600字范文 > 小学五年级学生寒假英语日记


时间:2019-08-28 23:33:08




1.The happiest day

January 29,Saturday,Sunny

I got up early today because my parents and I wanted to go to Nanshan to ski.After breakfast,my father drove our car.It took us about an hour to get there.There were thousands of people.We quickly changed our clothes and went skiing as soon as we got there.My parents and I were good skier.We spent five hours skiing there and we really had a good time.Skiing is my favorite sport so this was my happiest day.我今天很早就起床了,因为我父母和我要去南山滑雪场去滑雪.吃完早饭后,我父亲开车花了我们大约1个小时到那.那里有成千上万的人.我们一到那就迅速换衣服然后去滑雪.我父母和我都是滑雪高手.我们在那滑了5个小时的雪,我们确实过得很愉快.因为滑雪是我最喜爱的运动,所以我这天过得最愉快

2.The busiest day

January 31,Monday,Sunny

I got up early and helped my mother cook breakfast.Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room.At nine o'clock I went shopping with my parents by car.There was traffic jam so the car moved slowly.It took us about an hour to get to Wumart.We bought lots of food and drink because Spring Festival was coming.In the afternoon I visited my friends and payed table tennis with them.I surfed the internet and read books in the evening.It was my busiest day of winter holiday.我起床很早,帮我母亲做早饭,然后洗碗打扫房间.9:00我和我父母开车去购物.交通堵塞所以开得很慢.我们花了大约1个小时才到物美.我们买了很多食物和饮料因为春节快到了.下午我去拜访朋友并和他们打乒乓球.晚上我上网并读书.这是我寒假最忙的.一天.

3.The most boring day

Today my parents all went to work because their Spring Festival holiday was over.I had to stay at home and did my homework all day.I cooked lunch by myself and it was the simplest only some noodles.When I felt lonely I listened to music and read some books.At about 6:00 pm,my parents finally went back home from work.I thought it was the most boring day of my winter holiday.今天我父母都去上班了因为他们的春节假期已经结束了.我不得不整天呆在家做作业.中午我自己做的午饭-简单的面条.当我感觉孤单时就听听音乐看看书.6:00 我父母终于下班回到了家.我认为这是我寒假中过的最乏味的一天.

