600字范文 > BBC听力 | 特朗普仍争取在人口普查中询问身份问题

BBC听力 | 特朗普仍争取在人口普查中询问身份问题

时间:2021-04-21 05:52:04


BBC听力 | 特朗普仍争取在人口普查中询问身份问题

Hello, I"m David Harper with the BBC News.大家好,我是大卫·哈珀,欢迎收听BBC新闻。Sudan"s military rulers and protest leaders will continue to direct talks later to try to reach agreement on forming a new governing body to lead the country into elections. After a first round of fresh talks on Wednesday, the African Union mediator said Sudan"s military rulers had agreed to release all political prisoners, but did not offer details. Anne Soy reports.苏丹的军事统治者和抗议活动领导人将继续直接对话,希望达成协议,组建一个新的理事机构领导该国进行选举。在周三举行的第一轮会谈后,非洲联盟调解员表示,苏丹军方统治者同意释放所有政治犯,但没有提供更多细节。以下是安·索伊的报道。The resumption of dialogue restores hopes for a transition to civilian rule. The military council, which is currently running Sudan has been under pressure from the international community to hand over power. Protests were held on Sunday across the country to press for change. The demonstrations were organized in spite of a month-long internet shutdown and threats against opposition leaders. By the time talks collapsed in May, the two sides had agreed to have a majority civilian legislature in a three-year transition period.双方恢复对话又让苏丹向文职统治过渡充满了希望。目前国际社会正在向领导苏丹的军事委员会施加压力,要求其交出权力。全国各地都在进行抗议活动,以寻求变革。尽管经历了长达一个月的断网,反对派领导人也受到了威胁,但他们仍然组织了示威活动。5月会谈失败时,双方同意在三年过渡期内设立多数代表制的民事立法机构。The United Nations Security Council has failed to agree on a joint statement to condemn an air attack on a migrant camp in Libya in which forty-four people were killed. Reports citing diplomats in New York indicated the United States was not prepared to support the text. Libya"s UN-backed government and rebel militias have blamed each other for the attack. Peter Bowes reports.联合国安理会未能通过一项对利比亚移民营的空袭表示谴责联合声明,其中有四十四人在空袭中死亡。援引纽约外交官的报道称,美国不准备支持该声明。联合国支持的利比亚政府和反对派民兵组织互相指责对方造成了此次袭击事件。以下是彼得·鲍斯的报道。During a two-hour closed-door meeting of the United Nations Security Council, Britain circulated a statement that would have condemned the airstrike and called on the warring sides to immediately de-escalate the situation and commit to a cease fire. The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he was outraged by the horrendous incident. But US diplomats told the meeting they required a green light from Washington to approve the text of a statement and the talks ended without agreement.在联合国安理会举行的两小时闭门会议期间,英国发布一项声明谴责此次空袭,并呼吁交战双方立即缓和局势并承诺停火。联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯表示,他对这起可怕的事件感到愤怒。但美国外交官在会上表示,他们需要华盛顿当局的批准才能支持该声明,最后对话以未达成共识而结束。The interim President of Algeria Abdelkader Bensalah has made a state television address, repeating his call for elections and national dialogue to end the political crisis in the country. Mr. Bensalah said it was the only democratic solution. His previous appeals for dialogue have been rejected by protesters who want to overhaul the entire political system.阿尔及利亚临时总统阿卜杜勒卡德尔·本萨拉在国家电视台发表电视演讲,再次呼吁进行选举和全国对话,以结束国内的政治危机。本萨拉表示这是唯一的民主解决方案。他此前也呼吁进行对话,但遭到了那些想彻底改革整个政治体系的抗议者的拒绝。The American whisky company Jim Beam says a lightning strike appears to have been the cause of a massive fire at one of its warehouses in Kentucky, which destroyed forty-five thousand barrels of bourbon. Jim Beam"s spokesman said the barrels contained two hundred liters of whiskey each, but the blaze was not expected to affect retail sales.美国威士忌公司金宾表示,雷击可能是导致其位于肯塔基州的一个仓库起火的原因,这场大火导致四万五千桶波旁威士忌被毁。金宾的发言人表示,每桶内都装有两百公升的威士忌,但是预计大火不会影响零售销售。President Trump has insisted that he is pressing ahead with plans to include a contentious citizenship question on the forthcoming US census in a dramatic reversal of his own administration"s announcement on Tuesday that it had been dropped. Mr. Trump has tweeted that the Department of Commerce"s statements were incorrect and fake news.特朗普坚称他正在推进多项计划,在即将到来的美国人口普查中纳入有争议的公民身份问题这与特朗普政府周二宣布撤销该计划的声明大相径庭。特朗普在推特上发帖称,美国商务部的声明是不正确的,是假新闻。That"s the latest BBC news.以上就是最新的BBC新闻。
