600字范文 > 【威尼斯圣马可广场】威尼斯的圣马可广场写一篇100~120的英语作文威尼斯的...


时间:2023-12-31 10:54:36




威尼斯的圣马可广场写一篇100~120的 英语 作文威尼斯的圣马可广场写一篇100~120的 英语 作文 英语1楼的童鞋 Heaven is coming 诅咒?貌似这个不恰当 在说我要圣马可广场的 英语


【答案】 Piazza San Marco which often known in English as St Marks Square,is the principal public square of Venice,Italy,where it is generally known just as the Piazza.All other urban spaces in the city (except the Piazzetta) are called campi (fields).The Piazzetta (the little Piazza) is an extension of the Piazza towards the lagoon in its south east corner (see plan).The two spaces together form the social,religious and political centre of Venice and are commonly both considered together.This article relates to both of them.

A remark usually attributed to Napoleon calls the Piazza San Marco the drawing room of Europe.(The attribution to Napoleon is unproven).It is one of the few great urban spaces in Europe where human voices prevail over the sounds of motorized traffic
