600字范文 > 中考英语 | 真题分类汇编04--介词 含试题解析

中考英语 | 真题分类汇编04--介词 含试题解析

时间:2022-04-17 21:51:37


中考英语 | 真题分类汇编04--介词 含试题解析

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中考英语 | 真题分类汇编01--冠词

中考英语 | 真题分类汇编02--代词

中考英语 | 真题分类汇编03--数词


()1.(南京)Yingqi Bird Nest Library,the smallest library in the world, was opened to the public in Nanjing"s Huashu Village________ the World Reading Day this year.

A. onB. inC. atD. as

()2.(哈尔滨)Don"t stay inside ________ such a sunnymorning. Let"s go out to enjoy the gentle wind and the sweet flowers.

A. on B. in C. from

()3.(沈阳)The group had to wait ________ after 12 to check in at the hotel.

A. from B. untilC. for D. at

()4.(株洲)Her birthday is ________ winter,the most beautiful season in a year.

A. in B. at C. on

()5.(大连)Disney opened a park in Shanghai ________ 16th June,.

A. in B. on C. at D. of

()6.(雅安)I have been in China ________ 1997.

A. since B. for C. in D. until

()7.(永州)Look out! Look at the traffic lights ________ crossing the road.

A. before B. after C. since

()8.(重庆A卷)Our reading club share ideas with each other________ one hour every Tuesday.

A. to B. on C. at D. for

()9.(东营)Stephen Hawking got more than 380,000 followers in two hours________ he put his first message on Weibo.

A. before B. since C. after D. until

()10. (呼和浩特)I"m looking after Tom today. He"s been in my house ________ 8:00 this morning.

A. at B. since C. for D. till

()11.(黄冈)—Junior high school days will be over ________ a week. How are you feeling?

—I"m trying to keep my cool because we"ve been together________three years.

A. in;in B. for; in C. in; for D. for; for


()1.(北京)Paul"s mother is a nurse. She works ________ a hospital.

A. with B. on C. of D. in

()2.(重庆B卷)Jim lives ________ a small village and the air there is very fresh.

A. on B. in C. under D. from

()3.(桂林)Mr Green is writing ________ the blackboard.

A. in B. on C. at

()4.(达州)—Where is Marry flying?

—She is flying to France soon. She will arrive_____ Paris _____ the morning of July 2.

A. to;on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on


()1.(河北)Class,let"s see who can spell the most words________ these letters.

A. at B. into C. on D. with

()2.(湘潭)—How do you learn English?

—________ listening totapes.

A. By B. With C. For

()3.(广东)Could you please give me a hand? I can"t complete the task on time ________ your help.

A. without B. under C. with D. for


()1.(上海)The local community center is open ________ Monday to Saturday.

A. in B. from C. for D. on

()2.(天津)You can buy almost everything ________ theInternet, and it"s very easy.

A. into B. for C. at D. on

()3.(陕西)It"s a good idea to send the old books ________ the children who need them.

A. at B. of C. to D. by

()4.(苏州)A good student connects what he reads ________ what he sees around him.

A. for B. with C. in D. on

()5.(扬州)—Hi,guys. Where were we yesterday?

—We learned the differences________ fact and opinion.

A. between B. among

C. during D. beyond

()6.(攀枝花)My English teacher is always strict ________ us.

A. in B. at C. with D. about

()7.(济宁)We should be kind to the old and take care_____ them in daily life.

A. of B. for C. with D. about

()8.(郴州)—The summer vacation is coming. I"m looking forward ________it.

—Me too.

A. at B. to C. on

()9.(孝感)Xiaogan is well known _____ the culture of“Xiao”.

A. inB. forC. at D. on

()10. (襄阳)—Who is Dave looking ________?

—His mother. She"s been in hospital for a few days.

A. for B. after C. at D. up


()1.(兰州)—Alice,would you like to go hiking with us?

—What a pity!I"m free every day ________ today.

A. for B. except C. besides D. among

()2.(绵阳)—What did you get for your birthday,Tony?

—An iPad4,________ my aunt.

A. to B. from C. with D. for

()3.(内江)________ all the students,the two boys wrote the article best.

A. With B. For C. Of D. From

()4.(滨州)The “teacher­free exam” means that students take their exams________ teachers. Students must be more honest.

A. without B. against

C. through D. by

()5.(齐齐哈尔)________JourneytotheWest,she has also readLittleWomen.

A. Besides B. But C. Except

()6.(无锡)Although he was________ my opinion,the old professor didn"t come up with his own.

