600字范文 > 让学习自然发生|中加幼儿园推广项目式教学(PBL)模式


时间:2023-03-28 05:05:26




PBL (Project-Based Learning,项目式学习) 是国际上推广的教学方法,以项目问题的生成、探究、解决、运用来培养学生的解决问题的技巧,关键技能和实践能力。即学生通过一段时间内对真实的问题进行探究和实践,从而在整个过程中获得知识和技能。

PBL is a teaching method popularized internationally. It cultivates students" essential skills and practical abilities based on the project problem-solving process. That is, students can explore real problems in a period of time to acquire knowledge and skills in the whole process.

项目式学习的最大特点之一,是倾听孩子的声音,将学生的学置于教师的教之上。在老师提出驱动性问题后, 孩子们集思广益,动手实践,独立进行资料收集、研究等工作,最后在团队中进行讨论和展示。

One of the biggest features of the PBL is to focus on "Student Voice and Choice", which puts students" learning before teachers" teaching. After the teacher gives out the driving question, children can do research, info collection in groups and finally present to the public.


PBL project teaching is based on the development of students, focusing on the cultivation of “success skills”, which also known as “21st Century Skills”.

*创造能力 Creativity

*沟通能力 Communication

*协作能力 Collaboration

*批判性思维 Critical Thinking


Through years of learning from kindergarten to high school or even university, there is no end for knowledge. Nowadays we can get the answer to the question at any time through the network; but creativity, communication skills, working with people, and the ability of critical thinking is not directly obtained, that is why need to cultivate our kids to have these skills, in order to lead them to success.


PBL项目强调孩子在探索中发现问题, 在过程中解决问题。老师根据孩子的兴趣及教学目标提出驱动性的问题时,孩子们需要对此来一场头脑风暴,提出他们感兴趣的问题,并通过各种途径寻找方法,设计实施步骤,在这些步骤中,孩子们会发现问题并从中探索,利用各种途径找到解决办法,从而达到在过程里学习的目的。所以,如果孩子只是简单的制作一次手工作业,完成一幅填色画画的作业任务,那么它并不是项目式教学。

Is “doing project" equals to "PBL"?

PBL project emphasizes to let children finding answers in the exploration, the teachers set a driving question based on children’s interests and course curriculum, and students will brainstorm to ask their questions. They then solve problems through various resources, and in theprocess, they can learn things. So the learning is happening during the process.

合肥高新中加学校加方校长Patricia Larrondo 近日来幼儿园部 为老师们进行了培训,介绍PBL项目以及教学实施方法。

Patricia Larrondo, principal of the CCSC, came to give out a training session to our teachers in the kindergarten recently, she introduced PBL project and talked about teaching methods of PBL.


中加学校校长Patricia Larrondo 说

Said by Patricia, principal of CCSC:

■PBL is a way to engage students in meaningful learning. They will not only learn content but most importantly, develop skills necessary for the century we are living.We hope more and more teachers are tempted to use this approach because children will benefit enormously. They will learn andwill advance in their English proficiency too, while communicating with the international teacher as they work on their projects.

PBL是一种让学生参与到有意义的学习中的方式。他们不仅会学习到内容,更重要的是 培养我们这个世纪所必需的技能。我们希望越来越多的教师愿意采用这种方法,因为孩子们会受益匪浅。同时,因为他们的项目会与国际教师有交流,这也将会提高他们的英语水平。

中加幼儿园教学主任 Lynn说

Said by Lynn, director of the kindergarten:

■项目式教学课程对儿童的各方面的发展具有特别的意义。因为儿童时期是一个认知、技能、情感快速成长的时期。项目式课程既能让儿童运用既有知识全心投入学习,又能使儿童联结各领域知识和经验去发现问题、解决问题。The PBL program has significant meaning to the development of our children. Children at this age grow rapidly in cognitive, technical and emotional development. PBL courses can not only enable children to apply their existing knowledge, but most importantly, allow them to combine knowledge with experience in various fields in order to find and solve problems.


PBL的学习给教师们带来许多的影响,不仅挑战了他们的教学理念,也颠覆了他们原有的教学模式,对教师的专业性提出更高层次的要求。这种以问题为导向的教学方法, 和以学生为中心的教育方式,是老师们接下来将会在教学中更多实践的。

The study of PBL has made our teachers changing their inherent concept of "teaching and learning" and set a higher level of requirements for teachers" professionalism. This kind of problem-oriented way, and student-centered approach teaching, is what teachers are going to practice more in their future teaching.

文字 / April

配图 / 于华丽

编辑 翻译 / April
