600字范文 > It was about the third week in June last year. My 15­year­old son had already sett

It was about the third week in June last year. My 15­year­old son had already sett

时间:2021-02-25 16:29:49


It was about the third week in June last year. My 15­year­old son had already sett


It was about the third week in June last year. My 15­year­old son had already settled into his summer routine:Go to at 2 a. m. and wake up at 1 p.m. only to get back on his computer to play computer games dinner.

It was the middle of the when the sound of his computer games woke me up again. I couldn that any more and decided it was time for him to get a summer job. I got on the computer and found a lifeguard certification class that the next day, and a company that teenagers to guard their pools.

From that day I woke him up at 8 a.m. every day for him to the class. At first, he continued to complain that I was his summer. But by the end of the week, he was actually going. He learned something about first aid, figured he really could someone from drowning, and got some ideas on how to work for a living.

Two weeks later, he had a as a lifeguard. He took his responsibility very and never went to work late. This summer, he will be working full­time at a pool. He says a lot of his don have jobs. And I say that is because their mothers didn try enough! Even if your kid is super with finals and after­school activities and doesn have time, you can job information for him.

Whether it is an ice cream store, a movie , or a summer camp, you can ask if they are hiring for the summer. After your kid gets a job, pay attention to the to make sure he is never late.

【小题1】A.schoolB.studyC.bedD.work【小题2】A.aroundB.untilC.afterD.during【小题3】A.nightB.noonC.morningD.afternoon【小题4】A.watchB.appreciateC.noticeD.stand【小题5】A.lastedB.restedC.startedD.developed【小题6】A.hiredB.forcedC.persuadedD.force【小题7】A.giveB.attendC.observeD.help【小题8】A.designedB.ruiningC.enjoyingD.joining【小题9】A.looking intoB.looking out ofC.looking down uponD.looking forward to【小题10】A.recognizeB.conductC.saveD.buy【小题11】A.roughlyB.luckilyC.actuallyD.suddenly【小题12】A.jobB.problemC.goalD.reward【小题13】A.slowlyB.seriouslyC.calmlyD.quickly【小题14】A.teachersB.colleaguesC.studentsD.friends【小题15】A.hardB.fastC.earlyD.directly【小题16】A.clearB.excitedC.busyD.disappointed【小题17】A.write downB.think aboutC.wait forD.search for【小题18】A.theatreB.squareC.parkD.factory【小题19】A.expertsB.foreignersC.teenagersD.villagers【小题20】A.habitB.scheduleC.traditionD.determinationC




【小题1】C 考察名词辨析。根据下文中的walk up at 1 p.m可知此处是指凌晨2点菜睡觉(go to bed),下午一点起床。故C正确。

【小题2】B 考察连词用法。根据语境可知,他每天只玩游戏,一直到(until)吃晚饭的时候,故B正确。

【小题3】A 考察名词。根据上文Go to at 21.m可知此处指我在半夜被他的电脑游戏声音弄醒了。故A正确。


【小题5】C考察动词辨析。根据第三段From that day I woke him up可知,此处救生员认证课程班第二天开课,A持续;B休息;C开始;D发展。故C正确。

【小题6】A 考察动词辨析。一家公司雇佣(hire年轻人来照看游泳次,hire雇佣,符合语境。

【小题7】答案:B考查动词辨析。由第三段第四句中“He learned something about first aid...”可知,每天早上八点我叫醒儿子去参加(attend)这个班的学习。give给;attend参加;observe观察;help帮助。故B项正确。

【小题8】B 考察动词辨析。起初他老抱怨我破坏了他的暑假。根据上文可知ruin符合语境,ruin破坏,enjoy享受。故B正确。

【小题9】D考察动词短语辨析。A调查;B朝外看;C看不起;D期待。根据上文At first, he…but..可知一开始的时候,他总是抱怨,但是后来却期待去上课了。故D正确。

【小题10】C 考察动词辨析。他真的能挽救落水者。Recognize认出;conduct引导;save挽救;buy购买;根据句义说明C正确。


【小题12】A 考察名词辨析。他得到了一份作为救生员的工作。A工作;B问题;C目标;D报酬。根据句义说明A正确。

【小题13】答案:B考查副词辨析。根据下文“never went to work late”可知,他工作认真,从不迟到。slowly缓慢地;seriously认真地;calmly平静地;quickly迅速地。take sth. seriously为固定搭配,意为“认真对待某事”。故B项正确。

【小题14】D 考察名词。A老师;B同事;C学生;D朋友;根据下文because their mothers didn’t try…可知儿子的很多朋友都没有找到工作。故D正确。


【小题16】C考察形容词辨析。根据下文中的doesn’t have time可知,此处指忙于busy with故C正确。

【小题17】D 考察动词短语辨析。即使孩子很忙,家长也能为他找到一些工作的信息。A写下;B考虑;C等待;D寻找;根据句义说明D正确。

【小题18】答案:A考查名词在语境中的运用。根据语境可知,此处指冰激凌店、电影院(movie theatre)或夏令营。故A项正确。

【小题19】C 考察名词在语境中的运用。此处指可以问问他们是不是雇佣青少年,与下文的your kids相呼应。故C正确。

【小题20】答案:B考查名词辨析。此处指留意时间表确保他永远不迟到。habit习惯;schedule时间表;tradition传统;determination决心。根据“to make sure he is never late”可知,B项正确。
