600字范文 > Last week after a long day of traveling I found myself delayed at a bus station. The bus

Last week after a long day of traveling I found myself delayed at a bus station. The bus

时间:2019-09-22 07:01:33


Last week after a long day of traveling  I found myself delayed at a bus station. The bus


Last week after a long day of traveling, I found myself delayed at a bus station. The bus was running two hours late! I was a little and had to wait there reading a book. Just then a woman and asked me if I had any spare change to help her a bus ticket.

“Oh, sure,” I said.

With the words, I reached into my bag for some . As I handed her five dollars I her stomach rumble (发出辘辘声) and I knew she was very .

I then reached back into my and brought out a Danish pastry (酥皮糕点) I had bought earlier and it to her with a smile.

She took the pastry and gave me a bus ticket to Milwaukee to show her . I don’t live in Milwaukee and the ticket will probably be used, but I took it. A look of spread over her face. Then she went to get her and I went back to my .

She came back a few later, apologized, and told me there were five dollars . I gave her the money and slipped(悄悄地塞) a twenty . She thanked me and went back to the counter. I went back to my book.

Five minutes later she came back again and to return my twenty. I said it was for her so she could get something else to eat and that I wasn’t taking it back, she crying and hugged me.

From then on, I always help others in trouble, because I believe I am really making a difference to them!

【小题1】A.worriedB.terrifiedC.interestedD.moved【小题2】A.looked aroundB.came upC.walked aboutD.ran away【小题3】A.exchangeB.checkC.find D.get【小题4】A.booksB.newspapersC.moneyD.food【小题5】A.feltB.heardC.imaginedD.proved【小题6】A.weakB.sickC.tiredD.hungry【小题7】A.bagB.counterC.pocketD.suitcase【小题8】A.handedB.showedC.lentD.sold【小题9】A.troubleB.thankfulnessC.kindnessD.belief【小题10】A.alwaysB.everC.neverD.still【小题11】A.surpriseB.reliefC.excitementD.fear【小题12】A.luggageB.pastryC.coffeeD.ticket【小题13】A.speechB.seatC.bookD.room【小题14】A.daysB.minutesC.hoursD.weeks【小题15】A.shortB.missingC.availableD.unused【小题16】A.as wellB.in returnC.with angerD.by chance【小题17】A.SometimesB.OnceC.AgainD.Often【小题18】A.refusedB.pretendedC.agreed D.tried【小题19】A.SinceB.AfterC.ThoughD.If【小题20】A.forgotB.consideredC.startedD.avoidedA




【小题1】The bus was running two hours late! I was a little 汽车晚了两个小时,作者有点担心,A担忧的;B极度恐慌的;C感兴趣的;D感动的。故选A。

【小题2】Just then a woman and asked me if I had any spare change一个妇女走过来问作者是否有零钱,A环顾四周;B走近,即将到来;C来回走动;D逃跑。故选B。

【小题3】help her a bus ticket帮她买一张票,A交换;B检查;C找到;D买。Change是“零钱”的意思,她问作者要钱买票,故选D。

【小题4】I reached into my bag for some 作者伸进包里掏钱,A书;B报纸;C钱;D食物。故选C。

【小题5】 I her stomach rumble (发出辘辘声) 作者听到她的肚子在咕噜噜地叫,A感觉;B听到;C想象;D证明。故选B。

【小题6】I knew she was very 听到肚子叫,说明是饿了,A虚弱的;B生病的;C劳累的;D饥饿的。故选D。

【小题7】根据“reached into my bag...I then reached back into my ”可知,作者再次伸进包里,A包;B柜台;C口袋;D手提箱。故选A。

【小题8】it to her with a smile作者把吃的递给了她,A传递;B展示;C借出;D出售。Hand...to sb把某物递给某人,故选A。

【小题9】gave me a bus ticket to Milwaukee to show her 她给作者一张车票以示感激,A麻烦;B感激;C善意;D信念。故选B。

【小题10】I don’t live in Milwaukee and the ticket will probably be used, but I took it这张票作者用不到,但作者还是收着了。A总是;B曾经;C从不;D仍然。故选C。

【小题11】A look of spread over her face.一种宽慰的表情在她的脸上浮现出来。A惊讶;B安慰,安心;C兴奋;D害怕。故选B。

【小题12】Then she went to get her 她要钱是为了买票,A行李;B糕点;C咖啡;D票。故选D。

【小题13】感觉第一段“wait there reading a book”可知,I went back to my 作者再次看起了书,A演讲;B座位;C书;D房间。故选C。

【小题14】She came back a few later,她几分钟后回来,根据下一段“Five minutes later she came back again”可知,是几分钟后,A天;B分钟;C小时;D星期。故选B。

【小题15】there were five dollars 还少5美元,A短缺的;B丢失的;C可使用的;D未被使用的。故选A。

【小题16】slipped(悄悄地塞) a twenty 作者还悄悄塞给她一张20的,A也,还;B作为回报;C生气地;D偶然。故选A。

【小题17】 I went back to my book.作者再次回到书中,A有时;B一次,曾经;C又一次;D经常。故选C。

【小题18】 to return my twenty.她想还回那20元,A拒绝;B假装;C同意;D尽力。故选D。

【小题19】 I said it was for her so she could 经过作者的解释之后,她感动得哭了,A自从;B在......之后;C尽管;D如果。故选B。

【小题20】she crying and hugged me她开始流泪,并拥抱了作者,A忘记;B考虑;C开始;D避免。故选C。
