600字范文 > One day I came home from school changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a lo

One day I came home from school changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a lo

时间:2024-07-12 18:40:22


One day I came home from school  changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a lo


One day I came home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a local restaurant in town as a cashier and waiter.

I went to work feeling 36. And to make matters worse, I was busy that evening. It s the same thing over and over again. 37with customers who complain about their food andwhere they are 38is too big or too small. Little things like that tend to 39a lot of us 40but we manage to deal with it.

Three elderly ladies walked in and sat by the windows. It happened to be the very 41near where I keep the dirty 42in the boxes. Trying to keep up with all the dirty tables, customers leaving and coming in and 43running all over the house, it was crazy. 44these elderly women were watching 45 I was working to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers.

When they 46their meals, I took their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me for a while about school, how I was doing, what 47 I was in and what I planned to do in the future.

48they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a 49 and gentle voice, “You are going places.(你前途无量) And that was it.” They left the 50and I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me 51to believe in myself.They 52my spirit from being down and gave me a 53to keep on working hard.

People used to tell me that I couldn’t have a career in 54until I had a degree. Im now a co-anchor (联合主持人) of a student-produced television 55. And the best thing is: Im only 17 years old and I am a senior in high school.

【小题1】A.tiredB.excitedC.downD.up【小题2】A.HelpingB.DealingC.TalkingD.Meeting【小题3】A.seatedB. satC.laidD.seating【小题4】A.attractB.avoidC.annoyD. adjust【小题5】A.customersB.employeesC.bossD.employers【小题6】A.tableB.boxC.kitchenD. spot【小题7】A.roomsB.dishesC.clothesD.chairs【小题8】A.menB.womenC.peopleD.servers【小题9】A.AndB.OtherwiseC.ButD.So【小题10】A.howB.whatC.whereD.why【小题11】A.completedB.finishedC.orderedD.got【小题12】A.gradeB.placeC.markD.position【小题13】A.BeforeB.WhileC.AfterD.As【小题14】A.confidentB.loudC.lowD.pleasant【小题15】A.houseB.kitchenC.tableD.restaurant【小题16】A.courageB.abilityC.imaginationD.time【小题17】A.put downB.picked upC.took overD.pointed out【小题18】A.reasonB.causeC.presentD.permission【小题19】A.governmentB.televisionC.schoolD.restaurant【小题20】A.companyB.factoryC.advertisementD.showC



解析:作者是一位17岁的中学生,利用业余时间打工。一天,在身心疲惫打工的时候,一个人一句话使作者对自己的前途重燃希望。那句话是:You Are Going Places(你前途无量)。

【小题1】C短语辨析。A感觉累B感觉激动C闷闷不乐D心情很好句意:我去上班的时候心情非常不好。feeling down 是现在分词作伴随状语,意为“闷闷不乐”。倒数第二段的They 47 my spirit from being down也说明了该题答案。故选C

【小题2】B词义辨析。A帮助B应付,处理C谈论D遇见 deal with表示“对付”;help with帮助某人做......;talk with和......交谈;meet with遇到,经受。句意:应付那些抱怨食品、座位等的顾客是大大小小的事情。故选B

【小题3】A seat是使动词,表示“使坐下”,be seated意为“坐下,就座”;sit是不及物动词,应为where they sat。句意:顾客抱怨他们就座的位置。故选A

【小题4】C词义辨析。A吸引B避免C使生气D适应 annoy表示“使生气”。因为作者前面提到了顾客的种种抱怨,因此只能导致雇员的烦恼、生气。句意:诸如此类的小事容易造成我们雇员的烦恼。故选C


【小题6】D 词义辨析。A桌子B盒子C厨房D地点,场所根据后面的where I keep the dirty 37 in the boxes句子,排除B项;不可能把脏盘子放在客人用餐的桌子上,故排除A;kitchen不会与客人用餐的地方处于同一个位置,故排除D。句意:他们碰巧坐在我存放过用过的盘子附近的地方。spot表示“地方,地点”。

【小题7】B词义辨析。A房间B盘子C衣服D椅子 the dirty dishes指客人用过的盘子。因为作者是在餐厅打工的学生,所以“端盘子”才能与文章主题相符。故选B



【小题10】A特殊疑问词辨析。句意:注视着我为了确保每张桌子是干净的去迎接下一位顾客,而多么努力的工作。how相当于how hard。故选A

【小题11】B词义辨析。A完成的B完成的C订购D得到句意:她们吃晚饭的时候。根据下文的I took their plates back to the kitchen排除C、D选项;complete往往用于完成“建筑物”、“工程”、“书籍”等;而finish制作完手中的事情,如:“用完”、“吃完”等。故选B






由下文的You are going places.(你前途无量)推测说话者语气。因为说话人在鼓励作者,所以只有A项符合语境。

【小题15】D词义辨析。A房子B厨房C桌子D餐馆句意:客人说完后就离开了餐馆。由下文知道,they指three elderly ladies,她们来餐馆用餐。故选D

【小题16】A 词义辨析A勇气B能力C想象D时间根据文意可知,别人给予了作者自信的“勇气”,作者才得以重新振作起来。故选A

【小题17】B短语辨析。pick up表示“使恢复精神”。put down放下,镇压;take over接管;point out指出。句意:她们让我振作起来。故选B




句意:有人曾经告诉我,没有学位,我就不能从事电视台的工作。下文的Im now a co-anchor(联合主持人)of a student-produced television 50.暗示这里的答案。故选B

【小题20】D词义辨析A公司B工厂C广告D演出Da student-produced television show表示学生制作的电视节目。show表示“演出,表演节目”。
