600字范文 > In 1981 there were more than 1.3 million elephants in Africa. But in 1991 that number wa

In 1981 there were more than 1.3 million elephants in Africa. But in 1991 that number wa

时间:2020-07-17 14:07:46


In 1981  there were more than 1.3 million elephants in Africa. But in 1991  that number wa


In 1981, there were more than 1.3 million elephants in Africa. But in 1991, that number was cut down to 600,000. African elephants are hunted for their valuable ivory tusks(象牙). More have been killed by poachers(偷猎者). Poachers are hunters who kill animals illegally. An adult(成年) elephant eats as much as 300 pounds a day. In their search for food, elephants often move great distances. When they cannot find the grasses they prefer, they may strip(剥光) the land of trees.

Today, the area in which elephants herds live is smaller than it used to be. Many areas in their path have been turned into farms. And some elephants have been killed by farmers for trampling(践踏)their crops.

What can we do here in our country about a threatened animal that lives so far away? Our government has passed a law to protect it. People cannot import or bring in items made from ivory or any part of the elephant’s body.

Most countries throughout the world have also stopped ivory imports. It is hoped that the ban(禁令) on the sale of ivory will help save the African elephant. But the world’s largest land animal needs other help. The countries where these animals live are often poor and unable to manage the herds. If the elephant is to survive, this animal is going to need our support for many years to come.

【小题1】The number of the elephant in Africa in 1991 was .A.the same as that ten years agoB.more than that ten years agoC.a little less than half of that in 1981D.a little more than half of that in 1981【小题2】African elephants have been killed mainly because .A.they eat a lotB.they have beautiful tusksC.poachers kill for funD.there are too many of them【小题3】 The areas where African elephants live are much smaller today because .A.they tend to live in herdsB.there are not so many of them todayC.many of these areas have been turned into farmsD.farmers have been killing them to save their crops【小题4】It is mentioned in the passage that our country has .A.officially stopped ivory importsB.banned the killing of elephants in AfricaC.threatened the elephants that live far awayD.helped the African countries where elephants live【小题5】 Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Poachers have a license(执照) to hunt for animals.B.Elephants do a lot of good for the farmers in Africa.C.We live too far away to help to save the African elephants.D.The African elephant needs the world’s support for its survivalCBCAD



