600字范文 > A group of frogs were traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit. A

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit. A

时间:2019-11-11 21:39:40


A group of frogs were traveling through the woods  and two of them fell into a deep pit. A


A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs the pit. When they saw how the pit was, they told the two frogs that they might as well be .

The two frogs ignored what were saying and to jump up out of the pit with all of their physical strength. The other frogs telling them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs the comments, seriously considered them, and gave up. He down and died.

The other frog continued to jump as as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs shouted at him to stop the and just die. He jumped even harder and finally it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not us?” The frog explained to them that he was . He thought they were him the whole time.

This story teaches two lessons: First, there is power of life and death in the . An encouraging word to someone who is can lift them up and help them make it through the day. Second,a destructive word to someone who is down can be it takes to kill them. Be of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path.

The of words is great. It is sometimes hard to understand an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of the spirit to continue in difficult times.

【小题1】A.jumped overB.looked through C.came downD.gathered around【小题2】A.big B.deep C.dangerous D.wide【小题3】A.dead B.kind C.quiet D.safe【小题4】A.the ones B.another C.the others D.others【小题5】A.promisedB.tried C.managed D.agreed【小题6】A.kept B.enjoyed C.finished D.stopped【小题7】A.came up with B.paid attention toC.got used toD.got along with【小题8】A.slowed B.wentC.climbedD.fell【小题9】A.much B.straight C.hard D.fast【小题10】A.pain B.disease C.fear D.competition【小题11】A.worked B.turned C.left D.made【小题12】A.follow B.hear C.recognize D.consider【小题13】A.deaf B.blind C.honest D.clever【小题14】A.respecting B.comforting C.encouragingD.beating【小题15】A.societyB.communication C.tongue D.misunderstanding【小题16】A.down B.angry C.away D.up【小题17】A.whoB.that C.which D.what【小题18】A.proud B.careful C.afraid D.free【小题19】A.function B.energy C.power D.skill【小题20】A.thatB.whatC.whetherD.whenD





【小题2】考查形容词:A. big大的,B. deep 深的,C. dangerous 危险的,D. wide宽的,根据上文deep pit可知B正确。

【小题3】考查形容词:A. dead死的,B. kind好心的,C. quiet 安静的,D. safe安全的,根据四个选项的词义以及上下文可知:这两只青蛙可能会死。故A正确。

【小题4】考查动词:A. the ones特指前面的可数名词复数,B. another泛指可数名词单数,“另一个”C. the others特指“其他人”,D. others泛指“其他人”,从前面的All the other frogs 26 the pit.可知选C。

【小题5】考查动词:此句意为:“那两只青蛙没有理会其他青蛙所说的话,而是竭尽全力想跳出这个坑。”A项promise to do sth.“答应做某事”;B项try to do sth.“尽力做某事(但不一定成功)”;C项manage to do sth. “设法做成某事”;D项agree to do sth.“同意做某事”。故B正确。

【小题6】考查动词:A. kept 持续,保持,B. enjoyed喜欢,C. finished完成,D. stopped停止,此句意为:“其他青蛙不停地劝他们别再白费力气了。”keep doing sth.“不停的做某事”。故A正确。

【小题7】考查词组:A. came up with提出,B. paid attention to注意,C. got used to 习惯,D. got along with和…相处,此句意为:“其中一只青蛙听从了那些青蛙的话,慎重考虑了他们的意见,最后放弃了。”故B正确。

【小题8】考查动词:A. slowed放慢,B. went去,C. climbed爬,D. fell跌倒,此句意为:“他倒下去死掉了。”fall down “倒下”。故D正确。

【小题9】考查副词:A. much 多,B. straight 直的,C. hard 努力地,D. fast快地,此句意为:“另一只青蛙继续使劲地跳。”as hard as he could意为“使劲地;拼命地”。故C正确。


【小题11】考查动词:A. worked工作,B. turned转身,C. left 离开,D. made制作,此句意为:“他跳得更加使劲,最终跳出了坑。”此处的made it是指“成功”的意思。其余选项均无此意。故D正确。

【小题12】考查动词:A. follow听从,B. hear听见,C. recognize认出,D. consider考虑,此句意为:“当他出来的时候,其他青蛙说‘你没有听见我们的话吗?’”故B正确。

【小题13】考查形容词:A. deaf 聋的,B. blind瞎的,C. honest诚实的,D. clever聪明的,那只青蛙解释说他是聋子。故A正确。


【小题15】考查名词:A. society社会,B. communication交流,C. tongue舌头,D. misunderstanding 误解,


【小题16】考查形容词:A. down在此作形容词,意为“沮丧的;情绪低落的;悲哀的”。B. angry 生气的, C. away远离的,D. up向上,此句意为:“一句鼓励的话能鼓励沮丧的人振作起来,帮助他们熬过那一天。”根据下文A destructive word to someone who is down…也可以推出答案。故A正确。

【小题17】考查连接词:A. who谁,B. that那,C. which哪个,D. what什么,此句意为:“一句诋毁的话,对于沮丧的人来说,可能会要他们的命。”what具有双重语法功能,即既引导表语从句,又作takes的宾语。其他选项均无此功能。故D正确。

【小题18】考查形容词短语:此句意为“当心你所说的话。”be proud of意为“以……为自豪”; be careful of意为“注意;当心”; be afraid of意为“害怕”; be free of意为“免于”。故B正确。


【小题20】考查强调句:It is ...that...是强调句型。此句意为:“有时候很难理解,一句鼓励的话会有如此深远的影响。”故B正确。
