600字范文 > The Arhat Who Bares His Heart (开心罗汉)Here is a story about one of the 18 arhats (阿罗汉) in th

The Arhat Who Bares His Heart (开心罗汉)Here is a story about one of the 18 arhats (阿罗汉) in th

时间:2022-11-27 14:58:37


The Arhat Who Bares His Heart (开心罗汉)Here is a story about one of the 18 arhats (阿罗汉) in th


The Arhat Who Bares His Heart (开心罗汉)

Here is a story about one of the 18 arhats (阿罗汉) in the Buddhist temple.

Shubo Jia (戌博迦) was a crown prince. He did not really want to become the 21 of his small state. Instead, he wanted to leave the world of red dust and follow the Buddha and find enlightenment. But he 22 he had responsibilities to his kingdom.

His younger brother, however, wanted very much to become king, and was 23 to mount (发动) an armed rebellion against Shubo Jia in order to claim the throne.

And so, to calm his brother and to prevent a war, and above all to pursue the path he had decided he must follow to find enlightenment, he called his 24 to him, and explained that there was no desire in his heart 25 the land. All that was in his 26 was the Buddha nature.

His brother did not believe any of this, for, in his mind, whatever the Buddha nature might be, it could not 27 with the joy of running a kingdom, even a small kingdom and having everyone obey one’s every command. And so his brother suspected that Shubo Jia was 28 trying to fool him with some unworthy ruse.

SHubo Jia protested that he was completely 29. And with that, he pulled 30 his gown, and the face of a Buddha was seen peering out from the middle of his chest, for indeed in his heart there was only the Buddha nature.

So that is how he is represented in art today. And it is why he is called “The Arhat Who Bares His Heart.”

21. A. head B. king C. prince D. ruler

22. A. knew B. guessed C. thought D. said

23. A. anxious B. afraid C. prepared D. interested

24. A. men B. father C. wife D. brother

25. A. to rule B. to take C. to keep D. to follow

26. A. state B. power C. heart D. eyes

27. A. compete B. deal C. connect D. compare

28. A. certainly B. justly C. merely D. sincerely

29. A. sincere B. true C. faithful D. eager

30. A. down B. open C. off D. out21. B. 22. A. 23. C. 24. D.25. A. 26. C. 27. D.28. C.29. A. 30. B.


(答案→)21. B. 22. A. 23. C. 24. D.25. A. 26. C. 27. D.28. C.29. A. 30. B.

解析:21. 由后文可知king最好。

22. knew表达“知道”这个客观事实,thought表达“心中的想法”。

23.他弟弟有夺权的预谋, 准备实行兵变.


25. take表示“夺取”, 这里应该是不想当国王统治国家.




29.他向弟弟说“他是真心真意的, 不是骗他的.”

30. pull open表示把衣襟扒开露出胸口.
