600字范文 > Dear Parents It is almost a week since school began. I hope that you and your child are se

Dear Parents It is almost a week since school began. I hope that you and your child are se

时间:2022-08-31 15:13:25


Dear Parents It is almost a week since school began. I hope that you and your child are se


Dear Parents,

It is almost a week since school began. I hope that you and your child are settled and comfortable in the arrangement of the new school year. I would like to take this opportunity to give you news about the art project that the eighth grade students and I will be working on during this unit.

My name is Molly Atkinson and I am a new middle school teacher here at MSAE in Kauai. I feel that it is important for you to know that my approach to classroom management is inspired by Maharishi’s Principle of Ideal Teaching. I believe that it is the most positive method for guiding our students’ education. I also believe that by keeping the lessons interesting, the classroom will be a creative environment for the students to explore the artistic process. My experience with the class this week makes me believe that the students and I will have a fruitful and caring experience in our time together.

The students’ first project is a three-part work that begins with the creation of a collage (拼贴画). A pencil drawing of the collage will follow. The third part of the project will be a geometrical three-dimensional (几何三维的) drawing of the collage. The students have jumped right into the project with enthusiasm (热情) and focus. I can tell that we are going to have a very productive unit.

On October 30th, the students will have a showing of their work for you. I look forward to meeting all of you that day. If you would like to get hold of me before that time I will be here after school until 4:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays and can be available on other afternoons by appointment (预约). I may also be reached at my e-mail address: [email protected] I am very happy to be here and look forward to working with the eighth grade students.


Molly Atkinson

【小题1】It can be learned that the letter was written .A.after the school year endedB.before the new school year startedC.in the middle of the school yearD.at the beginning of the new school year【小题2】The letter was most probably written by .A.an art teacherB.an eighth graderC.a school gardenerD.a head teacher【小题3】In Paragraph 2, Atkinson mentions . A.her long work experienceB.her close relationships with the studentsC.the teaching method she appliesD.the training aim of the new term【小题4】The underlined words “that time” in the last paragraph refer to . A.October 30th B.4:30 on MondaysC.4:30 on WednesdaysD.other afternoonsD




【小题1】从文章的句子:It is almost a week since school began.可知是信是在开学初写的。答案是D

【小题2】从文章的句子;I would like to take this opportunity to give you news about the art project that the eighth grade students and I will be working on during this unit.可知是艺术老师写的信。选 A

【小题3】细节题:从第二段的句子:it is important for you to know that my approach to classroom management is inspired by Maharishi’s Principle of Ideal Teaching.可知老师提到她的教学方法。选C

【小题4】猜词题:从最后一段的句子:On October 30th, the students will have a showing of their work for you.可知是10月30号。选A
