600字范文 > 经济学人精读:埃航坠机 航空公司停飞 737 Max | 考研英语外刊双语

经济学人精读:埃航坠机 航空公司停飞 737 Max | 考研英语外刊双语

时间:2019-11-30 08:12:23


经济学人精读:埃航坠机 航空公司停飞 737 Max | 考研英语外刊双语





埃航坠机,157人丧生,看到事故消息,我表示非常震惊。波音公司表示,“Boeing is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of the passengers and crew on Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, a 737 MAX8 airplane,”(波音公司对埃航737 MAX8客机ET302航班上乘客和机组人员的遇难深感悲痛。)

在此,我们向遇难人员表示沉痛哀悼,向遇难者家属致以深切慰问。(We express our deep condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the bereaved families;We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the families and loved ones of the passengers and crew on board)

纽约时报上发了一篇文章,Boeing Faces Questions About Its New 737 Max Jets After Ethiopia Crash埃航坠机波音再受质疑,中国航空公司停飞737 Max

原文:An Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max8bound forNairobi crashedminutes after take-offon Sunday,killingall 157 people on board, including 8 Chinese.

译文:10日,埃塞俄比亚航空一架飞往内罗毕的波音737 MAX8起飞后不久坠毁,机上157人全部遇难,其中包括8名中国人。

1.这句中bound for表示飞往某地/开往某地,它的完整形式应该是that is bound for,这句里是形容词作后置定语,我们还可以用en route to来进行同义替换;

2. Nairobi译为内罗毕,是肯尼亚(Kenya)的首都,曾经在CATTI考试中出现过,注意不要译错;

3.不久后:可以译为minutes/soon/just/immediately after;

4. crash可以作不及物动词和名词,都表示坠机,比如下面这两句,



也可以表示撞车,The crash happened in thick fog 浓雾中发生了撞车。也可以加ed作形容词,如a crashed car一辆撞毁的汽车;


When the market crashed, they assumed the deal would be cancelled. 当时市场崩溃,他们认为交易会被取消。


The mirror dropped and broke with a crash. 啪嚓一声,镜子掉在地上摔碎了。

5. 本句中的take-off意为起飞,我们常见的是它的动词形式take off,还有一种是在下文中会出现的名词形式takeoff,而从某地起飞通常会使用take off from someplace,如其他外媒上是这么说的:An Ethiopian Airlines flight crashed justafter taking off fromAddis Ababa;

也可以是leaving,这次共有三名国际会议口译员协会(AIIC)会员在事故中遇难,对此我们深表惋惜,深感悲痛。AIIC官网写道:AIIC colleagues were passengers on the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302 which crashed leaving Addis Ababa.AIIC同事也在从亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Ababa)起飞后坠毁的埃塞俄比亚航空公司ET302航班上。

6.在killing all 157 people on board, including 8 Chinese这一部分中,killing为动词ing形式表结果,on board意为在飞机上,也可以表示在船/火车/甲板上;kill+数字+people表示死亡人数,还可以用claiming 157 lives,或causing 157 deaths。

如果单独说死亡人数,可以用the mortality of sth is 来表示,例如:The mortality of this air crash was 157;或者说sth cause+数字+death(s),例如:This terrible fire caused 25 deaths;也可以直接说数字+died in sth,如:136 people died in the earthquake last night;

killing all 157 people on board, including 8 Chinese:里面中国人直接是Chinese或Chinese citizens。其他报道里面是这样写的killing all 149 passengers and eight crew members aboard,这里的crew members也可以说crew,就是指机组人员、机务人员。

7. 还需要注意的是飞机的表达方式:可以直接说航空公司名称加飞机型号,如An Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max 8(MAX8这样合在一起也可以),也可以加上plane,jet(an Ethiopian Airlines jet),也可以加上航班flight(the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302);

原文:The trouble appeared tobeginalmost immediately aftertakeoff. The pilots told air traffic controllers that they werehaving technical problems. And the plane seemed to repeatedly climb and dive before a finalplunge.The Ethiopian crash occurred justoutsidethe country’s capital,leaving a smoking craterwhere investigatorscombed over thegrimscene. Much about the cause of the crashremains unknownand will takeweeks to investigate, and Boeing and the National Transportation Safety Board are sending teams tothe crash site.

译文:看起来问题几乎是在起飞后不久就出现了。飞行员告诉空中交通管制员他们遇到了技术问题。飞机似乎在反复爬升和下坠,直到最后的坠落。埃航就坠毁在该国首都郊外,留下了一个冒着烟的大坑,调查人员在恐怖的现场进行搜查。关于坠机原因还有许多未知的东西,调查需要进行数周,而波音公司和美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)正在派遣调查组前往坠机现场。

1. sth/sb appear to do是一个很常见的句型,翻译为某事或某人似乎怎么样,和后面出现的the plane seemed to repeatedly climb and dive中的seem to 是可以相互替换的;

2. air traffic controllers是空中交通管制员,air traffic control则是空中交通管制;

3.were having technical problems里面的have需要意译,翻译为遇到了技术问题。technical技术(上)的,技能的,工艺的。例如:technical problem技术问题;technological科技的。例如:technological progress 科技进步;

4.plunge作动词,可以用来描述价格或是数额的突然下跌,如The bank"s profits plunged by 87 per cent. 银行的利润骤降了87%;

