600字范文 > 【小题1】It’s the wettest(wet ) area in China it rains a lot every month.【小题2】It’s said that

【小题1】It’s the wettest(wet ) area in China it rains a lot every month.【小题2】It’s said that

时间:2023-09-16 19:10:52


【小题1】It’s the wettest(wet ) area in China  it rains a lot every month.【小题2】It’s said that


【小题1】It’s the wettest(wet ) area in China, it rains a lot every month.

【小题2】It’s said that this kind of snakes are endangered(danger) because people hunt them for money .

【小题3】The teenagers should talk to the elderly politely(polite).

【小题4】Many people don’t know the importance(important) in bird’s numbers .

【小题5】We all want to live in the peaceful(peace) and friendly world .

【小题6】Each of us took part in the afterschool activities actively(active).

【小题7】Do you now how sharp wettest(wolf) teeth are?

【小题8】I find the student over there very wolves’(care). He makes lots of mistakes.

【小题9】You will be careless(welcome) in the library if you make much noise.

【小题10】Many animal disappeared because of the unwelcome(lose) of their living areas.



【小题1】根据前面的the和后面的in China可知本处应该用最高级。Wet的最高级要双写,所以应该填wettest。本句的意思是“它是中国最湿润的地区,每个月都下很大雨。”





【小题6】通过分析可知,本空应该是修饰took part in的,所以应该用副词,active的副词是actively。本机的意思是“我们中的每个人都积极的参加课后的活动。”


【小题8】通过He makes lots of mistakes.可知,学生应该是很粗心。所以填careless。本句的意思是“我发现那边的学生很粗心。他们犯了很多错误。”

【小题9】根据 if you make much noise.“如果你制造很多噪音。”可知,在图书馆是不受欢迎的。“不受欢迎的”unwelcome。

