600字范文 > There are many kinds of friends. Some are always 36you but don't understand you. Many pe

There are many kinds of friends. Some are always 36you but don't understand you. Many pe

时间:2022-01-27 22:42:47


There are many kinds of friends. Some are always 36you   but don't understand you. Many pe


There are many kinds of friends. Some are always 36you , but don understand you. Many people will step in your life, but only 37friends leave footprints. (脚印).

I shall always remember the girl with the 38 .

It was the golden season. I could see the yellow leaves 39in the cool 40. In such a season, I liked walking alone in the leaves, 41the sound of them.

Autumn is a 42 season but to me life is uninteresting. The free days always get me 43. But one day, the sound of a violin 44into my ears. I saw a young girl was 45 in playing her violin.

I had 46 seen her before. Lost in the music, I didn know that I had been 47 there for so long.

Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building 48I went downstairs to watch her performance. The 49seemed no longer lonely and life became interesting. 50we didn know each other, I thought we were already good friends.

Autumn was nearly over. One day, When I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly 51. To my surprise, the girl came over to me and a52expression appeared on her face.

I am leaving. I once played very badly. It was your listening every day that 53me” She said.

“In fact, it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn. I answered.

The girl smiled, and 54 did I.

I never heard her play again. She is like a 55 — so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful.

【小题1】A.withB.forC.againstD.To【小题2】A.kindB.trueC.newD.old【小题3】A.soundB.songC.playD.violin【小题4】A.shakingB.hangingC.jumpingD.floating【小题5】A.windB.snowC.airD.rain【小题6】A.watchingB.listening toC.seeingD.hearing【小题7】A.livelyB.lovelyC.harvestD.lonely【小题8】A.upB.offC.downD.over【小题9】A.flowedB.grewC.enteredD.ran【小题10】A.lostB.activeC.busyD.interested【小题11】A.onceB.neverC.oftenD.usually【小题12】A.waitingB.stoppingC.standingD.hearing【小题13】A.becauseB.soC.whenD.but【小题14】A.autumnB.musicC.girlD.leaves【小题15】A.ButB.HoweverC.EvenD.Though【小题16】A.stoppedB.beganC.goneD.changed【小题17】A.surprisedB.happyC.strangeD.sad【小题18】A.upsetB.excitedC.encouragedD.interested【小题19】A.soB.norC.suchD.neither【小题20】A.songB.dreamC.drinkD.pictureA




【小题1】A. 结合后面一句可知,许多人与你在一起(with you), 却不能理解你。

【小题2】B. 只有真正的朋友,才能留在心中。

【小题3】D. 结合后面的内容可知,我每天去听小姑娘拉小提琴。

【小题4】D. 金黄的树叶在秋风中随风飘动。

【小题5】A. 叶子是在风中飘动。

【小题6】B. 现在分词用作伴随状语。

【小题7】C. 秋天本是收获的季节,但是此处我却独自一人漫步在落叶之上,与下文的生活的无趣相对应。

【小题8】C. 短语 get sb. down 意为使人泄气; 使人疲倦。

【小题9】A. 琴声像山涧溪流一样,流进(flow into)我的耳畔。

【小题10】A. 短语be lost in (doing) sth. 陷入……之中。此处指小姑娘正在聚精会神地拉小提琴。

【小题11】B. 结合上下文可知,我以前与小姑娘素不相识。

【小题12】C. 我沉浸在优美的琴声中,不自觉地在风中伫立。

【小题13】C. 从下文可知,我并不是听到琴声才下楼,而是因为两人心有灵犀,每次几乎是在小姑娘拉琴的同时,我也到了楼下。因此这里应用when。

【小题14】A. 与上文的生活无趣相对,琴声让我觉得生活有趣。

【小题15】D. 从整个句意来看,这里是一个让步状语从句。though表尽管,合乎文意。

【小题16】A. 与平日不同,琴声突然停止,小姑娘朝我走来,让我惊讶。

【小题17】B. 由下文可知,小姑娘即将离开,故脸上闪现出悲伤的神色。

【小题18】C. 在小姑娘眼中,我每天来听琴对她是一种无声的激励。

【小题19】A. 此处是一个强调句型。

【小题20】B. 结合全文的意思可知,在我看来,小姑娘就像一个梦,让我久久难忘。
