600字范文 > Do you feel upset when you hear that your school might not allow cell phones? Do you break

Do you feel upset when you hear that your school might not allow cell phones? Do you break

时间:2021-09-14 22:37:06


Do you feel upset when you hear that your school might not allow cell phones? Do you break


Do you feel upset when you hear that your school might not allow cell phones? Do you break into a cold sweat when your cell phone battery(电池) dies? If you live without your cell phone, you might have a .

A recent study found that some people could be to their cell phones. The study was conducted at Staffordshire University in England. About 40 percent of students said they couldn’t do without their cell phones. About 90% said they took their with them everywhere. One third of students surveyed said they used cell phones to themselves up.

The study also asked students 18 to 25 questions designed to addictive behavior. The results found that one in six cell phone users have a lot in with gambling addicts (赌瘾). Some people said they sometimes lied about their cell phone use. admitted stealing to pay for their cell phone habit.

Dr David Sheffield, conducted the study, said he wasn’t surprised by the . “Students use their phones , and this has both positive such as staying in touch with friends and family, and negative ones too, such as costs and social costs,” he told Weekly Reader. “The most finding was that a number of people reported they had a relationship or job because they spent too much time on mobile phones .”

part of the study, some students agreed to take a from their cell phones. After three phone-free days, students reported feeling less about their daily lives. That might be a reason to hang up the phone!

【小题1】A.mustB.mustn’tC.canD.can’t【小题2】A.problemB.diseaseC.questionD.trouble【小题3】A.pleasedB.crazyC.devotedD.interested【小题4】A.surveyedB.examinedC.checkedD.tested【小题5】A.booksB.phonesC.notesD.pens【小题6】A.showB.cheerC.pickD.take【小题7】A.changeB.formC.developD.check【小题8】A.correctionB.relationC.touchD.common【小题9】A.OtherB.OthersC.The othersD.The other【小题10】A.whoB.whichC.thatD.what【小题11】A.discoveriesB.explorationsC.resultsD.experiments【小题12】A.carefullyB.brieflyC.hardlyD.frequently【小题13】A.effectsB.pointsC.decisionsD.ideas【小题14】A.financialB.physicalC.nationalD.natural【小题15】A.interestingB.surprisingC.excitingD.pleasing【小题16】A.foundedB.earnedC.builtD.lost【小题17】A.ForB.ByC.AsD.Of【小题18】A.breakB.chanceC.riskD.fortune【小题19】A.encouragedB.stressedC.satisfiedD.inspired【小题20】A.funnyB.strangeC.goodD.wrongD




【小题1】考查情态动词:A. must必须,B. mustn’t禁止,C. can能,D. can’t不能,从上文的:Do you break into a cold sweat when your cell phone battery(电池) dies?可知如果你没有电话就不能生活,你就会有问题了。选D

【小题2】考查名词辨析:A. problem问题,B. disease疾病,C. question问题,D. trouble困难,麻烦,下文都是人们没有手机出现的问题,选A

【小题3】考查形容词辨析:A. pleased高兴的,B. crazy发疯的,C. devoted忠实的,D. interested感兴趣的,从下文:About 40 percent of students 44 said they couldn’t do without their cell phones.可知学生对手机是很忠实的,选C

【小题4】考查动词辨析:A. surveyed调查,B. examined检查,C. checked检查,D. tested测试,检测,从上文:The study was conducted at Staffordshire University in England.可知这是一项调查,所以是接受调查的学生,选A

【小题5】考查名词辨析:A. books书,B. phones电话,C. notes便条,D. pens钢笔,从上文they couldn’t do without their cell phones.可知人们没有手机就不能生活,每天将手机带在身上,选B

【小题6】考查动词辨析: A. show展示,B. cheer欢呼,C. pick捡起,D. take拿,三分之一的学生说他们用手机是让他们高兴起来。Cheer up振作起来,选B

【小题7】考查动词辨析:A. change改变,B. form形成,C. develop发展,D. check检查,调查也问了学生18-25个问题来检查学生的上瘾行为。选D

【小题8】考查名词辨析:A. correction纠正,B. relation关系,C. touch触及,联系,D. common共同,结果发现6个人中有一个手机用户和赌瘾有很多相同之处。词组have…in common和…有相同之处,选D

【小题9】考查代词辨析: A. Other其他的,B. Others其他的(复数),C. The others特指(其他的)D. The other特指(另一个),有人说他们有时因为使用手机而撒谎,其他人承认为了付手机费用偷窃。和some搭配,用others,选B

【小题10】考查定语从句:进行这项调查的Dr David Sheffield说他对这个结果不惊讶。先行词是Dr David Sheffield,定语从句中缺少主语,用who引导定语从句,选A

【小题11】考查名词辨析:A. discoveries发现,B. explorations探索,C. results结果,D. experiments实验,第二段介绍的就是调查的结果,选C

【小题12】考查副词辨析:A. carefully仔细地,B. briefly简单地,C. hardly几乎不,D. frequently经常地,从上文可知学生对手机依赖很大,所以是学生经常使用他们的手机,选D

【小题13】考查名词辨析:A. effects影响,B. points观点,C. decisions决定,D. ideas想法,从下文的:staying in touch with friends and family,可知这些有积极的影响,选A

【小题14】考查形容词辨析:A. financial经济的,财政的 ,B. physical身体的,C. national国家的,D. natural自然的,负面的影响有经济的费用和社交的费用,选A

【小题15】考查形容词辨析:A. interesting有趣的,B. surprising令人惊讶的,C. exciting令人兴奋的,D. pleasing令人高兴的,从上文的:he wasn’t surprised by the 51 .可知讲的是最令人惊讶的发现,选B

【小题16】考查动词辨析:A. founded发现,B. earned挣得,C. built建立,D. lost失去,很多人说因为他们花了太多时间在手机上而失去了一个关系或工作。选D

【小题17】考查介词辨析:A. For为了,B. By通过,C. As象,D. Of…的,做为调查的一部分,有的学生被要求暂时离开手机,选C

【小题18】考查名词辨析:A. break打破,休息,B. chance机会,C. risk冒险,D. fortune幸运,从下文的:After three phone-free days, students reported feeling less 59 about their daily lives.可知学生暂时离开手机,选A

【小题19】考查形容词辨析:A. encouraged鼓励的,B. stressed有压力的,C. satisfied满意的,D. inspired激励的,学生报告对于日常生活压力少了。选B

【小题20】考查形容词辨析:A. funny滑稽的,B. strange奇怪的,C. good好的,D. wrong错误的,这可能是一个很好的理由可以将手机挂起来,选C
