600字范文 > I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Company. Among the topic we 1

I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Company. Among the topic we 1

时间:2024-01-30 07:04:07


I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Company. Among the topic we 1


I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Company. Among the topic we 1 in our classes is the 2 of quality employees.

What has 3 you to stay long enough to become a manager?” I asked.

After a while a new manager 4 the question and said slowly, “It was a baseball 5.”

Cynthia said that she 6 to take a Circle K clerk job as an interim(临时的) job 7 she looked for something else. On her second day behind the counter, she received a 8 from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for Little League. She 9 that as a single woman, 10 was tight, and her first 11 would have to go for paying bills.

When Cynthia arrived for work the 12 morning, Patricia, the store manager, handed her a box. “I overheard you 13 to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is 14 to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie. I know you have to pay bills before you can buy gloves. You know we can’t 15 good people like you as 16 as we would like to, 17 we do care, and I want you to know how 18 you are to us!”

The thoughtfulness, empathy(同情) and love of the store manager 19 that people remember more how much an employer 20 than how much he pays.

1. A. discuss B. write C. learn D. find

2. A. managing B. selling C. keeping D. seeking

3. A. made B. ordered C. forced D. caused

4. A. made B. took C. raised D. replied

5. A. pole B. glove C. hole D. match

6. A. ought B. liked C. had D. used

7. A. when B. because C. while D. though

8. A. letter B. call C. notice D. announcement

9. A. turned out B. pointed out C. explained D. complained

10. A. work B. food C. money D. clothing

11. A. bill B. check C. day D. visit

12. A. last B. first C. next D. past

13. A. lying B. talking C. crying D. murmuring

14. A. good B. easy C. hard D. necessary

15. A. thank B. use C. employ D. pay

16. A. many B. early C. soon D. much

17. A. nor B. but C. and D. however

18. A. kind B. terrible C. much D. important

19. A. shows B. insists C. realizes D. recognizes20. A. needs B. gets C. likes D. cares 1-5ACDBB 6-10DCBCC 11-15BCBCD 16-20DBDAD


(答案→)20. A. needs B. gets C. likes D. cares 1-5ACDBB 6-10DCBCC 11-15BCBCD 16-20DBDAD


本文以经理给 Cynthia 的儿子买棒球手套为切入点来谈论一个公司要留住好员工,就要关心员工,关心员工的生活,而不是给他们多少钱的问题。

1. A从上下文来看,此处说的是在经理培训课上经常谈论一些话题。

2. C从下文举的 Cynthia 由于她的经理关心并给她儿子买棒球手套使得她继续留在该公司来看,“我们”谈论的话题是“留住好员工的问题”。在下文中有 What has 3 you to stay long to become a manager,其中的long 就是一个信号词。

3. D 由下文可知,Cynthia 曾在该公司工作并同时想着找其他工作,不过后来发生的一件事让她在该公司安心工作,并成为一名新经理,故此处用 caused。force 意为“被迫”,order 意为“命令”,均不合语境。

4. B 此处是对“我”提出问题的回答,即过了一会后 Cynthia 就以自己的切身体会回答了这个问题。take the question 的字面意思为“接受了这个问题”,也就是“回答了这个问题”。

5. B 从下文可知是一个棒球手套使她下决心留在这里并努力工作的。

6. D 上文说 Cynthia 已是个新经理,此处讲述的是她过去在那儿做临时工时的事情,可见这是以前的事情,故用 used。used to do sth 意为“过去常常做……”。

7. C 前面说她在那儿做临时工,后面说她在找其他的事情,故用 while表示她当时不稳定的心理。

8. B 由下文 I overheard you 13 to your son yesterday… 可知,此处指的是她接到了儿子的“电话”。

9. C 从后面的内容特别是 …it is to explain things to kids 来看,此处用explained。

10. C 儿子要棒球手套,可她却不能给儿子买,因为第一张支票要付账单来看,此处说的是“作为一个单身妇女,钱相对来说很紧张”。

11. B 从后面的 …have to go for paying bills 来看,此处应用 check。check 意为“支票”,在这里指“第一份工资”。

12. C 前面提到了一天,此处指儿子打电话来的“第二天早晨”,应用the next morning。

13. B商店经理无意间听到了 Cynthia 与儿子打电话的内容,所以他才买了棒球手套送来。

14. C从 She 9 that as a single woman, 10 was tight, and her first 11 would have to go for paying bills 来看,这是她苦口婆心地向儿子解释家中的困难,同时由 Cynthia 向儿子说的这些话知道儿子当时非常想要手套,由此可推断此处用 hard 为好,即“向儿子解释这些很困难”。

15. D / 16. D 从 good people like you… as we would like to, we do care… 等来看,此处经理的话的意思是“你知道像你这样的好人,我们不能想给你多少就给多少”。

17. B前面说我们不能想给像你这样的好员工多少钱就给多少钱,与后面的“我们确实很关心(在乎)”有转折关系,故用 but。

18. D 从上下文知,钱不是最重要的,而关心、同情和爱心才是最重要的。此处经理的意思是想让她明白“好员工对他们来说是多么的重要”,这才符合逻辑。

19. A由经理给 Cynthia 的儿子买手套所体现的同情和爱心表明“人们更关注的是被关心,而不是他得到了多少钱”。

20. D 由 Cynthia 的亲身经历可知,对于雇员来说“雇主的关心比多给工资要重要的多”。这也可从 thoughtfulness, empathy and love of the store manager 看出来。
