600字范文 > 路易小王子正脸照曝光!太像凯特王妃了


时间:2019-07-31 07:42:19



[ en ] He may only be eight months old but it seems Prince Louis has already perfected his pose as he appears on the Cambridge family Christmas card for the first time. [ /en ] [ cn ] 他可能只有八个月大,但看起来路易王子已经很会摆 pose 了。他今年第一次出现在剑桥公爵一家的圣诞贺卡上。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Cradled in the arms of his mother Kate, Louis, who was born in April, can be seen smiling at the camera surrounded by his siblings George and Charlotte and father William. [ /en ] [ cn ] 在母亲凯特的怀抱中,可以看到四个月大的路易对着镜头微笑,周围是他的哥哥乔治、姐姐夏洛特和父亲威廉。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] In this most recent snap, captured by photographer Matt Porteous at the family's Norfolk home of Anmer Hall, Louis seems to be growing up fast. [ /en ] [ cn ] 摄影师马特 · 波特斯在威廉王子一家在诺福克的 Anmer Hall 家中拍摄了这张照片,路易斯看起来正在茁壮成长。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] Sat up in his mum's arms the prince, who is believed to be wearing Kensington based brand Amaia, boasts a head of dark brown hair, similar to the Duchess of Cambridge when she was a baby. [ /en ] [ cn ] 拥有和妈妈一样深褐色头发的路易王子穿着肯辛顿的品牌 Amaia,坐在妈妈的怀抱里。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] He also appears to share the same signature eyebrows and sparkling blue eyes as his two older siblings. [ /en ] [ cn ] 他和哥哥姐姐一样有着相同的标志性眉毛和闪闪发光的蓝眼睛。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] This is the baby's fifth appearance since his birth having most recently joined his family for an official portrait celebrating his grandfather, Prince Charles' 70th birthday. [ /en ] [ cn ] 这是路易出生以来的第五次露面,最近的一次是他和家人一起参加庆祝祖父查尔斯王子 70 岁生日的时候。 [ /cn ]

[ en ] The images, taken at Clarence House in September, saw the cheeky baby getting to grips with his grandfather's face much to the family's amusement. [ /en ] [ cn ] 9 月份在克拉伦斯宫拍摄的照片中这个可爱的婴儿捏了祖父的脸,逗笑了在场的家人们。 [ /cn ]

