,而D是符合的。

38. C。根据第6讲,布什政府拒绝1997年京都条约规定的发达国家减少温室气体排放量,声称污染控制对于美国经济来说花费太高,也就是布什政府不想花太多的钱进行污染控制,所以C正确。

39. D。 根据倒数第2段,通过发行各种金融债券等措施,可以帮助社会应付突发的气候变化,而且金融债券能反映出突然气候变化所带来的风险,所以A和B都正确,所以D是正确答案。

40. D。 根据最后一段,人们在过去曾面对过缓慢和急剧的气候变化,并采取过各种措施来适应。作者最后说,重要的是对于突然的气候变化所带来的威胁不要坐以待毙,不能持宿命论,所以D是正确答案。

Passage Two

41. B。根据第一段,美国及其他国家必须处理这些问题,否则将面临难以接受的经济,健康及政治损失,所以B是在正确答案。选项A,C和D均涉及问题的某个方面,只有B代表了私人轿车继续增长的真正后果,所以B是正确答案。

42. C。根据第一段最后一句(其他国家不可能接受美国对全球气候变化产生更大作用),再结合上文论及“轿车问题”和“面临政治方面的损失”等细节,可以推出答案C。

43. C。根据题干中的solution可以确定答案相关句在第2段,又根据best可进一步确定答案在该段第2句中“引进由电作动力的汽车是唯一能接受的方案。”

44. B.根据文章最后一段,improved energy efficiency“提高能源效率”是很有吸引力的,但汽车燃料经济在十年间没有取得什么进步。使用天然气虽然能降低成本,但对减少污染和温室气体排放所产生的效用很小,因此B正确。

45. B。 根据第2段最后一句,在西欧虽然燃料价格很高,公共交通也很便捷,但私人汽车仍占据80%的旅行方式,所以A的因果关系与此不符合,而B符合此意,是正确答案。

Passage 3


47.A.注意利用被选项的特点:包含数字,这样重点注意涉及到数字的句子。发现文章第4段第1句中提到,2000年全球共诊断的新发癌症就有1000万例(10 million),所以新老癌症患者的人数应该更大些。

48.C. 文章第5段提到,癌症曾经被看成“西方国家的疾病”



Passage 4

51.C 利用“The biggest issue”作为答案线索词,于是在文章第二段的第2句中The biggest issue was who would supply the car parts and how the parts would get from the factory to the Buick plant.(最大的问题是由谁供应汽车零件以及如何将汽车零件从生产厂家运抵别克厂。)找到直接答案相关句,于是确认答案C(汽车零部件和其运输)。

52.B 注意含有“made up of”这样结构的句子。于是在第三段第一句发现直接答案相关句:A car is made up of more than30,000 parts.

53.C 利用“first supplier”作为答案线索词,于是在第三段发现近义词“manufacturer”“at the beginning”,于是找到答案相关句:At the beginning, about half the necessary parts will be shipped to Shanghai from North America. These parts are made at GMs Tillsonburg, Ontario facility. (最初大约一半必需的部件由北美运到上海,而这些部件都是在GM’s Tillsonburg生产的)。所以,GM’s Tillsonburg 是正确答案。

54.A 利用“location”作为答案线索词,于是在第四段中发现其同根词“localized”,于是找到答案相关句群,原文说在中国生产汽车零件的成本比从国外进口零件的价格还要高,原因是中国生产规模小,成本就高。可见Shanghai GM Buick对地方化的协议失望。

55.D 利用“Yangtse River Delta”作为答案线索词,于是在最后一段找到答案相关句,该句提及一些外国汽车零件生产厂商在长江三角洲设立合资工厂,于是Shanghai GM Buick 将依*这些零件厂家来生产汽车部件,这样对履行汽车零件国产化的协议不用担心了。

Part Three

56. B.

57. C. bear是”提供,负担(费用)” ;fee 是”费用”,如入场费,学费,会员费等;tuition一般专门指”学费” ,而cost常指购物或办事所需要的费用,价钱;charge也可以作”费用”,但这里C最合适.


59.C. meet有”处理,解决”的含义,相当于 deal with/handle.该句说的是”当地的特殊问题” ,所以应该用meet.

60. C. on behalf of是固定搭配结构,是”代表”.

61. C. reviewed是”复习,检查”; revolved是”旋转”; revealed是”披露(事实真相)” ;regained是”重新收回,重新获得”

62. A.

63. D.该句是指”死亡率下降”,因此应该用reduction

64. A. Associated with是”和..有关系”;concerned with是”关心”; tie up with是”与..密切联系/合伙,” involve通常与介词 in连用,表示”使陷入, 包括,涉及”.根据句意选择答案A.

65. C.

Part Four Translation


Part Five

On Owning a Private Car

With the development of industry, its more and more common to own a private car. A car can really bring people a lot of convenience. People can travel long distance freely, safely, and comfortably in all weathers. And people can go for relaxation at the seaside or in the countryside on weekends by cars. With a car, people can even live in one city while work in another one.

But cars also bring plenty of problems. A serious one is pollution, including both air and noise pollution. They produce a lot of waste gases, terrible smell and noises in cities. These are harmful to peoples health and make buildings dirty. Another problem is its high cost. Buying a car may not be very expensive, but to maintain one is another thing. And whats more, too many cars sometimes cause traffic jams, which is very annoying for drivers of cars.

Then, should we own a car? Despite the disadvantages of owning a car, the tendency of owning one is obvious. After all, it has many advantages. What we should keep in mind is that we must make great efforts to overcome or minimize its disadvantages.
