600字范文 > 适合女生的现实人生感悟 经典走心 值得收藏!

适合女生的现实人生感悟 经典走心 值得收藏!

时间:2019-07-25 22:35:33


适合女生的现实人生感悟 经典走心 值得收藏!


Dear myself, you really don"t have to be cheeky, brave, patient, and spare no effort to please an impossible person. Don"t waste your heart. What is hopeless, if you try boldly, you will always succeed.



Running when you are sad, crying when you are sad, and chatting with a close friend when you are in a bad mood. Just don"t make your bad face known to the world. Don"t think that the other party can catch him by saying a greeting by chance. When you grow up, you have to learn not to let the people around you pay for your bad mood. Nobody cares about your well-being. They just hide away.



Those beautiful things are still depicted in my heart, but all I can embrace is regret. What you can leave to the years, what the years can leave to you, is nothing but the best of yourself.


四、所有的结局都已写好 所有的泪水也都已启程 却忽然忘了是怎么样的一个开始 在那个古老的不再回来的夏日 无论我如何地去追索 年轻的你只如云影掠过。All the endings have been written, all the tears have set off, but suddenly forgot what kind of a beginning in that old summer that no longer comes back, no matter how I go to pursue young you just like clouds and shadows.



Always want to climb into the sky and get rich overnight. It"s no wonder that only by learning the methods well and arming ourselves well can we let ourselves get ahead smoothly. In fact, no matter whether we are an entity or a network, mentality is very important. Everything has a process and we can"t eat hot tofu eagerly. Our harvest is always in direct proportion to our efforts. So if we want to start a business, please ask ourselves whether we have implemented it or not. Power.


六、最后,当一切变成了常态,最初的无话不谈早已变成了无话可谈,甜言蜜语再也带不来心跳,就连争吵也慢慢开始厌倦了。也许谁都没有变,我们都败给了新鲜感。我从没被谁知道,所以也没被谁忘记。在别人的回忆中生活,并不是我的目的。Finally, when everything becomes normal, the initial speechless talk has already become speechless, sweet words can no longer bring heartbeat, even quarrels gradually began to weary. Maybe nobody has changed. We"ve all lost out on novelty. I"ve never been known by anyone, so I"ve never been forgotten by anyone. Living in other people"s memories is not my goal.


七、人只有在最信赖的人面前,才可以彻底没有防线。若悲伤有人分担,又何尝不是一种慰藉;若孤单有人陪伴,又何时何处不是心暖,心安。最真的感情永远都是:死皮赖脸中破涕为笑,心甘情愿中不厌其烦。Only in front of the most trusted person can a person be completely defenceless. If sorrow is shared, it is not a consolation; if loneliness is accompanied, when and where is not warm, peace of mind. The most true feelings are always: dead skin with tears in his face for laughter, willing to tire of.


八、人生是生命的一次旅行,不论我们的出发地是贫穷还是富裕,是茅草房还是华丽的别墅,是天时地利人和都具备还是时不顺、地不利、人不和的悲惨境地,不论我们是硕大的菠萝蜜,还是娇小的樱桃,我们的脚下都有一条路,不论是宽敞的大道,还是羊肠小径,不论是笔直的平原柏油路,还是崎岖的山道,总之,我们的脚下有路。Life is a journey of life. Whether we are poor or wealthy, thatched houses or gorgeous villas, when the weather is favorable, when the land is favorable and when people are in disadvantage, when people are not in harmony with each other, whether we are big jackfruit or small cherries, there is a road under our feet, whether it is a broad road or a sheep"s intestine path, No. Whether it"s a straight plain asphalt road or a rugged mountain road, in short, there"s a road under our feet.


九、人一旦迷醉于自身的软弱之中,便会软弱下去,会在众人的目光下倒在街头,倒在地上,倒在比地面更低的地方。人生只有三天,迷惑的人活在昨天,奢望的人活在明天,只有清澈的人活在今天。昨天已经过去,是过了期的支票,明天还没有来到,是不可提取的支票,只有活在今天是最现实的。Once a person is intoxicated with his own weakness, he will blindly weaken down. He will fall on the street, on the ground and lower than the ground in the eyes of the public. Life is only three days, confused people live in yesterday, extravagant people live in tomorrow, only clear people live in today. Yesterday has passed. It"s an overdue check. Tomorrow hasn"t arrived yet. It"s a check that can"t be drawn. It"s the most realistic thing to live in today.


十、每一天的清晨,面对生活的无奈,面对一天的忙碌,满是疲惫,每当我快要坚挂不下去的时候,就会想起你,一想到你还在世界的某个角落,无论多苦多累都是值得的,我努力将自己变得更好,只为有一天,能够没有自卑的站在你面前。Every morning, facing the helplessness of life, the busyness of the day, full of fatigue, whenever I am about to hang up, I will think of you, thinking that you are still in a corner of the world, no matter how hard it is worth, I try to make myself better, just for one day, can stand in front of you without inferiority.

