600字范文 > On a hot day I decide to mow our extremely hilly lawn. It was likely to 21 a jungle(丛林)wit

On a hot day I decide to mow our extremely hilly lawn. It was likely to 21 a jungle(丛林)wit

时间:2024-03-24 10:09:24


On a hot day I decide to mow our extremely hilly lawn. It was likely to 21 a jungle(丛林)wit


On a hot day,I decide to mow our extremely hilly lawn. It was likely to 21 a jungle(丛林)with weeds growing wildly. I need to mow it at once.

After several false 22 , I had to examine it and finally got our old lawn mower 23 . I was mowing and trying hard to push the machine uphill, which was really a hard job, for the machine was too old to work well. I was so 24 that I complained under my breath, so I decided to take a short break.

At the top of a rise, I 25 to see my 12-year-old John Thomas standing there, with a smile on his face and a glass of 26in his hand. Here, Mom, he said, have a drink, Wantme to help you? Dad 27 me work on hte flat places.

I 28 the ice water and went to sit in the 29of a tall tree. As I took my drink, I 30 my son. To my surprise, he didn seem to be 31 the normal mowing pattern. And he kept smiling at me 32 he worked. I wondered 33made him so happy? I thought to myself.

After a while, he 34 mowing and looked in my direction. Hey, Mom. Could you 35here? Hes alwaysnaughty like this, lazy again? I said to myself 36 . Then I stood up and walked across the lawn, noticing that he had missed a sizable spot. John, you didn ... My angry words gradually became 37, for the spot I thought hed missed had been 38 mowed into the shape of a(an) 39, suddenly I felt something warm and gentle rising from inside.

Like it, Mom? Its mine and its for you. he asked with a big 40 .

Now Ill finish the job.

21. A. turn on B. turn into C. turn down D. turn up

22. A. starts B. words C. ends D. behavior

23. A. work B. move C. going D. flying

24. A. cheerful B. tired C. cared D. boring

25. A. looked through B. looked over C. looked after D. looked up

26. A. hot tea B. chocolate C. milk D. ice water

27. A. asks B. allows C. lets D. agrees

28. A. drank B. heated C. accepted D. received

29. A. shade B. leaves C. root D. top

30. A. saw B. watched C. observed D. noticed

31. A. feeling B. finding C. following D. feeding

32. A. if B. since C. whether D. as

33. A. what B. that C. all D. it

34. A. continued B. went on C. stopped D. finished

35. A. go over B. turn over C. driver over D. come over

36. A. happily B. angrily C. eagerly D. anxiously

37. A. heavier B. thicker C. louder D. quieter

38. A. carefully B. carelessly C. casually D. comfortably

39. A.heart B. apple C. hand D. foot

40. A. sign B. smile C. surprise D. sigh21-25 BACBD -30 DCCAB31-35 CDACD 36-40 BDAAB


(答案→)21-25 BACBD -30 DCCAB31-35 CDACD 36-40 BDAAB


21小题解析:野草疯长,草坪可能变成丛林。选B,turn into 变成 turn down 关小、拒绝 turn up 开大,出现

22小题解析:several false starts, 失败的开端因为后文说the machine was too old to work .

23小题解析:开始除草失败了,所以不得不检查一下,get our old lawn mover going. 让我们的旧的割草机运转起来。 get sth /sb to do,所以AB 项错误。D 不符合题意。get sth doing 使某物处于某种状态。类似的结构有: keep/have/leave/set /send sb (sth) doing

24小题解析:so I decided to take a short break说明是太累了,选B 项tired.

25小题解析:John at the top of a rise, 所以我得向上看选D。 look throuth 浏览;复习look over检查;查看

26小题解析:26小题ice water 在28小题后有提示。

27小题解析:letsb do sth.而 ask/allow sb. to do sth. agreeto do sth; agree with/on /to sth

28和29小题解析:此句意思是我接过冰水走到树荫下。所以选accept(接受).recieve 是收到的意思。如果选A drank喝掉,那么30小题前的从句就不会再说“as i took my drink,我一边喝水 I watched my son. 一边看着儿子干活。

30小题解析:A 项saw 看见 noticed 注意到母亲并不是此时才看到或注意到儿子,所以不选。observe 是观察watch sth carefully,esp. in order to learn it的意思也有看到,注意到的意思。

31小题解析:follow the normal pattern 遵循正常的模式。

32小题解析:用as 引导从句,表示 一边。。。,一边。。。”

33小题解析:wondered 后面的宾语从句缺少主语,所以选用代词what. that 在名词性从句中是连词,不能充当成分。

34小题解析:he stoped moving and looked in my direction 他停止割草朝我看过来。AB项是继续做一件事。

根据下文“Now ill finish the job. 说明儿子并没有干完。D项错误。

35小题解析:儿子让母亲过来看自己的杰作,所以选come over

36小题解析:naughty(淘气), lazy(偷懒) again? 以及37小题前my angry word gradully 说明是angry. “生气地自言自语。”


40小题解析:根据上文32小题儿子kept smiling, 说明此时是很开心地笑着说。D sigh 叹气 A sign 招牌;手势;迹象;签名等意思
