600字范文 > VI 书面表达(共25分)假设你叫李明 你的初中同学王强到贵阳读高中 他来信告诉你 他

VI 书面表达(共25分)假设你叫李明 你的初中同学王强到贵阳读高中 他来信告诉你 他

时间:2021-09-07 00:00:21


VI 书面表达(共25分)假设你叫李明 你的初中同学王强到贵阳读高中 他来信告诉你 他





⒈ 对他在英语学习方面有困难表示关心,并愿意提供帮助。

⒉ 给他提出建议:① 每天背单词、短语,丰富词汇量;② 多听英语录音带或光盘,模仿准确的语音语调,提高听力;③ 课外多阅读,提高阅读能力;

⒊ 提出希望:希望他在英语方面能取得进步,并赶上其他同学。


⒈ 书信必须包括以上提供的内容要点,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯;

⒉ 词数:100字左右;

⒊ 注意书信的格式,写信时间为04月4日

参考词汇:记住:memorize; 丰富:enrich语调:intonationOne Possible version:

One possible version :

April. 4th,

Dear Wang Qiang,

I’m glad to hear from you. I’m very sorry that you have some trouble with your English. Now let me give you some advice on how to learn English.

First, you should memorize more words and expressions so that you can enrich your vocabulary, which is very important in English learning.

Second, you’d better listen more to some English tapes or CDs and try to follow the correct pronunciation and intonation. In this way you can improve your listening so that you can understand your teacher better in class.

Third, you can do more reading out of school in order to improve your reading skills.

I hope that my advice can help you. I also hope that you will make progress in English and catch up with your classmates soon.

Best wishes for you!


Li Ming



One possible version :

April. 4th,

Dear Wang Qiang,

I’m glad to hear from you. I’m very sorry that you have some trouble with your English. Now let me give you some advice on how to learn English.

First, you should memorize more words and expressions so that you can enrich your vocabulary, which is very important in English learning.

Second, you’d better listen more to some English tapes or CDs and try to follow the correct pronunciation and intonation. In this way you can improve your listening so that you can understand your teacher better in class.

Third, you can do more reading out of school in order to improve your reading skills.

I hope that my advice can help you. I also hope that you will make progress in English and catch up with your classmates soon.

Best wishes for you!


Li Ming


VI 书面表达(共25分)假设你叫李明 你的初中同学王强到贵阳读高中 他来信告诉你 他的英语跟不上那里学生的英语水平 课堂上听不懂 不知道怎样才能提高英语 希望你给他提些有关英语学