A. against B. on C. for D. in


()1.(安徽)Many wild animals are________,and it"s time for us to do whatever we can to protect them.

A. on dutyB. on show

C. in order D. in danger

()2.(福州)—Sally is my best friend. She is always there whenever I"m________.

—Yeah. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

A. in order B. in trouble C. in public

()3.(云南)We will spend the coming week together. So ________,let"s know each other"s names.

A. in the end B. all the time

C.first of all D. as a result

()4.(南宁)He left school and began work ________ twelve.

A. at the age of B. at the beginning of

C. at the top of D. at the bottom of

()5.(绥化)Jim sits behind me,so I sit________ him.

A. at the end of B. in front of C. in the middle of

()6.(德州)It"s dangerous for you to go out for a walk in the forest ________at night.

A. on business B. by the way

C. on your own D. on the top

()7.(鄂州)—Who looked after your sick grandmother inhospital?

—My father did that________. He didn"t want anybody else"s help.

A. in fact B. in person

C.in totalD. in disagreement



1. A【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意:世界上最小的图书馆,嘤栖鸟巢图书馆于今年的“世界读书日”那天在南京桦墅村对公众开放。具体到某一天用介词on。故选A。

2. A【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意:在如此晴朗的早晨不要待在室内,让我们一起出去享受和风和香甜的花吧。由a sunny morning是具体某一天的早晨可选A。

3. B【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:这个小组必须等到12点之后才能入住这家酒店。根据句意可知此处考查“直到……”,故选B。

4. A【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意:她的生日在冬季,一年中最美的季节。in 用于表示季节、年份、月份等名词前;at用于具体的时间点;on用于具体的某一天。故选A。5. B【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意:6月16日,迪斯尼在上海开了一个乐园。本句指在具体某一天,故选B。

6. A【解析】考查介词的用法。句意:1997年,我就一直在中国。从“I have been in China”可知,本句用的是现在完成时,而since是现在完成时的标志词。故选A。

7. A【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意:当心!过马路看交通灯。结合常识可知过马路之前先要看交通灯。故选A。

8. D【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意:我们阅读俱乐部每周二花一个小时分享彼此的想法。to 到……;on 后接具体的某一天;at 后接具体的时间点;for 后接时间段,表示一段时间。one hour是一段时间,应该用介词for,故选D。

9. C【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意:史蒂芬·霍金在微博上发布第一条消息,在两个小时内就有380000多个粉丝。根据后半句“in two hours”及语境可知是在霍金发送微博之后。此处after是连词,连接两个句子。故选C。

10. B【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意:今天我在照顾汤姆。今天早上八点他一直待在我家。此处表示“自从”。故选B。

11. C【解析】考查介词表示时间的用法。句意“初中生活一个周后将要结束了。你感觉怎么样?”“我正试图保持冷静,因为我们在一起三年了。”根据will be over可知第一处表示将来时,in+一段时间可表示将来时;第二空表示持续一段时间,用介词for。故选C。


1. D【解析】考查介词表示地点的用法。句意:保罗的妈妈是一名护士,她在医院上班。with带有,和……一起;on表示和物体表面接触;of表示所属;in在……里。“in a hospital在医院上班”,固定搭配。故选D。

2. B【解析】考查介词表示地点的用法。句意:吉姆住在一个小山村,那里的空气非常清新。分析语境可知本句中介词表示在一个空间范围内,故用in,且live in为固定搭配。故选B。

3. B【解析】考查介词的用法。句意:格林先生正在黑板上写字。此处指在黑板上面写字。故选B。

4. D【解析】考查介词表示地点和时间的用法。句意“Marry要飞到哪里去?”“她不久将飞到法国,她将会在7月2号早上到达巴黎。”arrive in后接的是大地方,如城市等;而arrive at后接小地方,如某个社区、乡镇等,则第一空排除A、B选项;第二空主要考查的是固定搭配,on the morning of+日期,意为“在……的早上”。故选D。


