600字范文 > 英语中的“暴雨”怎么说?你还在用big rain吗?巧用外刊学表达

英语中的“暴雨”怎么说?你还在用big rain吗?巧用外刊学表达

时间:2023-01-07 15:19:02


英语中的“暴雨”怎么说?你还在用big rain吗?巧用外刊学表达

近几年,全球都在遭受暴雨灾害,关于暴雨的报道也是层出不穷。那么“暴雨”用英语怎么说呢?我们常常见到big rain,或its raining cats and dogs这样的表达,那么,还有其它的表达方式吗?如何让自己的口语和作文更为出彩,让我们一起来学习一下吧。

1. heavy rainfall/rain


Officials warn of hazardous travel conditions as heavy rainfall causes disruption in the capital. (BBC)

The storm could bring extremely heavy rainfall to millions in China. (CNN)

2. pounding rain

“pounding rain”指由暴风雨或台风等引起的大雨,声音比家中播放的电视或音乐还要大,且令人感觉不安

The pounding rain on the roof makes it sound like the roof is about to cave in.


3. excessive rain


Flash floods, landslides, infrastructure destruction, water contamination are all possible consequence of excessive rain. (NBC)

Excessive rain will cause a variety of problems for producers. (IFAS Extension, University of Florida)

4. pouring rain

“pouring rain”就是中文中所说的“倾盆大雨”了,主要指整个降雨期间,强度基本保持不变。人在这种强度的雨中,无法撑起雨伞。

I was held up in my office for nearly two hours. It seemed like this pouring rain wanted to keep us here all night.

Shoppers were forced to evacuate into the pouring rain on Monday afternoon when the alarms sounded. (worldhippo)

5. strong rain

“strong rain”指大暴雨, 尤指重重敲击屋顶的大雨。这种大暴雨会给损害基础设施。人若在雨中行走,会感觉皮肤刺痛。不过,这种表达在英文中使用频率并不高,常用heavy rain代替了。

The strong rains over the weekend ruined my backyard garden, so I’ll have to replant all of my flowers.

6. torrential

“torrential rain”也可译为“倾盆大雨”,但如该词的torrent所暗示的那样,这种大雨是奔流的,急流的,倾泻的,常由暴风或台风所引起,指在相当长的一段时间内的强降雨。这种大雨强度大,速度急,会使地面各种建筑、物体等在几秒钟内迅速被浸透。

It goes without saying that the brunch is canceled. The weather report predicted torrential rains, and we don’t want to be caught in that.

Torrential rain has destroyed crops and delayed the planting of corn of soybeans, costing farmers billions, claiming lives and destroying livelihoods. (NBC)

7. violent rain

“violent rain”具有毁灭性的后果,它会毁坏各种建筑和基础设施,导致房屋漏水和破损等,还会造成洪水爆发,人畜伤亡。

The violent rains on Tuesday were the worst I’ve seen in my 15 years of living in this city.


8. downpour


Heavy downpours have become more common since the middle of the last century, when global warming started to intensify. (NBC)

Heavy downpours can devastate communities, disrupt agriculture and contribute to road accidents and other problems. (NBC)

9. rain hard


Because it started raining hard, we played indoors.

(P.S. 本文中所有图片均来自百度图片)