十一、等不起的人就不要等了,你的痴情感动不了一个不爱你的人。伤害你的不是对方的绝情,而是你心存幻想的坚持。勇敢点,转个身,你必须放弃一些东西,才能获得更圆满的自己。Don"t wait for someone who can"t afford to wait. You can"t move a person who doesn"t love you. What hurts you is not the desperation of the other person, but the perseverance of your fantasy. Be brave and turn around. You have to give up something in order to get a better self.


十二、生活中总会遇到一些贱人,让你烦恼到怀疑人生,可是该怎么办呢?是不是因为自己还不够强大?对自己男朋友好点,毕竟他是这个世界上眼光最好的人。There will always be some bitches in your life, which makes you worry and doubt about life, but what should you do? Is it because I am not strong enough? Be nice to your boyfriend. After all, he"s the best-looking person in the world.


十三、曾经以为,伤心是会流很多眼泪的;原来真正的伤心,是流不出一滴眼泪。和人接触时间长了就越来越喜欢狗了,狗永远是狗,人有时不是人。Once thought, sadness will shed a lot of tears; the original true sadness, is not a drop of tears. People like dogs more and more after long contact with them. Dogs are always dogs, and sometimes people are not human.


十四、决定人生,接近什么样的人,就会走什么样的路,所谓物以类聚,人以群分。离太闲的人远点,近朱者赤,近墨者黑,牌友只会催你打牌,酒友只会催你干杯,而靠谱的人却会感 染你如何取得进步,你所在的会潜移默化的让你成为什么样的。Circle decides what kind of person life is, and what kind of road people will take. The so-called "thing gathers by kind, people divide by group". Stay away from those who are too idle. They will be eager to play cards while your friends will only urge you to drink. However, those who depend on you will be infected with how you make progress, and your circle will subtly make you what you are.


十五、我们一直在寻找共鸣,到头来发现自己喜欢的还是无法割舍,别人痛恨的也许会痛恨一辈子。做好自己该做的事,珍惜自己身边的人,谁好谁坏,不需要你去试探,谁真谁假,不需要你去考验,把这些都交给时间,它会和经历一起联手,把真正的朋友筛选,把虚伪的面孔拆穿。We have been looking for resonance, in the end to find that they like or can not give up, others may hate for a lifetime. Do well what you should do, cherish the people around you, who are good and who are bad, do not need you to try, who are true and who are false, do not need you to test, these are all given to time, it will work with experience, screen real friends, dismantle false faces.


十六、人与人之间,开始让人舒服的也许是你的言语,但后来让人信服的一定是你的人品。做人,就要做一个让人放心的人。无论认识多少年,都能由衷地说一句,认识你真好。Between people, it may be your words that start to make people comfortable, but then it is your character that makes people convinced. To be a man, we must be a reassuring person. No matter how many years I have known you, I can sincerely say that it"s good to know you.

十七、人与人之间,最大的吸引力,不是你的容颜,不是你的财富,也不是你的才华;而是你传递给对方的信赖和踏实、真诚和善良。人生,并不全是竞争和利益,更多的是相互成就,彼此温暖!Among people, the greatest attraction is not your face, not your wealth, nor your talent, but the trust and steadfastness, sincerity and kindness you convey to each other. Life is not all about competition and interests, but more about mutual achievement and warmth.

十八、无论多么犀利深刻的话,都不会让你立刻清醒,只有你自己亲身走一遭,刻骨铭心地经历一次,才会在某个瞬间顿悟。人生最好的旅行,就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。独自旅行,不受羁绊,没有约束。有一天,背上包,带上自己,有多远,走多远。No matter how sharp and profound the words are, they won"t wake you up at once. Only when you go through it personally and experience it once with a deep heart will you realize it in a moment. The best way to travel in life is to find a long-lost feeling in a strange place. Travel alone, without fetters, without restraints. One day, carry your bag, take yourself, how far, how far to go.


十九、那些陪伴我的人啊如今在何方;曾经爱过的人啊如今是什么模样。你灿烂了我的整个青春,而我,会用一生去珍惜你。Where are those who accompany me now? What are those who loved me now? You have brightened my whole youth, and I will cherish you with my whole life.

二十、痛却可以拉近你和他的距离,痛至少令你感觉到他的存在。曾经,他是你世界的全部,现在,你的世界崩溃了。你当然知道爱情没有道理,但你还是想得到一个理由,一个世界崩溃的理由。Pain can close the distance between you and him. Pain can at least make you feel his existence. Once, he was the whole of your world. Now, your world has collapsed. Of course you know that love doesn"t make sense, but you still want a reason, a reason for the collapse of the world.
