600字范文 > 双语|洗护衣服的14个误区 来看看你中了几个?(一)

双语|洗护衣服的14个误区 来看看你中了几个?(一)

时间:2022-05-05 13:36:08


双语|洗护衣服的14个误区 来看看你中了几个?(一)


You"re not sorting your laundry by dirtiness.没有给脏衣服按程度分类

You probably have heard that sorting your laundry into darks and lights is a good idea, but you should also be separating your clothing by soil level.你很可能已经听说过,应该按颜色深浅来给要洗的衣服分类,但你还应该按脏的程度来给要洗的衣服分类。

According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, washing heavily soiled items separately from lightly soiled ones will keep relatively clean clothes from picking up extra grime from the wash water. This transfer of soil can lead whites to take on a grey or yellow tinge and colored items may become dingy.内布拉斯加大学林肯分校称,应该把特别脏的衣服同只有一点脏的衣服分开来洗,以免让相对干净的衣服在清洗时沾染上更多尘垢。这会让白色的衣服洗完发灰或发黄,让有颜色的衣服显得脏兮兮的。

You don"t zip clothing up before washing it.洗衣服前没有拉上拉链

Zippers can actually wreak havoc in your washing machine. Not only can the zipper itself break or damage the drum of your machine, but the sharp metal teeth of the zipper can snag on fabric or lace and ruin your delicate items. To avoid this, be sure to zip up any clothing item with a zipper before tossing it in the washing machine. Better yet, opt for hand-washing these items.拉链会在洗衣机里兴风作浪。拉链可能破掉,或损坏洗衣机内壁,而且尖锐的金属齿可能会卡在面料或蕾丝上,刮坏扯破娇贵的衣服。为了避免这种情况发生,有拉链的衣服一定要拉上拉链再放入洗衣机。最好是手洗这些带拉链的衣服。

You never wear an apron while cooking.做饭时从来不穿围裙

Stained clothing is never a good look, but that"s just what you"ll get if you never wear an apron in the kitchen. Though it seems old fashioned, wearing an apron will protect your precious wardrobe from being massacred by stray drops of oil or smears of sauce.染上污点的衣服肯定不好看,但如果你在厨房里不穿围裙,你的衣服就很容易沾上脏东西。尽管穿围裙看起来很守旧,但是可以保护你珍爱的衣服不被油污或酱汁毁掉。

You hang your sweaters up in the closet.用衣架将毛衣挂在衣柜里

Hanging your sweaters up like you would a regular shirt can actually damage them over time. That"s because sweaters are usually made of heavy material and can stretch out under their own weight if placed on a hanger.像挂普通衬衫一样把毛衣挂起来,时间久了就会给毛衣造成实质伤害。这是因为毛衣通常是由比较厚重的材料制成的,如果挂在衣架上,本身重量会造成毛衣拉伸变形。To avoid bumps in your sweaters" shoulders and saggy necklines, try this hanging trick, courtesy of Snapguide: fold your sweater in half lengthwise, so that the arms match up over each other. Next, place a hanger with the metal hook in the "armpit" of the folded sweater. Then, simply fold the torso of the sweater over one side of the hanger and then fold the sleeves over the other side. You can now hang your sweaters without worrying about stretching them.为了避免毛衣肩部突起,或颈部下垂,可以试试Snapguide网站介绍的这个挂衣服的技巧:将毛衣对半折,让两个袖子相叠。然后用金属钩的衣架放在对折的毛衣腋窝处。让衣身垂到衣架的一侧,让袖子垂到衣架的另一侧。现在你可以放心地将毛衣挂起来,不用担心衣服被拉伸。

You wipe stains instead of blotting.擦掉污渍而不是吸掉污渍

The next time you spill something on yourself, don"t just start swiping at the offending spot. As Better Homes & Gardens suggested, blotting at stains is actually the best way to avoid permanent discoloration. This is because rubbing actually works the substance into fabric fibers and may even create enough heat to chemically bond the stain to the fabric.下一次你将东西泼到衣服上,不要急着把污点抹去。据Better Homes & Gardens网站介绍,吸走污渍是去除污渍的最佳方式。这是因为摩擦会让污渍深入面料纤维,可能甚至会产生足够的热量将污渍固定在面料上。Instead of wiping, immediately and gently blot around the outside of the stain, working towards the center. If possible, use cool water to dab at the stain and be sure to get the item into the laundry or to a dry cleaner as soon as possible.你不但不能擦,而且应该立刻用温和的方法从外围向中心一点点吸走污渍。如果可能的话,用冷水在污渍处轻拍,然后一定要尽快将衣服拿去清洗或送去干洗店。

You store your out-of-season clothes without cleaning them first.没有清洗就将过季的衣服收起来

Moths are notorious for munching their way through improperly stored clothing, but you can actually help protect your garments from becoming moth snacks by washing them before storing them away.蛀虫最喜欢啃噬储存方法不当的衣服,但你可以先洗干净再收起来,这样就可以保护衣服不被蛀虫破坏。As Laundry Care explained, storing unwashed clothes can actually encourage a moth infestation because larvae can be nourished by stain residue, skin, or hair left behind on clothing. Washing your clothes before storing them in an airtight container will help discourage moth activity.Laundry Care网站解释道,将未清洗的衣服收起来会滋生蛀虫,因为衣服上残留的污渍、皮屑或毛发会滋养幼虫。把衣服洗干净后放进密封的袋子或箱子里有助于隔离蛀虫。

You just eyeball the amount of detergent you add to your laundry.洗衣服放多少洗衣液(洗衣粉)没有度

The measuring instructions on that detergent bottle are there for a reason. As Tide pointed out, adding too much laundry detergent can actually make your clothes come out of the washing machine looking worse than when they went in.洗衣液瓶上标出的分量指示不是平白无故的。汰渍公司指出,事实上放太多洗衣粉(洗衣液)会让你的衣服洗完后比没洗时看起来更糟。That"s because too many suds in the water can cushion clothes and prevent them from rubbing together. That rubbing action is actually what helps garments release stains and get clean. Splashing in too much detergent can also lead to excess product in areas that don"t easily rinse clean, like cuffs and seams.这是因为水中过量的泡沫给衣服起到缓冲作用,阻止衣服互相摩擦。实际上这种摩擦作用才能帮助衣服去污。放太多洗衣液(洗衣粉)还会导致袖口和接缝等一些不容易漂洗干净的部位有化学残留。