也有plunge into sth 的用法表示陷入某事之中(不快的事)如:The country plunged deeper into recession.(那个国家进一步陷入经济萧条之中);汉译英翻译课程里面也遇到过这个单词,比如“鸦片战争后,中国陷入内忧外患的黑暗境地But with the Opium War of 1840, China was plunged into the darkness of domestic turmoil and foreign aggression”。

也可以作名词,plunge的英语解释是a steep and rapid fall,所以也就是crash的意思

5. before a final plunge直到最后的坠落:before灵活翻译,经常翻译为然后、之后、最后、直到最后。

6. outside the country’ capital翻译为该国首都的郊外:outside可以表示在外面,A queue forms outside Peter"s study 彼得书房外面排起了队。也可以表示郊外,这在CATTI和MTI英译汉里面是高频词汇。比如西外MTI真题里面就考过这个:A group associated with a Gates investment company has invested $80 million in a high-tech planned development outside Phoenix. 一家盖茨投资公司旗下的集团,已经在菲尼克斯郊外的高科技规划项目中投入了8000万美元。

7. 这里的leaving也是动词ing形式表结果,和上文的killing是同样的用法;

8. crater [ˈkreɪtə(r)]本意为弹坑,火山口,这里用来表示飞机坠机后在地上砸出的坑;smoking冒烟的。

9. comb [kəʊm]作名词时是梳子,作动词时意为梳(头发)。在这句话中意思是搜寻,常见的搭配是comb through/over sth(someplace)for sth,意为在某地仔细搜寻某物,例如:The police combed through/over the crime scene for evidence.

10. grim scene :grim表示恐怖的,阴森的。scene也可以说site,比如后面的the crash site坠机现场

11. Much about the cause of the crash remains unknown and will take weeks to investigate 的主语是Much about the cause of the crash,后面有两个并列的谓语动词remains和will take;

take有两种句型,意为某人花费多长时间做某事,一是it可以作形式主语,it take(s) sb sometime to do sth,如It took me almost half a day to finish the final assignment;

二是sth take(s) sb sometime to do,sth其实是do的宾语,比如The final assignment takes me half a day to finish. 还比如今天的原文Much about the cause of the crash will take weeks to investigate,其中Much about the cause of the crash 是investigate宾语。

12. National Transportation Safety Board 美国国家运输安全委员会;

原文:On Monday morning in China, most Chinesecarriers stopped usingthe dozens of Boeing 737 Max jets that they had acquired andbegan flyingBoeing 737-800s on the same routes. The Civil Aviation Administration of China thenissued an order for the mandatory grounding ofBoeing 737 Max planes by Chinese carriers.Flight-tracking websites showed that Chinese airlines were starting tosubstituteBoeing 737-800s on Monday morning on routeson whichthey had previouslyoperateda Boeing 737 Max.

译文:周一上午,大多数中国航空公司已经停止使用其购买的数十架波音737 Max 8飞机,开始在同一航线上使用波音737-800。中国民用航空局随后发布命令,要求中国航空公司强制停飞波音737 Max 8。飞行跟踪网站显示,周一上午,中国航空公司已经在原来使用波音737 Max 8的航线上使用波音737-800进行替代。


2.stop using意为停用,我们可以发现BBC报道使用suspend use of来表示停用:China carriers, Ethiopian Airlines suspend use of Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft after crash;在下文中还看到ground这个词,作动词时,它的意思是使停飞,阻止...起飞,如:AirlinesgroundBoeing 737 MAX planes after Ethiopian air crash.(来源:CNN);

还有的报道称Chinese aviation regulator hadtaken the planes out of service,take sth out of services 也是停用;根据后面的began flying,“停用”其实也可以翻译为stopflying...停飞。

3. Civil Aviation Administration of China 中国民用航空局;

4.issued an orderfor sthby sb:是固定表达,表示发出命令,要求某人干某事。The Civil Aviation Administration of China then issued an order for the mandatory grounding of Boeing 737 Max planes by Chinese carriers. 中国民用航空局随后发布命令,要求中国航空公司强制停飞波音737 Max 8。

这句也可以说The Chinese aviation regulator in its announcementordered its airlines on Monday morning to groundall of the country’s 96 aircraft in operation.注意:Airplanes也可以说aircraft/planes。Boeing aircraft或Boeing airplanes或Boeing planes,注意aircraft是个集合名词,单复数同形,所以这里是aircraft,而不是aircrafts。

5. mandatory ["mændət(ə)ri]强制的,法定的,义务的;虽然compulsory也表示义务的,强制的,但Compulsory 常出现在教育,工作或公司运营等类似的语境中,比如:compulsory education义务教育,compulsory military service义务兵役;而mandatory 这个词,作为形容词的时候,它通常指因为有法律或条款规定,是必须履行的,是法定的,是有约束力的,mandatory 还有许多与法律有关的固定表达,比如:mandatory test强制性测试,mandatory sentence法定判决;

6.Flight-tracking websites航班查询网站

7. substitute 代替,替换,常见的搭配有substitute A (for B)用A代替B,和replace相反。在这个语境下,substitute 其实就是began flying...

8. on routes on which:on which是定语从句,修饰routes,route表示航线。

9. Operated:表示使用,类似于use、fly。




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