1. D【解析】考查介词表示方式的用法。句意:同学们,咱们看看谁能这些字母来拼出最多的单词。at在;into到……里;on在……上;with用,带有,和……一起。分析句意可知,此处指用字母拼单词,故选D。

2. A【解析】考查介词表示方式的用法。句意“你怎么学习英语?”“听磁带。”By通过,表示通过某种方式;With用,表示用某种工具;For为了,对于。根据语境可知所填介词表示通过某种方式,故选A。

3. A【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:请问你能帮我吗?你的帮助,我不能准时完成这项任务。结合句意可知没有你的帮助我就不能准时完成这项任务。故选A。


1. B【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意:这个当地的社区中心星期一到星期六开放。from...to...“从……到……”,故选B。

2. D【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意:你几乎可以在网上买到所有的东西,并且非常容易。on the Internet“在网上”,固定搭配,故选D。

3. C【解析】 考查介词固定搭配。句意:把旧书送给那些需要的孩子是一个不错的主意。send sth. to sb.“把某物送给某人”,故选C。

4. B【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意:一个好学生可以把他读的东西和他周围看到的东西联系起来。connect...with...表示“把……和……联系起来”,固定搭配。故选B。

5. A【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意“你们好,同学们。昨天我们(学)到哪了?”“我们学习了事实和观点之间的区别。”根据句式结构判断,此处应指fact与opinion之间,即两者之间。故选A。

6. C【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意:我的英语老师总是严格要求我们。be strict with sb.“对某人严格要求”;be strict in sth.“在某方面或某事上要求严格”。根据后面“us”可知选C。

7. A【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意:我们应该在日常生活中善待老年人并且好好照顾他们。take care of “照料,照顾”,故选A。

8. B【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意“暑假就要来了。我正期待着它。”“我也是。”look forward to是固定短语,意为“期待;期盼;盼望”。故选B。

9. B【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意:孝感是其“孝”文化而出名。分析句意可知“孝”文化是孝感出名的原因。短语be known for/as...,as后一般强调“以某种身份”而出名,for后一般强调“以某种原因”出名,故选B。

10. B【解析】考查介词固定搭配。句意“戴夫正在谁?”“他的母亲。她已经住院几天了。”look for寻找;look after照看,照顾;look at看;look up向上看,查阅。联系下文答语可知此处指戴夫正在医院照顾妈妈。故选B。


1. B【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意“爱丽丝,你愿意和我们一起去远足吗?”“太遗憾了!今天,我每天都有空。”根据What a pity可推知,此处表示:除了今天,每天都有空。besides除……之外(包括在内);except除……之外(不包括在内)。故选B。

2. B【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意“托尼,你生日收到了什么?”“我姑姑送我了一个iPad4。”根据语境可知,托尼的礼物“来自”他的姑姑,故选B。

3. C【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:在所有的学生中,这两个男孩文章写得最好。of all+名词复数,意为“在……之中”,常用于比较等级中。故选C。

4. A【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:“无人监考”意思是老师学生参加考试。学生们必须更诚实。从“学生们必须更诚实。”可知“无人监考”意思是老师不监考学生考试。故选A。

5. A【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:《西游记》,她还读过《小妇人》。根据also可知《西游记》包括在内,故选A。

6. A【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:尽管这位老教授我的意见,但他没有提出他自己的建议。against (one"s opinion)反对(某人意见);on (one"s opinion)一般无此用法,可排除;for (one"s opinion)赞成(某人意见);in (one"s opinion)依(某人看来)。由题意可推测,这位教授反对我的意见,但没有提出自己的建议。故选A。


1. D【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:许多野生动物,是该尽我们所能做点事情去保护它们的时候了。on duty值日;on show展览中;in order井然有序;in danger处在危险中。分析:野生动物处在危险中才会需要我们去保护。故选D。

2. B【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意“萨莉是我最好的朋友。无论何时我她总是在那里。”“是的,患难见真情。” in order井然有序;in trouble处于困境中;in public在公共场合。根据答语可知应选B。

3. C【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们将要一起度过接下来的一周。因此,让我们知道彼此的名字。in the end最后;all the time一直,总是;first of all首先,第一;as a result结果。根据语境可知选C。

4. A【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:他12就离校开始工作。at the age of 在……岁时;at the beginning of 在……开始;at the top of 在……顶部;at the bottom of 在……底部。分析句意可知:他12岁时就开始工作,故选A。

5. B【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:吉姆坐在我的后面,因此我坐在他的。at the end of在……最后;in front of在……前面;in the middle of在……中间。根据语境可知我坐在吉姆前面,故选B。

6. C【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意:对于你来说晚上外出在森林里散步是危险的。on business做生意;by the way顺便说一下;on your own独自;on the top在顶端。结合常识可知独自一人晚上在森林散步很危险。故选C。

7. B【解析】考查介词短语辨析。句意“谁在医院照顾你生病的祖母?”“我父亲照顾。他不想要其他任何人的帮助。” in fact实际上;in person亲自;in total总共;in disagreement不同意。根据后句可知是“亲自”。故选B。



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