600字范文 > On a cold winter day two men walked along a valley.Finally they stopped at a grave(坟墓)

On a cold winter day two men walked along a valley.Finally they stopped at a grave(坟墓)

时间:2018-07-13 04:28:10


On a cold winter day  two men walked along a valley.Finally  they stopped at a grave(坟墓)


On a cold winter day, two men walked along a valley.Finally, they stopped at a grave(坟墓), which was covered with thick 1. The gravestone looked very 2. The older man said to the young man,“This is your mother’s grave…”The young man 3 in the snow.

This 4 took place 20 years ago. At that time the most intense 5 had occurred here. Among the soldiers was Wilson. The strong 6 had made the forces retreat(撤退). Wilson had headed forward in the snow with the troops in front of him. 7 , he heard a baby’s cry, which came from a hole in the snow. Wilson dug into the snow, and was immediately 8 by what he had seen.

In a mother’s arms, the baby was crying aloud. What was even more shocking was that the mother was naked. It turned out that they were 9in this valley by the heavy snow. In order to 10 her baby, the mother had wrapped all her 11around the child while holding him tightly in her arms. Though the mother had been 12 , the baby in her arms had survived. Wilson was deeply moved by such an unexpected 13. He buried the mother and held the 14baby to pursue(追赶)the 15.

After the war, he took this child to the United States to 16. When the child grew up, Wilson told him what 17that year and took him to the valley to 18his mother.

Kneeling at the grave, the young man burst into tears. After a while, the young man started to clean the snow on the grave. After cleaning the snow around, he undressed himself, 19 the grave, threw himself on the grave and spoke out the words from his heart,“Mom, how 20you were for so many years!”

【小题1】A.leavesB.snowC.dust D.grass【小题2】A.simpleB.cleanC.beautifulD.big【小题3】A.gave up B.stood upC.knelt down D.broke down【小题4】A.partyB.strikeC.accident D.story【小题5】A.speechB.whisperC.fighting D.argument【小题6】A.competitionB.enemyC.diseaseD.storm【小题7】A.FortunatelyB.FrequentlyC.ImmediatelyD.Suddenly【小题8】A.shocked B.puzzledC.frightenedD.annoyed【小题9】A.wounded B.trappedC.killedD.frozen【小题10】A.feedB.teachC.saveD.hide【小题11】A.clothesB.blanketsC.packages D.handkerchiefs【小题12】A.sickB.deadC.hungryD.lost【小题13】A.markB.conditionC.voiceD.scene【小题14】A.growingB.cryingC.runningD.singing【小题15】A.troops B.motherC.path D.goal【小题16】A.show him inB.call him inC.bring him upD.pick him up【小题17】A.happenedB.appearedC.startedD.formed【小题18】A.depend onB.attend toC.care aboutD.look for【小题19】A.movedB.decoratedC.coveredD.dug【小题20】A.tiredB.fearfulC.lonelyD.coldB




【小题1】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. leaves 树叶; B. snow 雪 ; C. dust灰尘; D. grass 草;根据后文的The young man in the snow.那个年轻人在雪地里。可知坟墓上覆盖着雪。句意:最后,他们停在一个坟墓那儿 , 这个坟墓被厚厚的雪覆盖着。故选B。

【小题2】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 A. simple简单的,B. clean干净的; C. beautiful漂亮的; D. big大的。根据前文坟墓被积雪覆盖,所以这个坟墓很简单,故墓碑也简单。句意:墓碑看起来很简单。故选A。

【小题3】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。A. gave up 放弃;B. stood up 站立;C. knelt down 跪下;D. broke down分解,(机器,汽车等)出故障了(身体等)垮了。根据后文的Kneeling at the grave,这个年轻人要跪拜自己的母亲。句意:这个年轻人跪在雪地里。故选C。

【小题4】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. party政党,党派,聚会;B. strike罢工; C. accident事故; D. story故事。根据下文At that time the most intense had occurred here.那时,这儿发生的事,可知这是要讲故事。句意:这个故事发生在前。故选D。

【小题5】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. speech演讲,演说; B. whisper 私语; C. fighting 战斗,搏斗; D. argument论证。根据后文的Among the soldiers was Wilson. Wilson是一名战士,可知前面提到的是战斗。句意:当时最激烈的战斗发生在这里。故选C。

【小题6】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. competition竞争;B. enemy 敌人;C. disease 疾病;D. storm暴风雨。根据后文的made the forces retreat(撤退)可知使军队撤退的应是敌军.句意:强劲的敌人使部队撤退了。故选B。

