600字范文 > From the time each of my children started school I packed their lunches. And in each lunc

From the time each of my children started school I packed their lunches. And in each lunc

时间:2020-05-05 07:17:42


From the time each of my children started school  I packed their lunches. And in each lunc


From the time each of my children started school, I packed their lunches. And in each lunch ,I26 a note. Often written on a napkin (餐巾), it might be thank you for a 27 moment ,a reminder of something we were happily expecting,or a bit of 28 for the coming test orsporting event.

In the early grade school they 29 their notes. But as children grow older they become self-conacious(有自我意识的),and _30 he reached high

School,my older son ,Marc, informed me he no longer_31 my daily notes.Telling him that he no longer needed to _32them but I still needed write them, I33 untill the day he gratuated

Six years after high school graduation, Marc called asked if he could move34for a couple of months.I had spent those years well,graduating from college,35two internships()in Washington,DC,and 36,becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento.37 short vacation visits,hower,he had lived away from home .With his younger sister leaving for college, I was 38 happy to have Marc back.Since Iwas 39 making lunch for his younger brother, I _40 one for Marc,too.Imagine my 41 when Igot a call from my 24-year-old son,42 his lunch.

Did I do something 43? Don’t you love me _44,Mom ? werejust a few of the questions he threw at me as I _45asked him what was wrong.

My note,Mom, he answered,Where is my note?

【小题1】A.carriedB.foundC.includedD.held【小题2】A.difficultB.specialC.comfortableD.separate【小题3】A.congratulationB.improvementC.explanationD.encouragament【小题4】A.lovedB.answeredC.wroteD.examined【小题5】A.latelyB.by the wayC.by the time D.gradually【小题6】A.receivedB.understoodC.enjoyedD.collected【小题7】A.copyB.readC.takeD.send【小题8】A.held upB.gave upC.followedD.continued【小题9】A.outB.homeC.toD.to Sacramento【小题10】A.organizingB.planningC.comparingD.completing【小题11】A.hopefullyB.forfinallyC.particularlyD.certainly【小题12】A.Because ofB.Instead ofC.Except forD.As for【小题13】A.especiallyB.immediatelyC.equallyD.generally【小题14】A.onceB.againC.stillD.even【小题15】A.packedB.fetchedC.boughtD.filled【小题16】A.fearB.surpriseC.. angerD.disappointment【小题17】A.waiting forB.worrying aboutC.caring forD.asking about【小题18】A.wrongB.funnyC.strangeD.smart【小题19】A.any moreB.enoughC.once moreD.better【小题20】Ainterestingly B.bitterly CpolitelyD. laughinglyC



解析: 略
