600字范文 > 世界设计组织官宣:瓦伦西亚(西班牙)获得世界设计之都称号


时间:2020-07-12 05:24:48



Montreal (Canada) 9 September –The World Design Organization (WDO)® today announced that Valencia (Spain) has been named World Design Capital®(WDC) as a result of its longstanding design legacy, which has become a leading example of a city’s effective and strategic use of design on the development of public policy and its impact on industry. Valencia is the eighthcity to hold this biennial designation.

蒙特利尔(加拿大)9月9日——世界设计组织(WDO)®宣布,瓦伦西亚(西班牙)因其悠久的设计遗产而被命名为世界设计之都®(WDC) ,该遗产已成为城市有效并战略性地在公共政策发展及其对工业影响上使用设计的典范。瓦伦西亚是第八个获得“世界设计之都”称号的城市。

Luisa Bocchietto

WDO President

According to WDO President and member of theWDC Selection Committee, Luisa Bocchietto, “Valencia’s bid, articulated a compelling proposal that clearly demonstrates the effective application of Mediterranean design, of design for change and design as a key reference point to improve citizen’s quality of life.” The city’s strategic positioning on the Spanish coast, as well as its well-established design expertise was clearly reflected in its bid and promises to deliver a programme that reflects the city’s aspirations and commitment at local, regional, national and international levels. “We also hope that this designation could motivate other regional and Ibero-American cities to bid for a future WDC cycle,” stated Bocchietto.

据WDO主席兼WDC 评选委员会成员Luisa Bocchietto介绍,“瓦伦西亚的申请报告,清晰地展示了地中海设计的有效应用、设计的变革以及设计作为提高公民生活质量的关键参考点。”瓦伦西亚的申请和承诺清晰地呈现出了该城市在西班牙海岸线上的战略地位及其享誉已久的设计专业度,这些都传达了该城市在本地、地区间、国家和国际层面对申请世界设计之都的渴望和承诺。Bocchietto说:“我们也希望这个称号能够激励其他地区和伊比利亚-美洲城市去竞争未来的WDC。”

Located on the south east of Spain, Valencia is a strategic portal city located on the Mediterranean coast. Their impressive urban infrastructures are directed towards coexisting with the natural and built environment.



With a committed team, a strong municipal support and unprecedented private sector involvement, the bidding entity has everything required for developing a strong programme for . The designation is also a unique opportunity to improve sustainable design approaches at regional and local levels.


Shortlisted candidate Bengaluru (India) also mounted an unprecedented bid with the hopes of using the WDC programme as a platform to increase design integration in the city’s governing practices. Regarding the selection process, WDC Selection Committee member Dr. Anne Stenros stated, “It was a true tale of two cities and an example of the polarization of urban progress that will continue to happen over the course of the next 30 years.” A comparatively new design city with design capabilities still in development, WDO aims to build on Bengaluru’s existing potential to develop its bid into a new pilot programme aimed at emerging cities that aspire to apply design in transformative city projects.

入围候选城市的班加罗尔(印度)也进行了一场前所未有的竞争,其希望利用WDC项目作为一个平台,加强设计与城市管理实践的融合。关于评选过程,WDC评选委员会成员Anne Stenros博士说:“这是一个关于两个城市的真实故事,也是未来30年城市发展两极分化的一个例子。”作为一个相对较新的设计城市,设计能力仍在发展中,WDO旨在利用班加罗尔现有的潜力,发展其对新兴城市的新试点计划,该计划旨在将设计应用于变革性城市项目。

World Design Capitalis a biennial designation celebrating cities that use design to improve economic, social and cultural life. Previous designations include Torino (), Seoul (), Helsinki (), Cape Town (), and Taipei (), Mexico City (). Lille Metropole will hold the WDC title in .

世界设计之都(World Design Capital)是一个两年一度的称号,旨在庆祝那些利用设计改善经济、社会和文化生活的城市。之前获此称号的包括都灵()、首尔()、赫尔辛基()、开普敦()和中国台北()、墨西哥城()。里尔市将于起开始其两年的“世界设计之都”称号。

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