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包含动物的词组 切不可小觑

时间:2021-02-26 18:31:26


包含动物的词组 切不可小觑

horse sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”)

beton the wrong horse 【美】希望落空"。

panda car【英】警车(其实真正警车是蓝白的,因为这个名字最早出 现时是在60年代,那时电视机还是黑白的)

donkey jacket 【英】野外作业工人穿的风雨衣,泥水服

theelephantin theroom 被视而不见。如:A century later,Chinais not somuch the elephant in the room, but the elephant in the region. (一个世纪后,中国不再被视而不见,而是被更多地关注。)

abullof Bashan“大嗓门的人”。

bull【美】"空话","废话","胡扯","胡说八道"。(bull shit)

bull in a china shop鲁莽的人\莽撞的人\爱闯祸者。china "瓷器"。例句:Horace is a bull in a china shop。霍勒斯是个鲁莽的人。

bull session 【美】"漫谈","自由讨论"。例句:Some students of the economics department had a bull session last Sunday。上星期天,经济系的一些学生聚集在一起漫谈。

bull"s eye等于hit the bull"s eye, 是美国口语,意为"完全正确"。

acatin the pan "叛徒","变节的人"。

Acatmay look at a king." "小人物也该有同等权利"。

bell the cat出自老鼠在猫颈上系铃的伊索寓言),意为"(为大家去)冒险"。

a (the) hair of the dog (that bit one) "用以解宿醉的一杯酒"。

blackdog"忧郁","沮丧","意志消沉"。例句: They said the black dog was over David。据说戴维曾很沮丧。

cats and dogs 大雨倾盆(有一个说法是:过去英国城市下水系统不好,一到下雨天,很多地方积水,飘着很多死猫死狗)

a nice (pretty, fine) kettle of fish"乱七八糟","非常混乱","一塌糊涂","处境困难"

a visit from the stork"婴儿诞生" (源自婴儿是鹳鸟带来之传说)。

awhaleat (for , on) "擅长于","善于"。

a whale ofa/an ... "极妙的","极好","非常大","非常多","了不起"。例句:My grandmother told me a whale of a story last night。


blacksheep "害群之马","败家子","败坏名誉者"之意。

black widow 美洲一种有毒的母蜘蛛------黑寡妇球腹蛛,学名是Latrodectus mactans.这种母蜘蛛连公蜘蛛都吃。

bring one"s pigto a fine (pretty) market 做亏本生意\经营不善\判断错误。例句:This old woman brought herpigs to a fine market。这个老妇人做了亏本生意。

buck 【美】是"一块钱"之意,与dollar同义。例句:She bought a dictionary for10 bucks。她花了10块钱买了一本词典。

bug 当及物动词用时有"安放窃听器"之意。例句:Did you know the police had bugged John"s room? 你知道警方已在约翰的房间里安放了窃听器吗?

bug house 【美】"疯人院"。例句:Robert was sent to the bug house by his son。罗伯特被他的儿子送到了疯人院。
