600字范文 > America is a country on the move. In unheard of numbers people of all ages are exercising

America is a country on the move. In unheard of numbers people of all ages are exercising

时间:2023-04-26 05:27:52


America is a country on the move. In unheard of numbers  people of all ages are exercising


America is a country on the move. In unheard of numbers, people of all ages are exercising their way to better health. According to the latest figures, 59 percent of American adults exercise regularly-up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the figure of 25 years ago. Even non-exercisers believe they would be more attractive and confident if they were more active.

It is hard not to get the message. The virtues of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads of everything from beauty soaps to travel books. Exercise as a part of daily life did not catch on until the late 1960s when research by military doctors began to show the health benefits of doing regular physical exercises. Growing publicity (宣传) for races held in American cities helped fuel a strong interest in the ancient sport of running. Although running has leveled off in recent years as Americans have discovered equally rewarding—and sometimes safer-forms of exercise, such as walking and swimming, running remains the most popular form of exercise.

As the popularity of exercise continues to mount, so does scientific evidence of its health benefits. The key to fitness is exercising the major muscle groups vigorously (强有力地) enough to approximately double the heart rate and keep it doubled for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing such physical exercises three times or more a week will produce considerable improvements in physical health in about three months.

【小题1】It can be learnt from the passage that the health benefits of exercise .A.are to be further studiedB.are yet to be provedC.are self evidentD.are supported by scientific evidence【小题2】A growing interest in sports developed after .A.an increasing number of races were held in American citiesB.research showed their health benefitsC.scientific evidence of health benefits was shown on TV adsD.people got the message from magazine covers and postage stamps【小题3】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A.Running—A Popular Form of SportB.Scientific Evidence of Health BenefitsC.Different Forms of ExerciseD.Exercise—The Road to Health【小题4】Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “leveled off” in the paragraph 2?A.“reached its lowest level in popularity”B.“stopped being popular”C.“stopped increasing in popularity”D.“become very popular”C




【小题1】D推理判断题。第三段首句“… so does scientific evidence of its health benefits”表明锻炼人数在不断增加,而锻炼有益于健康的科学依据也在不断增加,即锻炼有益于健康是得到科学依据支持的。

【小题2】B细节理解题。根据第二段“…When research by military doctors began to show the health benefits of…”,可知B项正确。


【小题4】C词义理解题。第二段指出宣传使人们提高了对跑步的兴趣,后来人们发现其他形式的锻炼同样有益于健康,有时更加安全些,于是“跑步”这种运动形式才“level off”,同时指出虽然“level off”但仍然是the most popular form,由此可知“level off”应是“stop climbing (increasing in popularity)”,故C项正确。
