600字范文 > 挑战不可能:极限探险家赋予孩子们勇气和毅力


时间:2021-02-01 06:37:54







这些疯狂的记录,均由英国极限探险家Ash Dykes完成。曾经的他是一个普通的小镇男孩,现在已成长为独自穿越蒙古、攀登马达加斯加八座高峰的全球第一人。

Ash Dykes空降北京德闳

今天的德闳,迎来了这位特殊的客人——Ash Dykes。创造了多项世界纪录的他,受邀成为北京德闳学校沙克尔顿系列演讲 Shackleton Lecture的特殊嘉宾。


Ash Dykes的经历与演讲主题完美契合,学校希冀通过本次活动让学生们向他学习挑战不可能的魄力和决心





看到如此震撼心灵的视频和照片,学生们发出阵阵感叹“Wow,wow,wow!”,每段视频结束后大家依旧兴奋地大喊“One more time!”。在互动提问的环节,学生们争相举手“你见过狮子吗?”“你在丛林里的时候吃什么?”。还有学生问道“你最喜欢的旅程是什么?”,Ash回答“每一段旅途都很特别,但在中国长江的徒步是最让我难忘的!”。Ash对同学们小小年纪就能用英语流畅交流感到格外意外和兴奋。









One year,

6400 km (= 1871 circles around the Forbidden City),

8 million steps,

Last month, he became the first person to walk the length of the Yangtze River on foot.

These crazy records is all belong to British extreme explorer Ash Dykes. He used to be an ordinary boy and now the first person to cross Mongolia and climb the eight peaks of Madagascar in the world.

Ash Dykes visitedDehong Beijing School

Today Dehong ushered a special guest—— Ash Dykes. He has set a number of world records and this year was invited to be the first guest of the Shackleton series speech at Dehong Beijing School.

Shackleton speech originated from the outstanding alumnus Ernest Henry Shackleton, he was known as one of the great explorers of the 20th century. This series of lectures shows the legendary stories of great explorers and demonstrates the extraordinary perseverance and strong courage of human beings. The series of lectures has entered its fifth year, and adventurers have come to Dulwich International School and sister school Dehong to carry out a variety of lectures and workshops.

The experience of Ash Dykes fits perfectly with the theme of the speech. Dehong hopes that students will learn from his courage and determination of challenging impossible.

The extraordinary adventure of ten years

① Feel the thrill of adventure world

Ash shared his wonderful journey of ten years with students: took a close-up selfie with lightning, looked for animals of animated Madagascar in real life, walked in the quagmire, ate bugs in the stream, learned Chinese Kung Fu and Korean dance......

Of course, he faced death countless times, bitten by poisonous spiders, almost killed by malaria, and was knocked down by a truck... However, he has never stopped chasing his dream, and his explorer"s spirit shines all of the time.

Looking at those amazing videos and photos, students sighed, "Wow, wow, wow!". After each video, everyone still excitedly shouted, "One more time!" In the interactive questioning session, students rushed to raise their hands, “Have you ever met a lion?”“What did you eat in thejungle?”. One student asked “What is your favorite journey?” Ash replied, “Every trip is so special and unique, but the hiking of the Yangtze River in China is the most memorable!”Ash was extraordinarily surprised by students of such a small age wereable to communicate with him so fluently.

In order to survive better in the extreme environment, Ash maintains regular and restrained work in daily life. Morning running, fighting, fitness, unimpeded exercise give him a strong body and amazing will.

“I am an ordinary boy from the Welsh town of the United Kingdom. I have no money, no special training, no professional guidance, but my experience proves that brave can overcome impossible.”

Later, the third grade students followed Ash to the forest for an unforgettable exploration. Where everyone observed the characteristics of various animals and plants, Ash told them knowledge of tree texture. Students deeply remembered the teacher"s saying, "Don"t hurt any creatures", so they just watched but not destroyed. There were even classmates who spontaneously picked up the rubbish around them. In the nature, students grow up healthily and actively.

② Share environmental protection issues

Under the test of physiology and psychology, Ash strived to tap the diversity of living things around the world, and was keen to participate in the life of local people, growing vegetables and raising poultry. He is particularly concerned about environment problems. “Protecting the environment is something I have been insisting on. While we enjoy the planet of living, we should do our best to protect it at the same time.”

Ash told parents the behind stories of adventure—— the harsh environmental problems found in the journey, the personal efforts that can be made about environmental protection. At last, he clarified the meaning of sticking to walking.

When the speech was over, students felt the bravery of the ultimate adventure and had an increased awareness of environmental friendly, and parents have a deeper understanding of the importance to cultivate child"s character.


In the future,

Dehong Beijing School will launch more series of wonderful speeches.

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