【小题7】考查副词及上下文的呼应。 A. Fortunately 幸运地; B. Frequently 频繁地,经常地;C. Immediately立刻,马上; D. Suddenly突然。根据Wilson had headed forward in the snow with the troops in front of him威尔逊曾在雪地里领导军队前进,所以听到婴儿的哭声应是意想不到的,突然地。


【小题8】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。A. shocked 震惊的,震撼的;B. puzzled困惑的;C. frightened害怕的,受惊的;D. annoyed恼怒的,烦闷的。根据后文的the mother was naked. wrapped all her around the child while holding him tightly in her arms这位母亲为了保护自己的孩子,把所有的衣服都包在孩子 身上,自己一丝不挂,这种景象是令人震撼的。句意:威尔逊的挖开雪,立即被他所看到的东西所震惊。故选A。

【小题9】考查动词及上下文的呼应。 A. wounded受伤;B. trapped诱捕,限制; C. killed 杀害; D. frozen冻结,凝固。be trapped in“被困在”,根据后文的 by the heavy snow.可知他们被大雪困在这里了。句意:事实证明,他们被大雪困在这个山谷里。故选B。

【小题10】考查动词辨析及上下文的呼应。 A. feed喂养,抚养;B. teach教授,教导; C. save节省,挽救; D. hide躲藏。根据前文的和they were in this valley by the heavy snow.下大雪,天冷,所以母亲为了救孩子,把衣服都给了孩子。句意:为了救她的孩子。故选C。

【小题11】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. clothes衣服;B. blankets毛毯; C. packages包裹; D. handkerchiefs手绢。根据前文的the mother was naked可知母亲把衣服都给了孩子。句意:母亲把她所有的衣服都包裹在孩子身上,紧紧地把孩子抱在怀里。故选A。

【小题12】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。A. sick 生病的,厌恶的,恶心的;B. dead无生命的,呆板的; C. hungry饥饿的; D. lost失去的。根据后文的the baby in her arms had survived.孩子幸存下来了,又有though表示转折,可知母亲去世了。句意:虽然母亲死了,但是孩子幸存下来了。故选B。

【小题13】考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. mark符号,标志;B. condition 条件;C. voice嗓音,发言权; D. scene场面,情景。根据前文,母亲把自己的衣服都给孩子包裹上,自己冻死了,孩子存活下来,这是一副情景。句意:威尔逊被这意想不到的情景感动了。故选D。

【小题14】考查动词辨析及上下文的呼应。 A. growing 生长,发展,渐渐变得; B. crying 哭;C. running奔跑,运行,经营; D. singing唱歌。根据前文的he heard a baby’s cry,可知这个婴儿在哭。句意:他埋葬了那个母亲,抱起了孩子。故选B。

【小题15】考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. troops军队,群;B. mother 母亲;C. path小路,道路;D. goal目标,球门。根据前文的Wilson had headed forward in the snow with the troops in front of him.可知威尔逊是和部队在一起的,所以此处他要去追部队。句意:他埋葬了那个母亲,抱起了孩子,去追部队了。故选A。

【小题16】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。show in 领入; call in邀请,召来; bring up 教育,养育,呕吐; pick up捡起,获得,用车接。根据后文的When the child grew up孩子长大了,所以此处应是威尔逊抚养那个孩子长大。句意:战争后,他把孩子带到美国抚养。故选C。

【小题17】考查动词辨析及上下文的呼应。A. happened发生,B. appeared 出现; C. started开始,动身,发动; D. formed形成,组成。根据后文的that year and took him to the valley to his mother.威尔逊提到那年的事还把他带到那个山谷,所以此处应是讲了当年发生的事。句意:当孩子长大了的时,威尔逊告诉了他当年发生的事。故选A。

【小题18】考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。 A. depend on 依靠;B. attend to注意,照料; C. care about; D. look for寻找。根据后文的Kneeling at the grave, the young man burst into tears.可知年轻人长大了,威尔逊领着他来给他的母亲上坟。句意:威尔逊带着他来到那个山谷找他的母亲的坟墓。故选D。

【小题19】考查动词辨析及上下文的呼应。A. moved移动,搬家;B. decorated装饰,布置;C. covered覆盖,包括,报道; D. dug 挖。根据前文的he undressed himself他脱下自己的衣服,要盖在他母亲的坟上。句意:清理了周围的雪,他脱下了自己的衣服,盖到了坟墓上,然后倒在坟墓上。故选C。

【小题20】考查形容词及上下文的呼应。 A. tired疲倦的,厌烦的;B. fearful 可怕的,担心的; C. lonely 孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的; D. cold寒冷的,冷淡的。根据前文的the mother was naked.可知年轻人的母亲把自己的所有衣服都裹在了自己孩子的身上,所以此处应是没穿衣服,冷了那么多年。句意:妈妈, 这么多年你是多么冷!故选D。
