600字范文 > It was a bitter cold evening in northern Virginia. The old man’s beard was 11 by winter’s

It was a bitter cold evening in northern Virginia. The old man’s beard was 11 by winter’s

时间:2024-03-13 06:14:40


It was a bitter  cold evening in northern Virginia. The old man’s beard was 11 by winter’s


It was a bitter, cold evening in northern Virginia. The old man’s beard was 11 by winter’s frost while he waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. Then he heard the weak sound of hooves(马蹄) advancing along the frozen path. 12 , he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend. He let the first one pass by, then another. As the last rider drew near where the old man sat, the old man 13 the rider’s eye and said, “Sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side of the river?” Reining(勒住) his horse, the rider replied, “Sure thing.” Seeing the old man unable to 14 his half-frozen body from the ground, the horseman helped the old man onto the horse and took him to his 15 . On the way, the horseman said: “Sir, I notice that you let several other riders pass by. Im 16 why, on such a bitter winter night, you would wait and ask the last rider.”The old man looked at the rider and replied, “I know people pretty good. When I 17 the eyes of the other riders, I immediately saw there was no 18 for my situation. But when I looked into yours, kindness and compassion(同情) were obvious. I knew that your gentle spirit would give me help in my time of 19 .”Those heart-warming comments 20 the horseman deeply. “Im most grateful for what you have said,” he told the old man. “May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion.”

【小题1】A.markedB.coveredC.equippedD.filled【小题2】.A.HappilyB.AnxiouslyC.AppreciativelyD.Confidently【小题3】.A.staredB.lookedC.caughtD.attracted【小题4】.A.liftB.carryC.riseD.jump【小题5】A.homeB.companyC.destinationD.office【小题6】A.afraidB.excitedC.delightedD.curious【小题7】A.got intoB.ran intoC.looked intoD.broke into【小题8】.A.concernB.worryC.envyD.doubt【小题9】A.troubleB.needC.dangerD.difficulty【小题10】A.amazedB.promotedC.touchedD.benefitedB



解析: 略
